Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 127: Love, underground love (3)

Gu Youli turned his head and looked at Yu Feimo who walked into the kitchen, "Well, I have already told you just now, I am not your sister-in-law, I and your brother are just friends!"

Yu Feimo stretched his legs and said with a smile: "Okay, it's not sister-in-law, it's future sister-in-law!"

Gu Youli was full of black lines, and his heart was ashamed and embarrassed, like the Yellow River flooded out of control: "My name is Gu Youli, can you call me by name?"

Yu Feimo rolled up his sleeves, "Okay, inside, do you want to help stir-fry?"

"No need, I'll be fine." Then, Gu Youli handed the fried dishes to Yu Feimo, "Serve the dishes, put the dishes on the table, and you're ready to eat."

There are two steamed vegetables and one soup, which have been steamed before.

In a short while, Gu Youli cooked the last dish.

Steamed red fish, oyster mushroom steamed ham, sweet and sour pork loin, braised eggplant, chicken stew with ginseng soup, four dishes and one soup, looks pretty good, and the aroma is very strong.

The taste is very good, and Yu Feimo nodded with satisfaction.

He secretly said in his heart: His brother has a good vision. This future sister-in-law will look good, have good craftsmanship, and have a better personality. Just now, his elder brother had to chase people out. Thanks to his future sister-in-law, he can let him eat such good home cooking.

"Sister-in-law... Lili, which school are you at?" Yu Feimo took the initiative to talk about family affairs, preparing to please future sister-in-law.

Yu Feibai was very unpleasant to yell here, and said casually, "Go back to the old house with me tomorrow."

Yu Feimo only felt chills in her heart, and she should be called Sister-in-law, not Lili.

Big brother is not angry and prestigious.

Gu Youli did not hear the danger, and smiled to answer Yu Feimo, "I'm in Beijing University!"

Yu Feimo glanced at Yu Feibai deeply, then smiled and said, "Which department of the famous design university?"


"Really, then you can go to my brother..." company!

Yu Feibai coughed lightly, with no expression on his face, closed his mouth and chewed, without looking at anyone, staring down at his bowl.

Gu Youli still didn't think there was anything, but Yu Feimo stopped immediately.

He turned his tongue and changed the original words: "Go to my brother's army and help soldiers design wedding diamond rings!"

Yu Feimo, who had been warned twice, stopped speaking and ate quietly.

Yu Feibai and Gu Youli, of course, also ate quietly.

For a while, there was only the sound of chopsticks and bowls colliding in the room.

Yu Feibai ate the food by himself, with an elegant and calm posture, and his quick action of clamping vegetables. A pair of beautiful hands with slender joints appeared in front of Gu Youli from time to time.

Every time Gu Youli saw Yu Feibai's slender and beautiful fingers, he felt that his hands were a little soft and weak.

Yu Feibai glanced at her quietly, his eyes deep and complicated.

Suddenly, he picked up a piece of tenderloin and handed it to Gu You's mouth, "Don't patronize eating, eat some food."

"Oh." Gu Youli was a little embarrassed, but he still ate it obediently.

But because I was a little nervous, I ate a little urgently, and I swallowed immediately.

Yu Feibai immediately used his own spoon to scoop some soup and held it to Gu You's mouth, "Eat slowly and drink some soup."

Gu Youli didn't think so much either, he swallowed it in one gulp, then narrowed his eyes again, and almost didn't heal his breath.

When she coughed suddenly, she raised her hand and fanned her mouth.

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