
Xiang Mo shouted for help immediately.

After shouting, he turned to the camera and shouted loudly.

"Someone come quickly!

There is a crazy person here!"

"You can shout!

Even if you shout your throat out, no one will pay attention to you!"

Zhao Han's eyes were full of anger and hatred,"But don't worry, I won't kill anyone!

However, I will scratch your face!

In this way, I will only be charged with intentional injury and will be sentenced to a few years in prison, and you, hehe~ will enjoy a lifetime of pain!"


Zhao Han swung his knife again regardless.


However, this time he encountered resistance.

A hatchet was placed in front of him, blocking his hatchet.

""Mo Xi, you're just in time!

I can scratch your face first!"

Zhao Han swung his knife towards Mo Xi again.


This time, Mo Xi didn't block it and was almost hit in the face by the opponent's hatchet.

Fortunately, he dodged at the critical moment, and only a strand of hair was cut off in the end, otherwise he would have been really disfigured.

However, after seeing that he had gained something, Zhao Han's expression became even more crazy.


I will shave you all bald!"

As he said this, he swung his knife again.

""Xiao Xixi!"

Xiang Mo exclaimed, and then quickly lowered her head to search on the ground.

After a moment, she chose a big stone, picked it up and rushed towards Zhao Han.

"I'll smash you to death!"

Xiang Mo roared and threw the big stone in his hand.

But because he was too weak and the stone was too big, his speed was not fast enough and Zhao Han dodged it directly.

"With your little strength, you still want to hit me?


Zhao Han snorted coldly, and then continued to attack Mo Xi.


"Crazy, crazy!"

"Zhao Han is really crazy!"

"Is this crazy?!

He must go to jail! Sentenced!

He must be sentenced!"

"The program team, come and save us!"

Zhao Han, Xiang Mo and Mo Xi's live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Countless comments filled the screen.

The popularity of the three people's live broadcast room exploded instantly.

At the same time, related articles about this major event began to appear in major media.



Mo Xi once again blocked Zhao Han with the hatchet.

She originally wanted to counterattack, but because Zhao Han was stronger, she never had the chance to do so.

As a result, she was suppressed there.

However, although Mo Xi was in a very dangerous state, there was still no expression on her face. It was as if she would not be afraid even if there were really criminals who wanted to kill her.

This state of calmness also stimulated Zhao Han.

"Mo Xi, you are really good at pretending!

At this moment, you can still pretend, I am really impressed!"

Zhao Han's eyes glared fiercely, and his attack became more fierce in an instant.

"I don't believe that you can still pretend when I cut your face!"

After saying that, Zhao Han chopped again.


This knife was blocked by Mo Xi's hatchet again.


Just when Zhao Han was about to attack again, he suddenly heard a very strange roar from behind him.

It sounded like the roar of a toad, but it was hoarse and rapid.

So he quickly took a step back and turned his head to look over.

Not far from them, a honey badger was passing by.

The honey badger was looking at them very vigilantly and baring its teeth and roaring at them.


It turned out to be a honey badger~"

Zhao Han was relieved when he saw this. He picked up the hatchet, pointed at the honey badger and said angrily:"Little thing, don't make trouble, or I will chop you up and eat your meat!"

After that, he continued to attack.

However, before he could swing the hatchet, he felt a pain in his calf, and at the same time, a strong force pulled his calf violently.


Zhao Han cried out miserably and looked down quickly.

The result was that he was instantly furious.

A piece of flesh had been bitten off by a honey badger on his calf!

It was bleeding continuously!

""You beast! I'll chop you up!"

The honey badger took a bite and ran away with the meat in its mouth.

Zhao Han, who had a leg injury, couldn't catch up with it.

He could only watch the honey badger run away triumphantly.


Didn’t I just scold you?

Is that a big deal?

Is that a big deal?"

Zhao Han felt like he was going crazy.

He had suffered too many blows in the past two days!


Big Yellow Teeth, you have come to this day too!

Have you forgotten that the Flathead Brother will always take revenge and never wait!"Xiang

Mo burst into laughter when he saw Zhao Han sitting on the ground with his hands covering his legs.


That flat-headed brother is really my benefactor!

Next time we meet, I will definitely give it meat to eat!

It must be much more delicious than someone else's stinky meat!"

""Xiang Mo, I'll chop you up!"

Zhao Han was furious when he heard this. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He jumped on one leg and wanted to chop him.

But his legs were inconvenient.

This state did not pose any danger to Xiang Mo at all.

Just when he was about to do something, the sound of a helicopter suddenly came from the sky.

Zhao Han sat down on the ground in despair.

"It's over.

I'm completely finished this time!"

This was the last thought in his mind before he was taken away by the staff who descended from the sky.

However, just as he was about to get on the helicopter, this thought suddenly fermented and turned into a strong hatred for the honey badger.

He directly transferred all the hatred he had for other people in the past two days to the honey badger.

"Damn honey badger!

I will eat all the honey badgers in the world when I get out!"

"Shut up!

You rubbish, get out of jail first!"

The staff pushed Zhao Han hard and subdued the thug completely.


In the live broadcast room, countless comments were expressing congratulations.

Many people also praised the flat-headed brother and praised Mo Xi for his calmness.

Although no one could have guessed that this first violent incident would end so ridiculously because of a honey badger.

But, all in all, the ending is still good.



Xiang Mo couldn't help but jump for joy as he watched the helicopter gradually go away.

"This bastard is finally going to be punished by law!

I hope he can stay in jail for a while longer!"

Xiang Mo walked towards Mo Xi excitedly.

However, at this moment, Mo Xi suddenly fainted.

He fell straight down.

"Mo Xi!!"

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