Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 121: Yu Feibai, who do you like? (9)

Under the orange-red sunset, Yu Feibai's outline seemed to be surrounded by a faint light, which immediately made him seem not always cold and indifferent, but instead exuded a kind of casual laziness.

This man with a strong sense of existence makes countless women's admiring eyes permeate the air like the fragrance of flowers.

To meet Gu Youli's gaze, Yu Feibai's thin lips curled slightly, with a careless smile.

Gu Youli's heart skipped a beat inexplicably.

She took a deep breath, then pretended to be very calm, and walked over with a grin.

For Feibai, it was a happy smile, a happy smile after seeing him for too long.

His eyes narrowed slightly, with a dazzling light, very gentlemanly pulling the door for Gu Yuli.

Gu Youli was taken aback for a moment, and then went up to the ground like goodness. When the car door was closed, she heard a thin female voice outside: "The law of heaven is unfair, a man who is long and beautiful!"

"Hate, why not me!"

"envy, jealousy, hate……"

Hearing these words, he couldn't tell why, Gu Youli forced himself to be casual and disappeared inexplicably.

There was melodious music playing in the car, and both of them were silent.

After waiting for a full two minutes for the red light, Yu Feibai looked sideways at Gu Youli, who was sitting aside, a little weakened, "You seem to be in a bad spirit."

Gu Youli stiffened for a while, coughed a clear cough, and replied, "I haven't slept well in these two days."

After she accidentally sent the text message that day, every time she fell asleep, she woke up in surprise, and finally realized that he would not reply to the text message.

I wanted to get a good night's sleep this afternoon, but he was awakened by a phone call, and I could still fall asleep afterwards.

A strange light flashed in Yu Feibai's eyes, he glanced at Gu Youli, and then said deeply, "Miss me?"

"Smelly, who missed you!" Gu Youli immediately retorted, but his heart beats faster.

She thought of the text message she had accidentally sent, and quickly added another sentence, explaining: "That text message, I have already told you, I sent it wrong!"

So strong, I want to cover the taste!

A smile appeared in Yu Feibai's eyes, and he gave a faint "Oh~~", which was very meaningful, and stopped speaking.

This expression, this expression, this tone obviously just didn't believe her.

On Gu Youli's forehead, three black lines appeared.

She decided to change the subject, "Um...what are you going to eat?"

Yu Feibai's eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking about what to eat, his eyes were dark and clear, as clear as the washed sky, and they were not usually cold, with a touch of indescribable warmth.

"Is it Western food? Or Chinese food? I have to declare first: I am still a student and a consumer, but I don’t have any money. I must not exceed 200 yuan, otherwise I will eat instant noodles in the next week." Gu Youli greeted Yu Feibai's gaze, pouting his mouth.

Suddenly, I don't understand why, a little embarrassed, a little shy, and two red clouds fainted involuntarily on his cheeks.

Yu Feibai's deep eyes were sharply deep.

He stared at Gu Youli's sight and gradually became hot.

What Gu Youli didn't know was that her appearance was very attractive now, her small face was slightly red, her head slightly raised, she raised her eyes and looked at Yu Feibai shyly.

It felt like asking for a kiss.

Yu Feibai's thin lips bend slightly, "Eat you!"

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