Zhao Lu's cooking skills were naturally impeccable.

Soon, she used up all the two kilograms of smoked rabbit meat she had just obtained.

She added some mushrooms and wild vegetables to make two dishes.

One was fried rabbit with mushrooms, and the other was stewed rabbit with wild vegetables.

"Come, try the casserole dish.

I put a little bit of chili in it. Zhao Lu brought the casserole to the table.

There were a few red chili peppers floating in the steaming casserole.

And the top was sprinkled with green coriander, which was very tempting just by looking at it!


It smells so good~"

Chen Chen picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, chewing hard.


The taste is just right!

The meat is so fragrant and the spiciness is so refreshing!"

Chen Chen quickly broke off a small piece of toasted breadfruit and put it in his mouth to eat together.

This time he didn't cook rice, and the staple food was toasted breadfruit.

After all, rice is more durable than those picked breadfruits.

""It's good to have enough seasoning~"

Zhao Lu also sighed.

Today, they have abundant resources.

In fact, they can just grind the sesame seeds into sesame paste and eat hot pot!

"The place is a little small……"

Zhao Lu sighed again.

They have a lot of things now, but the place is too small. If they hadn't put all the firewood, pottery, tiles and other things under the shed on the stone platform, their house would really be full!

"It's just right, now I have more tools, I can build the house faster."

After dinner, Zhao Lu continued to dig holes and insert wood.

It has been raining these days, and the ground is relatively wet, so it is easier to dig.

In addition, Zhao Lu got an axe and a saw, so his efficiency is very high today!

In just half an afternoon, Zhao Lu completed all the"big tree trunks inserted into the ground" tasks.

At present, 40 very large woods have been inserted into the foundation.

This is the main support of his"palace".

With these 40 giant trees, he will not be afraid of various risks!

"Wow! I'm really looking forward to the day when this palace is completed!"

Chen Chen looked at the magnificent building not far away and couldn't help but sigh at Zhao Lu's strength again.

"Brother~ you are really awesome!"


Zhao Lu smiled,"By the way, Mole~

You have to start pinching the pipes~"



Use clay to mold. I will teach you how to mold it later. I want to build a toilet.~"


So we will have toilets in the future! ?"

"Yes~ It's a huge toilet, you can not only take a shower, but also go to the toilet~"

"so good!"

"Of course~"

The two chatted while eating.

It seemed that after the"hunger" incident in the afternoon, the relationship between the two became better.


While Zhao Lu and her partner were having dinner, Mango TV's"Desert Island Survival" program started again.

The host Cao Bin was still wearing the same clothes and greeted the audience with a smile.

"Hello everyone, welcome to our desert island survival program!

I am the host Cao Bin.

Now, welcome to our guests for this episode!"

After that, Cao Bin introduced the old acquaintances again.

"This is our third episode.

9 days have passed, and there are still 410 contestants left!

On average, 10 contestants are eliminated every day!

These are all carefully selected by the program team!

This shows how difficult our program is!

However, it is foreseeable that the next program will become more cruel.

More and more people will be eliminated.

Because the resources released in advance by the program team have basically been exhausted. Now it all depends on the contestants' own efforts.

Here, I hope all the contestants can cheer up and stick to the end!

A lot of things have happened recently, and one of them happened this afternoon, which caused a huge response.

I believe that many audience friends have seen it.

That is the action of contestant Zhao Lu when he eliminated contestant Wei Mingliang!

He used a lot of poisonous insects to eliminate the opponent!

Here, I want to point out that this is completely in line with the regulations.

At the beginning of our program, these possible things have been written into the contract.

Our medical staff are all professional and will be on call 24 hours a day.

So far, 90 people have been eliminated, and no one has suffered major casualties!

The several contestants who were poisoned are now out of danger and have no sequelae.

Even Wei Mingliang, who was bitten by a poisonous insect, is no longer in any serious condition.

So please watch our show with reason.

Okay, now let's look at the big screen to see how the current contestants are doing. As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, the camera switched to the big screen. What was displayed on the big screen at this moment was the popularity list of the show!

However, the popularity list at this moment was a little unusual.


Look everyone!

Today's popularity list has changed!

Zhao Lu, who has been ranked first for ten thousand years, has been squeezed to second place!

And the first place has become contestant Xiang Mo!

Although contestant Xiang Mo's popularity has always been high, it is still a little behind Zhao Lu's popularity.

If this happens, it means that there must be something special happening to contestant Xiang Mo!

Next, let's take a look at what contestant Xiang Mo is going through at this moment!"


Xiang Mo was very angry at the moment because she was being targeted!

"Girl, do you need help?"

Xiang Mo looked at the man in front of her with his big yellow teeth bared and a lewd look on his face, and her heart was filled with anger.

"No need!"

Xiang Mo snorted coldly, and then continued to move forward.

At 8 o'clock, the rainforest was completely dark.

Because most of the trees in the rainforest are broad-leaved plants, and they are very lush, they always cover the sky completely.

In addition, it was raining today, and there was no moonlight or starlight.

Therefore, Xiang Mo could only walk in the dark rainforest.

Listening to the constant chirping of insects and frogs around him, Xiang Mo's heart was filled with panic and fear.


What should I do?���Do it!"

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