"Saw? And a hoe and an axe?

It's really amazing!"

Looking at the tools in the shelter, Zhao Lu sighed silently.

This thing is really what he needs now!

With a saw and an axe, he can build a house faster.

With this hoe, he can make a piece of arable land!

"I really don't know how many people these two bastards have eliminated.

No wonder they are so skilled in their business.……"

After silently complaining, Zhao Lu began to lightly order the goods.

"A hatchet, an axe, a saw, a hoe, a pot, and a sleeping bag.

Honey... This is about 3 pounds, right?

Not bad~

And the beehive hasn't been thrown away yet, that's great!

I've already turned the last beehive into beeswax, but it's still not enough, with this time it's much better.

There are almost 1 pound of wild vegetables...

This is rabbit meat, 2 pounds, smoked pretty good.

There are also two live pheasants, damn, one male and one female?

No wonder these two bastards keep them.

Some herbs, a total of one basket.

Some mushrooms and fungus.

Hmm? And bracken?

Not bad~"

After counting the harvest, Zhao Lu carried two large bamboo baskets and carried everything on his back.

Then, carrying the chicken coop, he walked towards his shelter with a relaxed pace.

"I was really lucky this time.

I got so many things without any effort."

Walking on the road, Zhao Lu sighed inexplicably.

He was really lucky this time. He got so many medicinal materials without any effort.

If he were to find so many and complete herbs by himself, it would probably take him three days.

This is still based on good luck. If he is unlucky, it is really hard to say how long it will take.


Just as Zhao Lu was happily walking towards the shelter, some controversy arose in the outside world.

The reason for this controversy was the way Zhao Lu eliminated Xia Xiao and the other two.

"The master is so amazing!

He can defeat these two players so easily!"

"This show is too cruel! ?

The contestants actually eliminated people in this way?"

"It was their own fault, right?

Didn't you see how those two bastards were trying to eliminate the master?"

"It's terrible!

This is a swamp!

These are poisonous insects!

What if something happens?

What if someone dies?!

Boycott this unscrupulous program!

Boycott this unscrupulous contestant!"

"These bastards deserved what happened!

Don't forget who made the first move!

Moreover, all contestants signed a death agreement before participating in the show!"

"I think the show is a good one, but the contestants are too unscrupulous!

Is this really okay?"


Although Zhao Lu did not see the controversy on the Internet, she could guess it.

After all, the most common people on the Internet are keyboard warriors.

"Maybe some people are saying that my method is too cruel."

Zhao Lu said to the camera while walking.

"To this, I said it was nonsense ~ because this is a deserted island, and this is a tropical rainforest full of dangers. No one knows what will happen in the next moment.

So before participating in the show, we had already signed an accidental death declaration.

As for what I just did ~ the first man in the swamp, I was acting in self-defense, right? The second one in the shelter, I didn’t do anything excessive ~

Maybe some people will say that those bugs are poisonous or something, but in fact, those bugs are not very poisonous. As long as he withdraws from the competition, the medical staff can easily rescue him.

Moreover, I will not offend others if they don’t offend me. If they didn’t use this method to mess with me, I would definitely not do this."

After explaining a few casually, Zhao Lu stopped talking about this topic and started talking about other things.

The reason why he explained it this way was just to"correct his attitude."

Otherwise, it is easy to be labeled as"cold-blooded" by netizens.

Although he doesn't care much, it is also a troublesome thing.

He is more afraid of trouble. He talked and walked all the way, and soon he returned to his shelter.

"Gou Kun, you are finally back!"

Chen Chen, who was busy in the yard, saw Zhao Lu coming back, threw away the wooden root in his hand, and ran towards Zhao Lu.

"Woohoo... I'm so worried about you, you know?……"

""Okay, okay~"

Zhao Lu saw Chen Chen rushing over, so she put the bamboo basket in front of her on the ground and hugged him.

"I'll be fine~

Look, I just eliminated two bastards and got a lot of loot~"

""Eh? You're not hurt, are you?"

Chen Chen was stunned when she heard that.

She was wondering why Zhao Lu carried one bamboo basket when he went out, but two when he came back.

When she heard that he had met other contestants, she panicked.

Then she broke free from Zhao Lu's arms and began to walk around him, looking left and right, but she didn't find any injuries.

Finally, she noticed the two chickens on the ground.

"Fortunately, fortunately, no one was hurt."

Although she said this, her eyes were already attracted by the two chickens and the eggs in the chicken coop.


A slight sound came from Chen Chen's stomach, and the atmosphere around him suddenly became tense.


"Didn't you have lunch at noon?"

Zhao Lu frowned, then took her things and walked to the yard.

She didn't put away her things, but washed her hands first to prepare for dinner.

"I ate~ I ate~"

Chen Chen looked a little embarrassed,"I just ate a little bit……"


Zhao Lu took a look inside the shelter and said nothing more.

He found that all the food was there.

Chen Chen obviously hadn't eaten.

As for why he hadn't eaten... it was obvious that he was waiting for him...

This touched him, but also made him feel a little embarrassed.

"I just ate a little bit~

Let's have another meal~"


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