Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1260: Extra, confession

After a pause, I was afraid that Tang Shangshi would refuse, and then added: "I ask you to come back to pick up the dust for you."

Tang Shangshi replied indifferently: "It's no longer necessary. It's been several days since I've been back, and all the dust has already been washed."

Yu heard the words, the good mood just arrived, vanished instantly.

She bit her lip and whispered unwillingly: "It's been there for several days. Didn't you come back the day before yesterday? Didn't you find me as soon as you came back?"

Tang Shangshi hooked his mouth and asked, "You also know that I came back the day before yesterday, and I will be looking for you when I come back. Then why don't you want to pick up the dust for me in the past two days?"

Gu Youli was speechless, and there was no way to refute it.

She was suddenly wronged and sad. She was so coaxing him. He was still so cold. He hadn't accepted the fact that he came back the night before. He had to work again yesterday. He had agreed to eat with him that night, but was ordered to go home. , She has no choice.

He was angry, and she was also angry: "I want to get off the car."

Tang Shangshi tilted her head to look at Yu Listening, only to see her biting her lower lip, her eyes covered with a faint mist.

Yu Listening, who didn't get an answer, said again sadly: "I want to get off the car, you park me."

In fact, she didn't really want to get out of the car, just wanted him to coax her, and then the two of them could be the same as before.

But this time, Tang didn't coax her, and stopped the car to the side of the road coldly.

When Yu heard him, he didn't even have the idea of ​​blocking him. This time he was really angry. He opened the car door in a particularly sad manner. Without a goodbye, he got off the car and ran on the front sidewalk.

Tang Shangshi looked at her back, then turned to look in front of her. Not far away was where she was working. So sure, he drove away.

Listening to the sound of the car leaving behind him, Yu Tingting turned around abruptly, and then cried with anger: "When Tang Shang, you were a big badass, and I will ignore you again!"

But this thought lasted less than an hour, and she became restless again, feeling that everything was because of last night, Shangshi's brother thought she didn't like him.

Thinking like this, Yu Tingting was holding the phone and hesitating, whether to send a message to Tang Shangshi and tell him that she likes him, but after thinking about it, I think it’s not good to send the message, just in case someone else sees it. How embarrassed to get there.

Better to call!

But after hearing the dialing sound, Yu Tingting hesitated again, because she felt that she couldn't speak, she couldn't speak, so let's send a message!

Yu Tingting murmured "No way, no way", hung up the phone again, and sent five words over, I like you!

After sending the vacant room, she waited, waiting for the text message from Tang Shangshi, or the call.

But no, no text messages or phone calls, until she got home from get off work, she still didn't receive any reply.

Yu Listening was depressed, feeling unspeakably frustrated, thinking about all kinds of uneasy conjectures, did he not see it, or did he not want to return?

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly. Yu heard that he opened the door and saw it. Tang Shang, who was standing outside in beige casual clothes, was carrying a plastic bag in his hand, looking like he had just come out of a supermarket. .

Seeing his first sentence, Yu Tingting just asked him: "Have you brought the phone?"

Tang Shangshi took out the phone from his trouser pocket, "Bring it!"

Yu Ting could not calm down, "Bringing the phone, did you see the message I sent you?"

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