Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 122: Yu Feibai, who do you like? (10)

When the dull voice sounded clear and domineering, Yu Feibai pressed her into the passenger seat, clasped her slender hand on the back of her head and kissed it heavily.

And when she didn't react in surprise, her thin lips and tongue came into her mouth, entwining her little tongue one by one.

Gu Youli's head went blank for a moment when he was suddenly blocked by the warm thin lips.

The man's aggressive aura frightened her suddenly, and then she instinctively shrank her tongue.

But Yu Feibai was able to let her go. The more she shrank inward, the closer he held it, hooking her small tongue and attacking her lips fiercely, making her groan.

With no retreat, Gu Youli wanted to struggle, reaching out to push away Yu Feibai who was pressing on him.

But Yu Feibai grabbed her hand and pressed it against the car door, his warm lips biting her lips more and more.

A feeling of numbness flowed through the body, causing Gu Youli's body to soften inexplicably, like melting spring water.

Suddenly there was a blaring sound of horns, and Gu Youli's eyes filled with moisture opened half a line, just to meet Yu Feibai's deep desire eyes.

The two-minute red light has passed, the green light is on, and there is a row of cars behind, waiting to cross the road.

Gu Youli's face was flushed, and his whole body was hot. Ashamed, he stretched out his hand and pushed away from Feibai.

Yu Feibai was reluctant to let go of her, put his hand on the steering wheel, and drove forward.

After a while, Yu Feibai was silent, took a deep look at Gu Youli, and made another decision happily and firmly!

When stopping in front of the ** supermarket, Gu Youli looked at Yu Feibai in a puzzled manner, as if asking if he meant to eat? Why did you come to the supermarket?

"Help you save money!" Yu Feibai gave a particularly good reason, but the real plan in his heart was evil.

Gu Youli bit her lip and followed Yu Feibai into the supermarket.

Inexplicably, there was a bad premonition. He kept flashing in his mind for the three days and nights he had agreed.

So the two came to the fresh food area with a shopping cart in a weird atmosphere.

Gu Youli held a chicken in one hand and a duck in the other for comparison. He looked at Yu Feibai uncertainly and asked him for advice, "Well, which one do you want is better?"

Yu Feibai looked at the carefully selected expression of Gu Youli beside him, only to feel pleasant.

"Bought all the hard choices!" His thin lips curled slightly.

Gu Youli: "..."

To dare to ask her this is tantamount to asking for nothing.

Holding the eggplant and beans again, Gu Youli asked Yu Feibai for his opinion when it was difficult to choose, and the answers he got were the same as before.

Next, Gu Youli silently chose the food he liked, and Yu Feibai followed her quietly.

The two people walked side by side like this, and many people along the way paid attention to them. Of course, all of this was because of Yu Feibai.

At the beginning, Gu Youli felt very awkward and got used to it after a long time.

Within a moment, I had already chosen four dishes and one soup, and two were enough.

After passing by the place selling chili peppers, Yu Feibai reached out and picked it up: "When we fry the eggplants later, it's better to add this chili pepper!"

Gu Youli raised her eyes in surprise, "Aren't you not eating spicy food?"

Yu Feibai raised the corners of his mouth and asked inexplicably, "When did I say that I don't eat spicy food?"

"Are you lying to me?" Gu Youli was a little injured, and questioned Yu Feibai with his eyes widened.

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