Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 116: Yu Feibai, who do you like? (4)

In fact, Yu Feimo didn't really hate Tang Yu, but because the jealous jar overturned.

Yu Feimo fell in love with Mo Chen's sister Ai Muli at first sight, but Ai Muli didn't like him at all.

At a recent party, he was surprised to find that Ai Muli's gaze had been fixed on Tang Yu, seemingly imperceptible.

Yu Feimo is extremely sad, why does his goddess keep peeking at Tang Yu? Isn't Tang Yu Ai Muli's cousin?

Yu Feimo, who was overthrown by the vinegar jar, would never admit that Ai Muli liked Tang Yu. He only thought that Tang Yu was too embarrassing and took away Ai Muli’s sight, so Ai Muli didn’t notice him. .

In this way, he regarded Tang Yu as his love rival, the most annoying person in his life.

Today, he hurriedly returned to Beijing from H city, just didn't want to lose to that Tang Yu, he was going to tell Yu Feibai that he would also enter the salon.

Following the appearance of being struck by lightning just now, Yu Feimo was struck by lightning again, his face was full of horror, and the wind was messy.

Just now he felt that his eldest brother was evil, he secretly followed, and he has been peeping outside his elder brother for an hour.

There was something wrong, it was too wrong, Yu Feimo felt that he had gone in the wrong place, if it wasn't for the way he opened his eyes when he woke up this morning.

What did he see? His eldest brother, Yu Feibai, who had a weird personality, unpretentious look, cold as an immortal, unrecognizable in his emotions and anger, actually chose clothes for an hour in the room.

Yu Feimo looked stunned. If he remembered correctly, his eldest brother, although indifferent, ruthless and arrogant, has one advantage, that is, he is particularly self-disciplined.

From Monday to Sunday, the clothes he wears every day are all set, unless he wants to participate in some important occasions, otherwise he will not change.

But today this is the case. It seems that there is no important occasion for him to participate in, but he is actually choosing clothes for the first time.

And it was just over an hour, in his usual and extremely efficient style, he had already drawn up a battle plan.

After the shock, Yu Fei laughed evilly, and a glint flashed in his eyes. Could it be that his elder brother is in love?

This thought made Yu Feimo even more shocked than just now. His elder brother Yu Feibai has defended himself like a jade for many years, who would have captured his elder brother?

What kind of beauty makes him fascinated by a person like his brother with a weak personality?

what! ! ! ! ! Yu Feimo found out that he wanted to beat the table!

Too curious about the person dating his elder brother, who is it? Who will it be?

Wait, his eldest brother seems to have not met recently, what new female friend.

Yu Feimo quietly poked his head out of the door again, looking at Yu Feibai, who fiddled with her hair in the mirror in the room.

Suddenly a person's name flashed through his mind, "Wh".

Yu Feimo's face was as pale as snow, and he retreated to the living room as quickly as possible, his face full of anxiety.

Oh my god, isn't it? How could he think of that person!

But the only person his elder brother has met recently is him. Could it be said that his elder brother Yu Feibai can't resist that silver hair and love him deeply?

Yu Feimo felt that the matter was serious, and ran outside in infinite horror, took out his mobile phone and called Mo Chen.

The lights were intertwined, and the wine glasses clinked endlessly. At this moment, Mo Chen was drinking and chatting with Tang Yu Tang Ge.

"Boss, something happened!" Yu Feimo shouted anxiously without waiting for Mo Chen to speak out.

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