Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 714: All-round Great Magician

After these four dazzling light pillars of red, blue, cyan, and brown rose one after another, Yi Tianyun, the old man in the cloak, and the masked man were all shocked and speechless. ..

Fire, water, wind, and earth are the four basic elements, and the most people practice these four elements of magic.

But those who can reach the four elemental affinities are all excellent. Looking at the entire Holy Magnolia Empire, there is no second one!

Just when a few people were still in a daze.

A dazzling purple beam of light suddenly rose from the magic array and shot straight into the sky!


The old man in the cloak's eyes widened.

"This is a special element...the thunder element!"

The masked man's body trembled, and the arm holding the staff trembled slightly.

"Thunder...the affinity of the thunder element is excellent!"

Yi Tianyun murmured to himself, his voice trembling.

Thunder is a special element, and people who practice thunder magic are extremely rare because few people have a high affinity for the thunder element.

But every thunder magic is undoubtedly very powerful, and few people would provoke a thunder magician.

At this time, a bolt of lightning flashed through the air and fell here.

A middle-aged man in purple clothes appeared from it, with a sizzling arc of electricity on his body.

He stared intently at the purple beam of light and said, "Dean Yi, it's rare for a good youngster with excellent thunder element affinity to appear. How about I accept him as my disciple? The conditions are up to you!"

"Who did I know? It turned out to be the Lord of Thunder City."

Yi Tianyun glanced at the person who came, and said with an indifferent expression: "This is my apprentice, I'm afraid I can't give up my love."

"Dean Yi, this is a rare special element, the thunder element!"

The man in purple said proudly: "Who else can teach me besides me?"


Yi Tianyun was about to say something.

Suddenly, another thick black beam of light shot into the sky!

"Lord Thunder City, it seems there is more than one thunder element for special elements. Have you taught this too?"

The speaker was a masked man holding a staff.

"There is actually a dark element!"

The man in purple clothes stared at Jiang Chen and said with disbelief: "What kind of freak is this?!"

"Dark element affinity...excellent!"

Yi Tianyun took a deep breath and was already a little numb with shock.

At the same time, there were faint dark clouds pressing down on the horizon in the distance.

"It seems that it also attracted some evil spirits from the gutter."

The old man in the cloak looked up at the horizon, frowned and said, "I don't know if such a high affinity to the dark element is good or bad."

"As long as the user's heart is upright, even dark magic can be classified as the right way."

Saying that, Yi Tianyun glanced at the horizon and shouted coldly: "Hmph! If these little evil spirits dare to come even half a step closer to this place, they will be punished!"

I don't know if I heard his words or sensed the aura of a strong man who was more terrifying than the other. The dark clouds in the distant sky disappeared in a moment.

Just when everyone thought this elemental affinity test was coming to an end.

Another beam of light suddenly rose from beside Jiang Chen!

This is a white light pillar with a golden halo around it!

"Holy shit, are you still coming?!"

The old man in the cloak cried out.

"This is the light element!"

The man in purple looked extremely shocked, and there seemed to be thunder and lightning flashing in his eyes.

"Light element affinity...excellent!"

Yi Tianyun felt an inexplicable fear in his heart, as his disciple was far beyond his knowledge.

At this time, Jiang Chen was still sitting cross-legged in the magic circle, and he was completely immersed in meditation.

Seven sky-high light pillars of different colors surrounded him in the middle.

"Wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, light, and darkness, the affinities of the seven elements are all excellent, which is simply unheard of and unseen!"

The masked man exclaimed, and then said with emotion: "I really don't know where this little guy will go in the future. It's so exciting!"

"Is this kid a human? Is he the reincarnation of the Dharma God?"

The old man in the cloak complained with an exaggerated expression: "It's really scary. I can't stand this with my old bones."

"Seven series of magic, no matter which one you practice, this little guy can go very far, but the more choices you have, the easier it is to get confused."

The voice of the man in purple rang. He looked at Yi Tianyun and said: "Dean Yi, why not let him come to me to specialize in the thunder system? He will definitely prove to be the great magician of the thunder system in the future!"

"City Lord Lei, there is no need to say any more. I am the dean of the Imperial Academy and I know how to teach people better than you."

Yi Tianyun looked at the man in purple and said with an indifferent expression: "Also, this is within the academy, and City Lord Lei came uninvited. Isn't it time to leave now?"

"Dean Yi still has the same temper."

The man in purple shook his head and suddenly said with luck: "Little guy, if you want to learn thunder magic, you can come to Thunder City and find me. My name is Lei Gu!"

After saying that, he turned into a bolt of lightning and flew into the distance.

But his voice was like thunder, echoing throughout the ruins.

Jiang Chen, who was originally immersed in meditation, heard the voice that poured into his mind and couldn't help but open his eyes.

The seven beams of light around his body immediately dissipated.

"Master, have you finished testing my elemental affinity?"

Jiang Chen looked at Yi Tianyun and asked.

At the same time, he noticed that there were two more people here.


Yi Tianyun nodded and looked at the cloaked old man and the masked man: "Brother Nuo Wen, Elder Wumian, it's time for you two to go back, right?"

Then, the two smiled at each other and turned to leave.

"Master, who are these two people, and what's the matter with the voice that woke me up just now?"

Jiang Chen stood up and asked.

"These two are the elders who guard the academy, and one of them is my brother."

Yi Tianyun replied: "As for the person who woke you up just now, he is the Lord of Thunder City, Lei Gu, the only thunder mage in the Magnolia Empire."

"What are they doing here?"

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

"Do you know your test results?"

Yi Tianyun asked instead of answering.

"I don't know."

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, light, and darkness, all seven elements have excellent affinity. No matter which one you choose, you have the opportunity to become a great magician, so you can choose the path you want to take."

Yi Tianyun paused, then asked solemnly: "Have you decided which magic you want to learn?"

"Can I learn all seven?"

For Jiang Chen, the more magic he learns, the better.

"Yes, but people's energy is limited. If you learn all, it will be difficult to have time to practice to the level of a great magician."

Yi Tianyun said seriously: "My suggestion is to learn one or two systems first, and then learn other systems of magic after you become a great magician or even a dual-system great magician in the future."

"Master, what level of magic can I learn now?"

Jiang Chen suddenly asked.

"The magic power in your body is now at the level of an intermediate magician, and you can learn all intermediate magic." Yi Tianyun replied.

"Then please teach me the seven intermediate magics!"

Jiang Chen said with a firm face.

"Learn all seven systems?"

Yi Tianyun's eyelids could not help but jump.

"Master, didn't you say that people should be confident? I think I can learn all seven systems!"

Jiang Chen paused, and then said: "My goal is to become a master magician of all systems!"

In order to let the other party teach him more magic, Jiang Chen also boasted without blushing, and he didn't care about so much in the future, just learn magic first!

"Master magician of all systems?!"

Hearing this, Yi Tianyun seemed to have a fire burning in his heart, and he felt the blood in his body boiling for the first time in a long time.

Then he blurted out: "Okay, then learn all!"

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