Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1232: Outside, ambiguous

The heart shrank suddenly, skipping several beats in an instant, and Yu Listening reflexively wanted to pull his hand. But the next second, her sanity came back and told herself not to do this.

She didn't need to be so scared, so nervous, she didn't do anything wrong, even if she did something wrong, he wouldn't eat her.

Yu Tingting took a deep breath, raised his eyes and looked at him, "You don't need to look at it, I can handle it myself."

After speaking, he had to withdraw his hand.

"Go to my house, I have medicine." When Tang Shangshi's indifferent voice sounded, he had already taken advantage of the situation and embraced her.

Yu Tingting was so scared that he shouted, "I also have medicine at home, why should I go to your home to wipe it."

Tang Shangshi: "My medicine is specially made and will not leave scars."

Yu Tingting: "Then you let me go, I walk by myself."

Tang Shangshi: "Besides, I will just throw you down!"

"What, you are too much!" Yu Ting heard that he was afraid that he would really do this, so he quickly reached out and hooked his neck.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while. After a long time, Yu Listening groaned and suddenly said, "Hey, I said, you see, I'm all injured, so let's forget this morning run from now on."

Tang Shangshi looked at her with a faint expression, "You hurt your hands and not your feet."

"But ten toes are connected to the heart, the hand is very serious, it is not necessary to take a good rest, if any sequelae are left, what should be done."

"..." Tang Shangshi ignored her directly.

"Then, if I take a week off, will I continue to run after a week?" Yu Tingting was about to take a step back.

But Tang Shangshi still ruthlessly refused: "No!"

Yu Tingting continued to bargain: "Then six days!"

"..." Silence means not answering her.

"For those three days, just take a three-day rest. You see, I have halved. Why don't you agree?"

"One day!" Tang Shangshi finally let go.

But obviously this can't be satisfied with listening, "What, only one day!"

Tang Shangshi said coldly: "Then it won't be a day off!"

I was really afraid that he would take back the rest of the day, and Yu Listening quickly said: "Good, good, day by day."

Better than not!

Don't fall into her hands when the smelly Tang goes up, or make him look good, hum.

When she saw Tang Shang, she took the injured Yu Tingting home. Ye Qingqing told her son that she must be careful not to leave the scars. She ran to prepare breakfast.

After breakfast, Yu Tingting did not go home immediately. Instead, he chatted with Ye Qingqing. After chatting, he became sleepy. Ye Qingqing quickly asked her son to take her to the room to sleep.

Although he didn't explain clearly, Ye Qingqing definitely meant to let her son go to the guest room to rest while holding Yu Tingting.

But her son hugged Yu Tinghe directly, went to his room, and then gently put it on his bed.

Tang Shangshi did not leave immediately, but sat on the side of the bed, looking at Yu Tingting's red sleeping face, and then stretched out his hand, little by little, and then slowly approached, so close that you could feel her skin in the fingers. The incoming temperature.

In the quiet bedroom, the air seemed to freeze.

"What a fool!" He suddenly whispered softly, his voice very gentle and indulgent.

Immediately, he slowly withdrew his hand, a small smile appeared on his lips, and then got up and walked out.

The moment the door closed, Yu Tingting slowly opened his eyes. She was asleep before, but when Tang Shangshi picked her up, she woke up again.

Although she closed her eyes just now, she could feel the difference, and what was the difference? She really didn't know!

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