"Are you ready? It's going to be hot."

"Let's... turn off the camera...

Let's go inside the shelter...

I don't like it being too bright.……"


"You...you turn around... don't peek!"

"Why should I be shy about this?

It's not like I haven't seen your bra before."

"I do not care!"

"Good good good~"

"I never thought that this would be my first time in this place...

Oh my!

I'm so shy!

Was I a little careless ?……"

"It doesn’t matter, we are all adults and you are free to do whatever you want!"

"But I don't have any experience...

I'm afraid……"


Don't talk, it will ruin the atmosphere.

And sometimes, it's good to have no experience"

"Is that so?"

"Of course!

Hurry up, time waits for no one, we don’t have much time, quick and decisive!"

"Well... well... how do we do it?……"

"Lie on the ground like a cat and start to meow~"

"Meow meow meow meow together?"

"Don't be naughty, start to imitate the cat's meow, and then lure the kitten to the toilet!"

In the dark shelter.

Chen Chen was lying on the ground, imitating the cat's meow to"teach" Xiao Chan to go to the toilet.

And the"student" Xiao Chan was squatting on the ground, wagging his tail and looking at Chen Chen lazily. He was not moved at all.

""Meow meow meow?

Come on~

Sister will teach you how to use the toilet~"

Zhao Lu almost laughed out loud at Chen Chen's stupid look.

In order to hold back his laughter, he could only change the subject.

"Would it be inappropriate to use your bra as a cat bed for your kitten?"

"It doesn't matter, wait for a while, when the weather is clear, go cut some glue and make one.~"

"You are really good to this little greedy cat~"


I like this kitten~

By the way, how about you show me how to do it?

I really have no experience, it’s my first time, so I might not do it well...

You see, it ignores me.

Besides, it feels so embarrassing!"


It doesn't matter, haven't we turned off the cameras?~"

"Well... okay then"

"In fact, I still really want to know, what should I do to make this little greedy cat stay completely?"

"This is a very difficult question. I don't have a correct answer. It depends on you.

In short, theoretically speaking, the cat will definitely leave after the injury heals."

"Oh well……"

Chen Chen nodded, and then began to make a nest and toilet for Xiaochan, and then taught it to go to the toilet.

Seeing Chen Chen lying on the ground foolishly to teach the kitten to go to the toilet, Zhao Lu really wanted to laugh.

Of course, you don't have to do this to teach a kitten to go to the toilet!

This trick was just something Zhao Lu said casually, but unexpectedly, this idiot actually believed it.

"How silly~"

Zhao Lu smiled and shook her head, without exposing her own lies.

She turned around and walked towards the"construction site"

"Just let her play with the cat here.……"

Although this cat is indeed quite fierce, it is now injured and its attack power will not be too high.

That is why Zhao Lu is so relieved.


While Chen Chen was playing with the cat in the shelter,

Zhao Han also set out.

His shelter was splattered with blood by Mo Xi, and was filled with a strong smell of blood. He didn't dare to live here any longer.

So he packed up his things, put them on his back and went out.

Because of his hatred for Mo Xi and Mo, he was now heading towards the shelter of Mo Xi and Mo Xiang.

He wanted revenge!


Wait, wait until I knock down your shelter!"

Zhao Han said viciously.

His wilderness survival ability is relatively stronger, and he can shuttle through the rainforest without marking.

Therefore, for him, Mo Xi and Xiang Mo's shelter is still very easy to find.

What's more, he has been here before.

So, not long after, Zhao Han appeared not far from the shelter of the two.

Looking at the two people who were roasting rabbits in the shelter, Zhao Han was filled with anger.

""You two bastards!

You just wait!"

According to the program rules, he cannot enter the other party's shelter without an invitation.

And he cannot destroy their shelter if they are protecting everyone.

In addition, he has no living animals in his hands now, so for a moment, he really doesn't know how to retaliate.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Han planned to catch a small animal first and bleed it in the other party's shelter.

Blood for blood!

"Anyway, it's still early before nightfall, and I still have time."

After muttering to himself, Zhao Han started to look for them.

There are many small animals in the tropical rainforest, although many of these small animals do not move during the day.

But some can still be caught during the day.

For example, birds.

In the tropical rainforest, a"bird granary" with countless insects, it is obviously very difficult to catch birds with bait and traps.

The main reason is not because there are too many insects and birds are not easy to take the bait.

It is because there are more insects here. After putting the bait on, it is very likely that the bird will be eaten by the insects before it comes.

Although it is difficult, there is still hope.

When other small animals could not be caught, Zhao Han planned to make a few more traps and try his luck.

Traps for catching birds in the wild are easy to make.

First, dig a deeper square pit, and then insert a thicker one next to the pit."Y"Find another piece of wood that can be placed"Y"Nail the wooden stick on the U-shaped wood with wooden nails.

After that, make a thin wooden board that is slightly smaller than the hole, make a hole in the middle of the board, pass a thin rattan through it, and tie a knot.

Tie the other end of the thin rattan to the wooden stick, and tie a large stone to the other end of the stick with the thin rattan, making the stone end slightly heavier.

Finally, nail thin wooden sticks on the four sides of the trap hole, so that these sticks can hold the wooden board and prevent it from being lifted up by the stone.

Use stones to test the load-bearing capacity of the wooden board, then improve it, and put bait on it, and the trap is complete.

As long as a slightly heavier bird eats the bait, it will fall directly down.

Zhao Han set up several traps in succession, and did not stop until it was almost dark.


Let me go and see what I can harvest~

There are so many traps, I should be able to win one, right?"

Zhao Han's eyes were full of hatred.


Just as Zhao Han was walking towards his trap, a bald man appeared next to one of his traps.


It seems that your gentle and lovely Mr. Liu is lucky!"

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