Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 126: Love, underground love (2)

"You are stewing soup and steaming vegetables on the fire!" Yu Feibai's cool voice sounded, and the eyes of Gu Youli were slightly narrowed, making it difficult to see his emotions.

However, Gu Youli felt inexplicably that a strong sense of discomfort was approaching her, invisibly locked her and shackles her.

Gu Youli was in a trance for a moment, and then smiled slightly, "Yes, you guys talk, I'm going to cook!"

After speaking, she walked into the kitchen with great ease.

It was like saying that with Yu Feimo, he no longer worried about chastity.

Yu Feibai's gaze cast carelessly on her back, with a lazy and calm expression, his eyebrows half-squinted very unpredictable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Feimo cast an admiring gaze towards Yu Feibai, and asked with a smile, "Brother, friend?"

He is calm on the surface, but he is already happy in his heart. Brother, you are not omnipotent. There are people you can’t handle. Wow! !

Yu Feibai gave him a cold glance, turned around and sat down on the sofa, raised his chin and looked at him, silent.

Yu Feimo’s evil eyes were shining, he walked over to Yu Feibai and sat down, “Brother, although I am not as smart as you, nor capable of you, I am definitely better than you when it comes to treating my girlfriend. Have experience, do you want to teach some?"

Yu Feibai remained silent, but just glanced sideways at him.

This is in Fei Mo's view, which is what he meant to hear.

Yu Feimo's eyes were instantly bright as stars, and the cells all over his body were agitated. It is rare for his elder brother to ask him one day!

He laughed so turbulently, stood up and coughed twice, then said: "Big brother, this woman is always concealed when it comes to love, and it's hard to talk about it, but their will to enjoy is surging, just half a beat slower in self-discovery. , The best way to grab a woman is to hold a strong kiss and push it down. She says no to you, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t like her or not, but it means she wants you not to stop. I enjoy..."

Someone is getting more and more energetic, and seems to have forgotten that the elder brother he usually respects, loves and fears is in front of him.

"Big brother, it’s not that I said you, don’t you have no expression on your face all day long, women like gentle men, if you keep facing people with expressionless faces, the other person can’t guess what you think, and you’re disappointed. Brother, the duck with your mouth can also fly..."

"Fei Mo, I haven't seen you for half a year, you've got a lot of skills..." Yu Feibai suddenly said, tuned in an unhurried manner, with a cold expression.

The air condensed suddenly and inexplicably in an instant.

Yu Feimo knew that he had stepped on a landmine, and he waved his hand quickly: "Where is there? Just by the way, just kidding..."

Looking around, there are a few cunning stars in his eyes.

He ran towards the kitchen haha ​​and smiled at Yu Feibai: "I'll go to the kitchen and see if there is anything I can help with in the future."

Thirty-six strategies, flashing is the best policy, staying with the future sister-in-law is absolutely safe.

The soup in the pot was gurgling hot, and Gu Youli stirred the bottom of the pot with a long spoon.

In the kitchen, she did not listen to or pay attention to the conversation between Yu Feibai and Yu Feimo.

But after Yu Feimo yelled, she could hear clearly, and her small face burst into red in an instant.

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