
"What happened to Mo Xi?

Why did she suddenly faint?"

"As far as I can remember, neither of them seemed to be injured!

What on earth is going on?

How could such a thing happen?!"


I watched the whole thing, Zhao Han definitely didn't hit them.

Apart from losing a few hairs, there was no other damage at all, how could he suddenly faint?"

"Could it be that Zhao Han is an internal martial arts master?!

Are you kidding me?!

What on earth happened?"

"Oh my god! I hope nothing serious has happened!

Please don't let Mo Xi be eliminated!"


Mo Xi performed very well in the previous battle.

This expressionless but extremely brave girl has won the recognition and favor of countless people.

So, after seeing Mo Xi fainted, everyone panicked.

They couldn't understand why a person who was obviously not injured fainted?

Xiang Mo couldn't understand it either.

Why did a healthy person faint?

""Mo Xi! Mo Xi!

Little Xixi!

What happened to you!?"

Xiang Mo was about to cry.

First he ran into a scoundrel, and then his good sister fainted.

What was going on?

"Mo Xi! Mo Xi!"

Xiang Mo shook Mo Xi's body, then pinched her philtrum, but Mo Xi didn't react at all.

""Mo Xi!

What happened to you?"

Xiang Mo was very panicked and tangled at the moment.

She wanted to ask for help directly and let the staff take Mo Xi away for rescue.

But she also wanted to wait and see if Mo Xi would wake up.

After all, in her impression, Mo Xi was not injured.

Moreover, Mo Xi still took this game very seriously and would never want to withdraw from the competition.

"What should I do?"

Just when Xiang Mo was a little panicked and didn't know what to do, she suddenly felt something unusual.

She found that there was a pool of blood on the ground!

And this blood actually came from Mo Xi's body!

At this moment, Mo Xi's pants were completely red.


Xiang Mo panicked when he saw this.

"Why is she bleeding?

Why is she bleeding?

Pregnancy? Miscarriage?"

For some reason, Xiang Mo suddenly thought of the scene in the melodramatic TV series.

"What should I do?!"

Although Xiang Mo already knew how Mo Xi fainted, there was still a question that troubled her - should she ask for help?

"Forget it, it's already like this, why bother participating in a show like that!"

Xiang Mo finally figured it out, and quickly reached out to touch Mo Xi's bracelet, wanting to help her press the help button.

However, at this moment, Mo Xi suddenly woke up.

Then he shook his arm vigorously, leaving Xiang Mo with an empty space.

"Xiao Xixi!

Are you awake?!"

Xiang Mo called out in surprise, and then continued to reach out to grab the other's bracelet.

"Hurry up, listen, go to the hospital and get some treatment!

You've lost so much blood, if you don't get some treatment, something bad will happen!"

"No... no need……"

Mo Xi gritted his teeth and pushed Mo with all his strength.

"I'm having my period, it's no big deal"


Xiang Mo was stunned when he heard this.


Will I faint when my period comes?!"

"It's caused by heavy bleeding and low blood sugar.

It's not a big problem, just let me rest for a while."

Mo Xi sat up slowly, took out the bamboo water bottle he brought with him expressionlessly, opened it and took a sip.

"Well... okay then……"

Seeing this, Xiang Mo no longer insisted, but stayed beside Mo Xi, sitting quietly.


"Oh my god!

My period is coming! ?"

"I never thought that I would faint during my period?"

"This is true. I am a girl and I almost fainted once when I had my period.

Fortunately, I sat on the ground and rested for a while, otherwise I would have been embarrassed."

"Oh my God, the goddess has lost so much blood, she will become a moving target... and her body is so weak, I'm afraid she will be eliminated?"

"I feel like Xixi goddess might be eliminated...


It's really a pain for girls to participate in this show!

It feels like I'm done for once my period comes"


In the live broadcast room, countless comments were expressing their pity for Mo Xi.

In everyone's opinion, after such an incident, Mo Xi would most likely be eliminated.

Even Mo Xi's companion, Xiang Mo, thought so.


Why don't you just quit?

I feel like it's very difficult for you now...

Health is the most important thing. Without it, no matter how much money you have, it's useless.……"


Mo Xi shook his head stubbornly, then slowly stood up.

"Let's get out of here quickly and go to the water. I need to clean up the blood."

"All right……"

Xiang Mo had no choice but to nod in agreement.


"So strong!……"

"My goddess Xixi is really strong!

Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a strong character!"

"Oh~ If it were me, I would definitely quit, right?"

"Although I admire this spirit, it is better to quit. After all, health is the most important thing!"

"It really feels like a pity ~

I feel like I'm being forced to withdraw from the competition!"


While Mo Xi's live broadcast room was full of praise and regret,

Liu Deli's live broadcast room was full of curses and contempt.

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"You old thief!

I never thought you were such a person!"

"Mr. Liu, you are worthy of being the most vulgar and weird Mr. Liu!"

"Oh, the master has a really good temper.

If I met such a shameless guy on a deserted island, I would definitely beat him out!"

"How shameless!

Really too shameless!

Have you noticed that the way Xiaomao Xiaochan looks at Liu Laoshi has changed?"

"Liu Deli: Hehehe~ I am your gentle and lovely Mr. Liu, I am a good person.

Liu Deli: I am ashamed to have the same name as you!"

"Liu Deli: I am ashamed to have the same name as you!"

"Liu Deli: I am ashamed to have the same name as you!"

"I feel that after seeing this video, Colonel Liu will definitely cry...

Liu Laoshi is so embarrassing!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room complained about Liu Deli,

Liu Deli himself was like nothing happened. He touched his almost bald head and said to the camera with a smile:"Hehehe~

Friends, I am your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi.

Today I met a master!"

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