Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 117: Yu Feibai, who do you like? (5)

Mo Chen poured himself a glass of wine with his free hand, "What's the matter?"

Yu Feimo only felt that the whole person was about to boil, "My brother is something wrong, is it because of your cousin?"

"Which cousin?" Mo Chen's slender fingers held the wine glass and gently shook the golden liquid in the glass.

Yu Feimo gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a silver-haired, very shameless Tang Yu!"

Hearing this, Mo Chen raised his eyes subconsciously and looked at Tang Yu who was lying on the back of the chair in a lazy posture and was chatting with Tang Ge in a low voice at this moment.

He stood up with the wine glass, and walked to the balcony of the room, standing upright and perfect body gracefully leaning against the railing.

"Tang Yu, what does it matter to him?" Mo Chen smiled, and the evil peach eyes narrowed.

Yu Feimo rolled up his sleeves and became infinitely angry for a while, "Tang Yu deliberately seduce my elder brother, making my elder brother feel that the two hit it off right away. They met each other late, and the military area exercise was imminent. My elder brother actually took his special forces and applied for it. Tang Yu’s SR is training!"

"SR is the most famous military company. The strong training arranged in it is definitely the most advanced. Your eldest brother knows what is best for him!" Mo Chen infinitely despise Fei Mo, a living treasure, and he will be all over his body if he doesn't play treasure for two days. itch.

Yu Feimok didn't think so: "Boss, I don't think my eldest brother went because SR had the most advanced training, but because he fell in love with that silver-haired enchanting Tang Yu and wanted to get close to the water tower!"

Mo Chen just took a sip of wine, but before he could swallow it, he coughed out in horror by Yu Feimo's words!

He cleaned up quickly and asked, "What are you talking nonsense!"

Yu Feimo's teeth creaked, "Boss, I swear to God that I absolutely didn't talk nonsense, but I said so after a strong analysis."

Mo Chen asked: "What analysis?"

Yu Feimoqing coughed: "You introduced them to the eldest two months ago. They have been in close contact during this period. My eldest brother must have had a different idea, and he must have always thought that Tang Yu was itching. , But because it was a man, he thought it was weird and refused to admit it. So he wanted to meet Tang Yu to confirm his heart, but Tang Yu was abroad, and he was a soldier and could not go abroad at will, so he applied for strong training with troops from above. , He met Tang Yu again in SR. After meeting, my elder brother must have understood his heart and found himself in love with Tang Yu, but who he is, he is my elder brother Yu Feibai, there is nothing he dare not do. As long as he likes it, he will care about his men and women, so I guess he is going to find Tang Yu to confess tonight."

Said it very much like that, as if he had experienced it personally.

Mo Chen was full of black lines, and said sarcastically: "This can let you analyze it, it's a detective!"

Yu Feimo said sadly, "Boss, I know you won’t believe me, but it’s exactly the same thing. When my eldest brother is going out, it’s been almost an hour for him to choose clothes. If it were me, Or the boss, I don’t think there’s much, but that person is actually my elder brother, he actually chose clothes for an hour, boss, don’t you feel scared?"

In Mo Chen's deep eyes, there was a flash of startling waves, as if asking himself softly: "So Feibai, like... Tang Yu?"

Yu Feimo's brows frowned lightly, "Probably still, I like it deeply!"

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