Zhao Lu was not in a hurry.

The program group stipulated that people could not be eliminated directly by force, so the other party must have used external force.

"How will they eliminate me?"

Zhao Lu suddenly became curious.

There are many ways to eliminate people, and he really didn't know what method the other party would use.

However, he had already begun to be alert, constantly observing the surroundings, looking for any possible ambush.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he found something wrong.

"This terrain... is weird.……"

Zhao Lu frowned. The terrain here was lower, and there were fewer trees and plants.

Even the birdsong that was common in the rainforest gradually became less frequent.

"It's a bit like... a swamp?"

Zhao Lu roughly understood what the two men meant. They wanted to lead him into the swamp and then let him admit defeat.

After thinking of this, he began to carefully observe the surrounding terrain.


"It's almost time!"

Xia Xiao kept sneering in his heart.

He had no grudge against Zhao Lu, and he didn't even know her name.

But there was a conflict of interest - all contestants had to be eliminated before he could get the biggest prize!

So, he had to eliminate Zhao Lu.

Although this method was a bit cruel

"I hope your luck will be better~

Fall in a place with less water.

And don't run into any strange animals, like snakes...

If you choose to ask for help earlier and don't struggle, you may be rescued.

This is a swamp!

If you run into piranhas in deep water, it will be terrible!

It's a pity for the knife on him.

I guess he will fall into the swamp and can't get out."

Xia Xiao thought so in his heart, but his face showed a very annoyed look. He deliberately turned his head to look at Zhao Lu, and then pretended to be angry and cursed:"Asshole!

Why do you keep following us! ?

I advise you to leave quickly, don't force me to turn against you!"


Falling out?

The production crew doesn't allow fighting~

Do you want to hit me?"


Xia Xiao cursed, then sped up sharply, cursing loudly at the same time.

"I fuck you!

You idiot! What else can you do except robbing others of their hard work!

You wimp!

You trash! You garbage!"


Zhao Lu couldn't help but sneer twice as she listened to the other party's abuse.

"Is this the legendary trash talk time?

Unfortunately, it's not very good~"

Zhao Lu understood that they were almost at their destination, so he cursed like this.

So, he began to carefully look for traces of the swamp.

"Found it!"

Not long after, Zhao Lu found what he wanted.

"This swamp is really big~"

Zhao Lu did not make a sound, but used his ability to analyze the approximate scope of the swamp.

After determining the approximate scope, he began to look for the"point of force" in the swamp.

Since Xia Xiao led him to this place, there must be some magical things that can help him escape.

The next moment, he saw something that the other party could use to gain leverage.

It was a row of wooden boards.

However, after seeing those wooden boards, Zhao Lu was stunned again.

"It's such an obvious thing, why do you think I will follow you?"

Zhao Lu was very surprised.

Even if someone couldn't see that there was a swamp in front of him, he wouldn't chase someone who was running away on wooden boards, right?

These things are slow to say, but in fact, they are what Zhao Lu thought of in an instant.

When he figured it all out, Xia Xiao had just arrived not far from the swamp and had already raised his foot to rush towards the wooden boards.

"Although I don't know what you want, I can make you helpless."

Zhao Lu thought so, then raised her foot and hooked a stone beside her feet into the air, grabbed it, and looked at Xia Xiao coldly.

"Hahaha~ I think you have discovered something~

Unfortunately it is too late!"

Xia Xiao laughed, jumping on the wooden planks and taking out a stone from his pocket.

After he stepped on the wooden planks, they gradually fell into the swamp.

"You just wait to be eliminated!"

Xia Xiao said, and threw the stone in his hand.

The stone flew rapidly in the air and finally hit the bushes not far from the swamp.

Then countless wasps suddenly flew out of the bushes, spun in the air, and rushed towards Zhao Lu.

Xia Xiao continued to laugh while running away on the wooden board.

"So that's it~"

Zhao Lu looked at Honey not far away and couldn't help but sneered.

"It seems that these two people have planned ahead of time, waiting for me to fall into the trap?"

Zhao Lu casually threw the stone in his hand and smashed it on the wooden board in front of Xia Xiao. With a"snap", the wooden board was smashed directly into the swamp.

Seeing Xia Xiao suddenly stop and look at the wooden board in front of him in confusion, Zhao Lu almost laughed out loud.

""Hahaha~ Brother~

Enjoy the swamp~"

Zhao Lu said, and turned around and ran.

These wasps are no joke!

Moreover, his position was not good, and there were swamps all around, which was not conducive to his battle.

If someone else came, he would definitely fall into the swamp after being stung by a wasp.

If he was unlucky and ran to the deep water, there might be piranhas and the like!

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!"

Xia Xiao looked at his feet that had sunk into the swamp, his face flushed with anger, and he pointed at Zhao Lu from a distance and started to curse loudly.

"I curse you, you won't get a penny!

I curse you, you will be stung to death by a wasp!"

Xia Xiao was horrified when he saw that he had sunk a little more because of his anger.

He stopped his action immediately and pressed the help button without hesitation.

Compared with money, he still cherished his life very much.




Wei Mingliang looked at the bracelet on his wrist and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The number on it just jumped and decreased by one.

He knew that this was a sign that Zhao Lu was eliminated!

"That's great~

One less competitor!

It's just a pity for his hatchet!"

Wei Mingliang shook his head. He had the same idea as Xia Xiao.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong. It was not Zhao Lu who was eliminated, but his companion Xia Xiao!

Moreover, Zhao Lu was coming to his shelter soon.

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