Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1214: Finale, wedding (3)

Yu Feibai looked at Gu Liangwei seriously, nodded solemnly, indicating that he would definitely do it, and then took Gu Youli's hand from Gu Liangwei's.

When the two of them fixed their eyes at each other and their eyes intertwined, Gu Liangwei quietly retreated, his old eyes flickering, but they were full of happiness.

Yu Feibai and Gu Youli kept staring at each other, only deep affection in each other's eyes.

At this time, the master of marriage slowly walked to the middle of the two, holding the microphone and smiling at the guests below, shouting: "Ladies and gentlemen, the wedding is about to begin. Ask before that, but someone is obstructing Or object to it. If you have any, please raise it now, and if you don’t, please remain silent."

The noisy crowd instantly quieted down, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the couple, smiling with open eyes.

After a temporary silence, the officiant announced that the oath ceremony had officially begun.

He first looked at Yu Feibai and asked: "Mr. Yu Feibai, would you like to accept Miss Gu Youli as your wife? No matter the misfortune, nobleness, illness or health, will you never leave her?"

Yu Feibai looked at Gu Youli with affection, "I am willing, Lili, for any reason, no matter what happens, I will always love you, take care of you, respect you, protect you, and not let you suffer anything. Grievance and hurt will always be loyal to you until the end of life."

Gu Youli also looked at Yu Feibai. Although his face was full of smiles, his eyes were full of tears.

Hearing these words in her ears made her feel extremely unreal, too beautiful and moving, and she felt like being in a dream.

At this time, the master's voice rang again: "Miss Gu Youli, are you willing to accept Mr. Yu Feibai as your husband..."

Gu Youli had already answered the following long series of words before the marriage partner asked him. Looking at Yu Feibai affectionately, he nodded excitedly: "I am willing, I am 100% willing."

Immediately, there was a burst of laughter from below, full of joy and joy.

The master of marriage also laughed and said: "Now I announce that you are a husband and wife, and I will ask the bride and groom to kiss for five minutes!"

As soon as these words came out, the person sitting below instantly boiled, and sighed together: "Kiss, kiss!"

Very neat and very rhythmic.

Yu Feibai hooked the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand to wrap Gu Youli in her arms, then lowered her head to seal her lips, and stayed on her lips tenderly and lovingly. Although there was no deepness, it was extremely tempting.

Everyone cheered, laughed, applauded...

The bridesmaid Chu Qing, who was standing on the side, watched her eyes sparkling with tears and dazzling light, which was very moving.

As an excellent and considerate man like Yu Feibai, Lili will definitely be very happy in the future. As her best friend, Chu Qing keeps being happy for her.

Leng Kuang next to her looked at her and asked softly, "Aqing, do you like it? Do you want such a romantic and grand wedding too?"

"Of course I do!" Chu Qing didn't think much, just blurted out.

After realizing that the person asking him was cold, she got embarrassed, flattened her mouth, and added: "As long as a woman thinks about it, even if she doesn't want to, she has to think about it, otherwise she will be told that she is not. A woman, you know?"

Leng Kuang didn't speak any more, just grinned with his lips curled, which was very meaningful.

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