Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1215: Finale, wedding (4)

The wedding banquet began in a festive season.

When toasting, Mo Chen and Tang Yu, who are Yu Feibai's friends, have been toasting to both of them, clearly trying to get them drunk.

Gu Youli's drink volume is really too shallow, just a few cups.

Chu Qing and Hua Miaomiao had helped her block a lot of wine, and Chu Qing had a better amount of wine than Hua Miaomiao, because there was a cold-hearted person beside her to help.

Hua Miaomiao was more miserable. He had already vomited twice and couldn't drink anymore. He quickly found an excuse and ran out.

But I didn't want to hit someone at the door. The other party was a girl with a nice face, some baby-faced, she looked very small, but she had a proud curve.

Tongyan giant|breasts, this word is not an exaggeration when used on her.

Originally, she was a girl who looked good and had such a good body. Hua Miaomiao who was hit didn't want to care about it.

But Na knew the baby-faced girl, but arrogantly blamed him: "Wow, how do you walk, you don't have long eyes, didn't you see me come in? You ran into it like this!"

Smelling the smell of alcohol on Hua Miaomiao's body, she covered her nose with disgust, and then slapped her: "If you can't drink, don't drink. When you are a combination of a tramp and a stray cat, there is nothing more than disgusting. I'm thinking about it! Forget it, don't do it next time, I will forgive you this time!"

It was the first time that Hua Miaomiao saw such a girl, and he widened his eyes in astonishment.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the girl’s clothes on the back of the neck and pulled her back: "First of all, it’s not that I hit you, but you hit me, so you shouldn’t ask me if I have eyes, but Should I ask you if you have long eyes, can you walk? Didn’t you see me coming out? You just bumped into it like this. Besides, it has nothing to do with you if I drink, I drink if I want, as for your wandering I think it’s more suitable for you to use the combination of Hanga stray cats. Because you have no other thoughts besides making me sick at this moment!"

I have to say that Hua Miaomiao is ordinary, extremely non-destructive, delicate and delicate, gentle and gentle.

But at this moment, he frowned and looked fierce.

"Damn, what happened to my old lady, what made you sick, bit me!" The little girl became even more arrogant, pinched her waist with her hands, her nostrils facing the sky, her arrogance and domineering extreme.

Hua Miaomiao almost laughed at her. If he remembers correctly, it seems that there is no such person at the wedding party.

"Where do you come from, do you want to come in and eat and drink, just get me out of here!" Hua Miaomiao was in a bad mood at first, and it was even worse now.

Although he put down Chu Qing, he would still be very uncomfortable seeing Chu Qing and Leng Kuang together.

This is also the reason why he ran out of nowhere.

This girl is obviously that she has never been said or disliked this before.

She stared at once and trembled with anger: "You... do you know who I am? You dare to talk to me like this, believe me or not..."

It seemed that the **** that happened at the door was felt, and some people had already looked here.

"Shut up!" A cold and unfeeling voice suddenly sounded and interrupted the girl's voice.

Hua Miaomiao looked back subconsciously, and saw a beautiful and indisputable man.

Every inch of his beautiful face seemed to have been carefully carved, and there was no trace of flaws. It was clear that the facial features were not cold, but it was indifferent that turned away thousands of miles away. Especially those eyes, as deep as the sea, and exuding a demon-like atmosphere of evil charm, as long as they look at it, they will seem to be captured and will never be overborn.

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