Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 715 Learning Magic Ranking Battle

"Okay, let's learn everything!"

After Yi Tianyun blurted out these words, he realized that he was a little superior.

Becoming a great magician of all series sounds very exciting and emotional, but when you calm down, you will realize that it is undoubtedly more difficult than reaching the sky.

But now that he had said it, Yi Tianyun couldn't change his words.

He looked at Jiang Chen and said: "Starting from today, I will teach you one type of magic every day. Today is the earth type."

"Why earth type?"

Jiang Chen was a little curious.

"Because... my teacher is the Great Mage of the Earth Element!"

Yi Tianyun had a proud smile on his face.

"Master is awesome!"

Jiang Chen praised him very much.


Yi Tianyun seemed to find it very useful. He laughed and took out an ebony magic staff from the ring. The top of the staff was inlaid with an irregular white stone. The overall look was very simple.

"This staff is called 'Yun Chen'. It was used by my teacher when I was young. I give it to you now."

With that said, Yi Tianyun handed over the Yun Shen Staff.

"What effect does it have?"

Jiang Chen took the staff and looked at it curiously.

"It can slightly enhance the power of magic, and also slightly improve the accuracy of hits."

Yi Tianyun introduced: "The most important thing is that it can increase the recovery speed of your magic power."

"Hit seems useless to me, but it's pretty good."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, then smiled and thanked: "Thank you, master!"

"I heard that you will participate in the ranking battle in four days, so hurry up and my teacher will start teaching you earth magic now!"

Yi Tianyun said while snapping his fingers.

A large amount of yellow-brown earth elements in the air quickly condensed, forming a pair of dark yellow armor that covered his body.

He then raised his hand and waved, and with a "whoosh" sound on the ground in front of him, a large rock thorn came out.

These sharp rock thorns are more than one meter high and can easily pierce a person!

Then he squeezed the raised hand hard.

A huge hand immediately emerged from the ground and held part of the rock thorns on the ground in its hand.

Jiang Chen looked on in shock.

"I just used three intermediate magics, one is 'Earth Armor', one is 'Earth Thrust', and the other is 'Earth Embrace'."

Yi Tianyun said: "These three are all advanced magic. When you are an intermediate magician, both the armor and the thorns are made of rocks; when you reach the advanced magician, they will be made of crystal stones. . Therefore, they are also more difficult than ordinary intermediate magic."


Jiang Chen listened very carefully.

"Now I will teach you the magic spell of 'Earth Armor'."

After speaking, Yi Tianyun recited the magic spell several times.

Jiang Chen followed suit and learned from it.

He found that this magic spell was much longer than the fireball spell and magic bullet, and the way the magic power ran in the body became much more complicated.

But he still released the magic in one go, but it was not instantaneous and needed the assistance of magic spells.

Similarly, he also learned the two magics of "Earth Thrust" and "Earth Embrace" in one go!

"It's incredible to know how to do it all at once..."

Yi Tianyun was stunned on the sidelines.

"Is it difficult? As soon as I recite the spell, the magic power in my body is guided to start operating, and then the magic comes out naturally."

Jiang Chen didn't understand what the difficulty was, it was just a matter of memorizing a magic spell.

"You must never say this to others, especially other magicians."

Yi Tianyun held his forehead and said.


Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

"They will want to beat you to death if they hear this! Do you know that when normal people recite magic spells, the magic power in their bodies does not flow smoothly."

Yi Tianyun said; "The more difficult the magic, the more obscure the magic power operation, and it will often get stuck. It's better for you. As soon as you recite the spell, the magic comes out. It's really irritating!"

"Is this so..."

Jiang Chen touched his head awkwardly.

"Since you have learned everything, let's practice instant casting today. I will teach you other types of magic tomorrow."

After Yi Tianyun finished speaking, he waved his hand and left here quickly.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to practice instantaneous attacks.

If he didn't recite the incantation, he would have to operate the magic power in his body by himself, but because the operation method was much more complicated, Jiang Chen needed to make corrections over and over again...

Soon, he felt dizzy in his mind, and his eyes fell into darkness.

"What I want to teach you today is wind magic, 'Wind Movement' and 'Whirlwind Blade'."

When Jiang Chen regained consciousness, Yi Tianyun's voice could already be heard in his ears.

Later, he learned the two magics of "Wind Movement" and "Whirlwind Blade".

When he was practicing the instant shot, dizziness came to his mind again, and his vision became dim.

"What I want to teach you today is fire magic, 'Pyroblast' and 'Firework Continent'."

"What I want to teach you today is water magic, 'Water Arrow' and 'Spring Rain Moistens Things'."

"Today is the ranking competition for the new students of Holy Magnolia Empire Academy and the four major branches. All applicants are requested to be prepared. The ranking competition is about to begin!"

There was a different sound in my ears today.

Jiang Chen shook his somewhat groggy head, opened his eyes and looked over.

I saw him standing on a stand.

There was a vast circular square in front of us, which looked as big as a football field.

The people in the stands were all dressed differently.

Obviously, these were students from the Imperial College and the four branches, and they were all magicians.

“Only magicians will participate in the ranking battle?”

Jiang Chen murmured in a low voice.

Immediately, in the center of the square, a middle-aged man said loudly: “The first ranking battle will be between Jiang Chen from the Imperial College headquarters and Thor from the Imperial College second branch. Please come on stage!”

The voice blessed by magic spread throughout the square in an instant.

“Jiang Chen also signed up?”

“Isn’t Jiang Chen not allowed to use magic? Why did he sign up?”

“Did I hear it right? Jiang Chen vs. Thor?”

“It’s over. We’re going to lose face in the first game.”

Under the stands, in the area where the students from the Imperial College headquarters were located, there was a noisy discussion.

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