"Although I didn't bring any salt with me, this tastes really good~"

Zhao Lu put out the fire, drank some water, and prepared to leave.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that there was movement not far away!


Zhao Lu frowned.

That kind of movement is very much like someone is walking this way.

There are many birds and insects in the tropical rain forest. These birds and insects will keep chirping at ordinary times. However, when someone comes, they suddenly stop chirping, and some even fly directly.

So the movement is still quite obvious.

"Like someone……"

Just as Zhao Lu frowned in confusion, she saw two people quickly walking out of the dense forest.

After seeing Zhao Lu, the two were all"stupefied" for a moment, then stopped and looked at Zhao Lu very cautiously.


Hello , friend.

We just happened to pass by. We'll take our leave now!

Xia Xiao clasped his fist towards Zhao Lu, then turned and left.

Wei Mingliang, who was with him, smiled at Zhao Lu kindly, then followed him.


Zhao Lu didn't say anything, but kept looking at the two people.

He felt that there was something wrong with the two people. Some of their expressions were too exaggerated and deliberate, like two actors whose acting skills were not particularly good.

"Are these two people lying to me?

They already knew there was someone here?"

This thought suddenly popped up in Zhao Lu's mind.

Then he began to frown and speculate on the possibility of this situation.

"Do they have any motive to lie to me?

Yes, after all, the fewer contestants the better.

Why would they lie to me?

Take me to a very dangerous place and let me be eliminated?

If they were really just passing by, what would be the normal reaction?

This reaction seems to be quite normal...

So, do I have hostility towards them?"

When Zhao Lu was halfway through the speculation, he suddenly felt that there was no need to continue the speculation.

They were all contestants, and there was only one person who could get the final grand prize, so they were destined not to live in peace.

So, he decided to take action to get rid of them!

"It seems that you have some conspiracy waiting for me."

Zhao Lu smiled, then stood up and followed.

He was skilled and brave, so he was not afraid of these dangers.

Zhao Lu didn't run far before he caught up with Xia Xiao and the others.

Seeing this, Zhao Lu felt that these two people were deliberately seducing him.

""Friend, we don't know each other, why are you following us?"

Wei Mingliang saw Zhao Lu following him and started talking.

"Although we are both contestants and should be in a competitive relationship, we still have things to do, so friends, let's part ways now.~"


This kid is not leaving here, it's really a nuisance to us!"

Xia Xiao suddenly spoke up, seemingly very recklessly,"He will affect our hunting of the deer herd.……"

"Shut up!"

Wei Mingliang glared at Xia Xiao, then turned to Zhao Lu and smiled,"Friend, I wonder what you want to do?"

"Just like you guys, hunting~"

Zhao Lu smiled, looking very casual,"What? You guys are not leaving?

I am also hunting here~"


Xia Xiao was furious when he heard this, and took a step forward, raised his fist, as if he wanted to hit someone.


However, just when Xia Xiao was about to hit someone, Wei Mingliang suddenly reached out to stop him.

"Don't break the rules!"

Xia Xiao still wanted to struggle, but after seeing Wei Mingliang's eyes, he finally stopped what he was doing.

He turned around and stared at Zhao Lu angrily.

"Friend, please do me a favor and change the place."

"not so good~"


Then let's go!"

Wei Mingliang snorted coldly, then waved to Xia Xiao.


We will……"

"Shut up!

Follow me!"

"Brother, you want……"

"Shut up!"

Wei Mingliang glared at Xia Xiao, then turned and walked away.

Seeing this, Xia Xiao quickly covered her mouth and quickly followed.

Zhao Lu was stunned watching from behind.

"The acting skills of these two people are too good! ?

Even if they are eliminated in the future, they can still make some money by being a supporting actor!"

He sighed silently, and then Zhao Lu followed with a smile on her face.


"Old Wei, he caught up!"

Xia Xiao smiled wickedly, glanced at Zhao Lu out of the corner of his eyes, and then whispered to Wei Mingliang:"According to the plan!"


Wei Mingliang said softly, then turned to look at Zhao Lu and spoke very impolitely

"Friend, what do you mean by this?"

"No meaning, just on the way~"


Don't think we don't know what you're thinking. You just want to follow us and snatch our prey, don't you?"

Wei Mingliang sneered, and then glared at Xia Xiao again,"It's all your fault, you're so big-mouthed!"

"Big brother!"

"Well, since he knows, let him know~

It doesn't matter anyway~"

After that, Wei Mingliang looked at Zhao Lu again,"Let's act separately. He is alone, which means he can only chase one of us.

Then that person will lead him around in circles, and the other person will go to the destination to catch the prey!"

"" Brother, your method is really good!"

Xia Xiao responded with a look of surprise, then turned to Zhao Lu and snorted coldly,"Boy, just wait for me!"

After that, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction of Wei Mingliang.

"There are quite a few tricks~"

Zhao Lu almost laughed when she saw this.

However, he did not expose her, and followed Xia Xiao and left quickly.

After Zhao Lu's figure gradually disappeared, Wei Ming's body also stopped.

He turned his head and looked in the direction where Zhao Lu disappeared, sneering continuously.

"Boy, we will gladly accept your stuff!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran towards his shelter.


"Follow me?

You'll have fun!"

Xia Xiao looked back at Zhao Lu, then sneered in his heart, and then he sped up a bit.

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