Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1259: Outside, want to catch

Let Gu Youli be behind, shaking his head and sighing. This daughter is really for nothing. Is she still married? So outgoing.

Yu Tingting came to the outside of Tang's house, and then touched her cell phone to call Tang Shangshi. Tang Shangshi's phone was already turned on, but she did not answer her call.

She rolled her eyes, thought about it, and then sent a message telling him that she didn't have a car and was waiting for him outside his house. Then she hadn't eaten breakfast, and she was starving to death and asked him to treat her to breakfast.

When she received her call, Tang Shangshi had also gotten up and was pulling out the chair to sit down and have breakfast with his family.

The phone made him constricted, and without saying anything, he turned it silent.

Ye Qingqing looked at her son, "Why don't you answer the phone?"

Tang Shangshi didn't say anything, just at this moment the text message came again, he slid away and read it, then stood up and said to Ye Qing, "Mom, I'm not eating at home."

"What?" Ye Qingqing looked at the steaming breakfast, very worried, "It's really not too early to say, am I ready?"

Immediately, she looked at her husband Tang Yu: "I don't care, you can't waste it, you can eat two for me!"

The corner of Tang Yu's mouth picked up the evil spirits: "Okay, no problem, you can exercise and digest with me later."

puff! Ye Qingqing's black line was also a little bit ashamed: "A lot of age, you are so embarrassed to say this!"

Seeing Tang Shang driving out, Yu Listening immediately greeted her with joy. His mother was invincible, and Shang Shi really took care of her.

After she stopped the car at Tang Shangshi, she immediately opened the passenger seat and sat in, and then smiled and asked, "Brother Shangshi, where are we going to have breakfast!"

Tang didn't make a sound when she went there, but drove her to a house outside the community, which looked like an ordinary breakfast room.

They used to run together in the morning, sometimes they would come here to have breakfast together, order two steamed dumplings, and then two bowls of porridge.

This Xiaolongbao is very delicious.

The two sat inside, and the boss still knew them. He laughed and said that they hadn't been here for a long time.

When I heard this, Yu Tinghe was actually very sad. It's alright there. Tang Shangshi hasn't said a word to her since he went out.

I went out for breakfast with her, doesn't that mean you are not angry? But why not say a word?

Seeing Yu Tingting, who has been fiddled with the porridge in the bowl, put down his chopsticks and took up a paper towel to wipe his mouth. Then he slowly heard: "Eat quickly, it's going to be cold!"

what? He cares about her! Yu Tinghe was flattered, smiled happily, then nodded vigorously, "I'll eat it!"

At the speed of three times five divided by two, Yu Listening wiped out his breakfast, and then looked at Tang Shang, "Send me to work!"

Tang Shangshi didn't say anything, didn't nod or shook his head, just got up slowly and checked out.

Yu Tingting had been by the side, watching his face carefully, until he sat in the car with him, and then laughed with joy, "Go! Go to work!"

Tang Shangshi glanced at her faintly and said, "Fasten your seat belt."

"Oh?" Yu Tingting looked down, only to realize that she had been observing Tang Shangshi all the time, and even forgot the seat belt, so she quickly fastened it obediently.

When she was about to go to work, her dark eyes rolled, and then she smiled and asked Tang Shangshi: "Will you have dinner together at night?"

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