Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1231: Fanwai, brother Shangshi, you are so amazing

When Yu Tingting cautiously lay on Tang Shang's back, he did not dare to breathe.

Feeling that her heart was beating like thunder, she smirked to cover it up so that she would not hear it. In fact, she didn't think she had done anything wrong, but why was she afraid of hearing it?

Tang Shangshi stood up with her on his back, and ran up like a okay person after training.

Yu Tingting was surprised, the difference in physical strength between the two was really not a little bit.

"Brother Shangshi, you are so amazing." Her eyes beamed, full of admiration.

Tang Shangshi grinned, his face was very useful: "From now on, you will run every day and you will be as good as me."

Yu Listening Xiaolian immediately stepped down: "Forget it, I am a little girl, there is no need to be a strong man."

Although he was reluctant, since that day, Yu Tingting was forced to get up at six every day, and then go for a morning jog with Tang Shangshi.

Every day when she went there, she yawned and then faced Tang Shangshi with a stinky face, looking refreshed.

That's a resentment.

But every time she came back, she smiled and said goodbye to Tang Shangshi.

Regarding the morning jog, Yu Tingting could know it, and Tang Shangshi said it was useless. He was the executive and the decision maker was Dad than Yu Feibai.

She also protested with Yu Feibai, but she was ruthlessly rejected. The morning exercises she persisted for a few days obviously made Yu Tingting's life much healthier, and she fell asleep early every day.

Yu Tingting, who was rejected, cried out that her father did not love her, but still did not let Yu Feibai soften her heart.

Holding his stomach, Yu Listening vented all his anger on Tang Shangshi, roaring and calling him his dad's little running dog.

But when he was in the Tang Dynasty, he said three words lightly: "I am happy!" It was resolved like Tai Chi.

Yu Listening grinned with anger, and rushed to hit him.

But she couldn't be Tang Shangshi's opponent, she gently restrained her with only one hand, she was held in front and could not move.

But when he stared at Tang Shang fiercely, his eyes flushed red and looked extremely fierce.

"When Tang was up, you hated it." As he said, he raised his leg to breathe him.

Tang Shangshi released his hand, and flashed sideways calmly.

Yu Tingting was unable to close her feet due to excessive force, and when she was leaning forward, she was facing Tang Shang. At this moment, when he shot him, she fell to the ground with a bang.

At the moment, Yu Tingting was so painful that his entire face was almost distorted, and he sat on the ground embarrassedly, grinning at Tang Shangshi bitterly.

Tang Shangshi glanced at her calmly, walked over, and squatted down in front of her with a faint voice, "Why is she so careless, like a stupid girl with the same hands and feet, let me see where I fell."

"Don't worry about me!" Yu Tingting reached out to push him, but it was her hand that hurt and broke her skin.

When pushing against Tang Shang, Yu Ting's pain almost shed tears: "Is your body beaten by iron?"

Tang Shangshi glanced at her helplessly, and his voice was low: "I know it hurts and hit me,"

Yu Hearing was very angry. He raised his foot and kicked to Tang Shangshi. Tang Shangshi leaned slightly to avoid it, and then pulled her hand away, "Okay, stop making trouble! Let me see the injury. "

The palm of the hand was warm and scorching, with a young and energetic force, reaching Yu Tingting's slightly cool palm.

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