Liu Deli was very happy today.

He didn't expect that his luck would be so good this day!

Originally, he had planned to go back, but what he didn't expect was that before he left, he found a trap made by another contestant!

This really made him very happy.

On such a deserted island, other people's traps are no different from your own traps.

Whoever catches the prey in the trap first, then the trap belongs to him.

And coincidentally, there happened to be a wild bird in the trap he found!

"Your gentle and lovely Mr. Liu can eat meat tonight!

Remember our guessing game?

If Mr. Liu can't eat meat tonight, then I will teach you how to eat trees!

But, Mr. Liu is going to eat meat tonight, don't you guys give him some tips?"

Liu Deli smiled obscenely.

He touched his almost bald head and began to look for vines to tie wild birds.


Just as he was looking for the cane, a voice suddenly sounded, followed by a big yellow tooth...

Oh, a wretched man jumped out from not far away.

"What are you doing?

I dug the trap and the bird is mine!

Are you stealing my things?"

"Hehe~ my friend~ don't say these useless nonsense, on a deserted island, whoever grabs the resources will own them!

This bird is mine now, come and grab it if you have the guts~"


Zhao Han was furious when he heard this.

He felt that he was having a very bad day today and nothing he could do was right.

But he had no choice. Even if he was very angry, he couldn't just go up and rob! After taking a few long breaths and taking a few deep breaths, Zhao Han finally recovered from his anger.

"My friend, in that case, I won't say anything.

However, I dug the trap, so even if I don't have any credit, I have worked hard, right?

So, can you give me the bird blood?"

"You want to hurt people!"

Liu Deli shouted angrily with a righteous look on his face,"How could I allow such a thing to happen in front of me?"


Zhao Han clenched his teeth, and felt a pain in his balls. He knew the other party's little thoughts very well, wasn't it just for benefits!

But, the other party stole his bird and still wanted benefits from him, this... is too infuriating! ?

"For revenge, I endured it!"

Zhao Han gritted his teeth.

There was no other way. There were so many traps, and only this one had something. He could only do this.

"Okay, I have a custard apple here as compensation for you!"


Why do I need a monk?

How about you give me two nuns?"

A cunning smile flashed in Liu Laoshi's eyes.

Of course he knew what Sakya was.

"Your sister's nun!"

Zhao Han almost vomited blood

"Sugar apple is a fruit, scientifically known as Annona custardii, very delicious~"



You want to get rid of me with just a lychee?"

"Sugar apple, sugar apple!

Very big!"

"Foreign products are better and bigger?

Just adding the word"foreign" makes them great?


I want to support domestic products. One"sugar apple" is not enough, we need to add the word"domestic products"!"

""Fuck you!"

Zhao Han was about to vomit blood.

"How did I run into such a scoundrel! ?"

But there was nothing he could do. Although he was very angry, he was already so overwhelmed by hatred that he didn't care about anything else.

"Can I add a handful of bracken?

Is this considered a Chinese product?"

"That's fine~deal!"

Liu Deli nodded with satisfaction.

"Give me a container and I'll give you blood!"


Zhao Han nodded, then quickly took out a bamboo tube, and then took out the things he had just promised.

The two exchanged blood on one hand and delivered the goods on the other, completing the PY transaction.


Good luck to you~"

Liu Deli said with a smile, then turned and left.

Just looking at his brisk steps, you can tell that he is in a very good mood.

"Hey guys!

Today, Liu Laoshi will tell you an idiom.

It is called"No venture, no gain!"

Do you understand the meaning of this idiom?

I think you definitely don't understand.

But after I finish singing this song, you will understand."

As he said this, Liu Deli cleared his throat and began to sing.

"The young monk went down the mountain to beg for food.

The old monk told him that the women down the mountain were tigers. He must avoid them if he saw them.

He walked through village after village.

The young monk wondered why tigers didn't eat people.

They looked cute.

Hey! Bazhahei!

Do you understand?


Listening to the song that was fading away, Zhao Han inexplicably had some new feelings.

"The classic old song is still good~

So this is what it means to go without risking anything.……"

After thinking for a while, he packed up his things and started walking towards Xiang Mo's shelter.

He couldn't help humming a ballad.

"There is a girl in the village named Xiaofang~

She is pretty~ kind~

She has a pair of beautiful big eyes~

Her braids are thick and long~

Hum~ Hum~"

Soon, they arrived not far from Xiang Mo's shelter.

Humming along the way, his mood became much better.

However, after seeing Xiang Mo and the others, his mood instantly deteriorated.

Especially after seeing what they were doing


They are making lime water!?"

Zhao Han was stunned.

Zhao Han was furious!

"How could they have lime?

With this thing, the smell of blood can be covered up, so why did I work so hard to get all this blood?

Zhao Han was really going crazy.

All the blows he suffered today were superimposed on each other at this moment, causing critical damage to him.

But what could he do?


He gave Xiang Mo and the other two a fierce look, then turned and left.


""Xiao Xixi, you are so good! You actually know where to find lime!"

Xiang Mo looked at Mo Xi with admiration. She really admired her now.

Although she didn't talk much, she was very reliable!

"I was originally worried about the revenge of that big yellow tooth, but now I don't have to be afraid!


As long as he doesn't have any new tricks, then he is a scumbag!"


Mo Xi nodded, and continued to stir the lime water expressionlessly.


"Our sister Xi is really aloof!

But sister Xi is really reliable!

I really want to be whipped by sister Xi!"

"Although Sister Xi is aloof, she is really beautiful!

On a deserted island, without PS or makeup, she can still be so beautiful. I really want to be scolded by her!"

"If Sister Xi could smile at me, I would be willing to shorten my life!"

"Oh my god! Is this a gathering place for perverts?

I don't know why, but I suddenly want to hear Sister Xi scolding people.……"


While Mo Xi's live broadcast room was in chaos, Zhao Lu and Chen Chen's live broadcast room was completely blown up.

Moreover, it was not only their live broadcast room that was blown up.

Even the people in the program team went crazy!

"Crazy! Crazy! There was an accident!"

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