Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1263: Outside, suddenly left

When Yu Tingting was asked, he opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. He raised his eyes and lowered his eyes again, biting his lower lip subconsciously, frowning his brows.

In the end, she rascally said: "I don't analyze it. Anyway, brother, you are not allowed to stop talking for half of your speech, and then talk about the other half after a long time."

"You don't tell me where to stop, how can I change it?" Tang Shangshi swept her around, letting her lean against his chest.

Yu Tingting didn't push it away, but buried him in his chest. He didn't say a word for a long time. Brother Shangshi was absolutely deliberate, so she ignored him?

Tang Shangshi chuckled lowly, watching the jokes in her eyes.

Suddenly, Yu Listening sat up with a cold snort, looked at Tang Shangshi and said: "Brother Shangshi, I want you..."

When Tang Shang heard this, his eyes suddenly deepened.

Just when I was about to say the second half of the sentence, there was a vibrating sound in the pocket of my clothes.

The phone rang, interrupting Yu Listening.

Tang Shangshi stretched out his hand, took out a phone the size of two thumbs, and frowned.

"Huh? You have two mobile phones." Yu Ting listened to the Apple mobile phone on the table, and said in astonishment, "What kind of mobile phone is this, why is it so small!"

Tang Shangshi did not answer Yu Tingting, nor did he answer the phone. After pressing the button, he took it back into his bag, but pushed Yu Tingting away and stood up, "I have something to leave for a few days."

"What?" Yu Tingting was slightly stunned, but didn't react for a while.

"I have to go back to deal with something, about a week," Tang Shangshi said, already walking to the hallway to change shoes.

Yu Tingting stood up blankly and followed behind her, with strong resistance surging in his heart, and there were a thousand and ten thousand who didn't want him to go.

After Tang Shangshi changed his shoes, he turned around and looked at Yu Listening, handed her a quick kiss on her face, and whispered in her ear, "I'll wait for you to come back and want me!"

After speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

"Huh? I only said... half!" The next two words. Yu Tingting's voice was particularly small, because Tang Shangshi had already closed the door and left, and could no longer hear her. She stared at the door with a complicated expression. The whole heart was pressed by a sudden huge loss, which was especially uncomfortable.

For the next two or three days, Yu was particularly unhappy when listening to it. It always felt like it was less. The sky was falling, unlike the days before, and there were always busy things.

Now that I have finished my work, I sit on the sofa with my legs together, curled up, looking at the empty living room in a daze.

The colleague obviously noticed that something was wrong with her and asked her if something had happened, but she forced a smile and told everyone that she was fine.

Five days said that it is not long, it can be said that it is not short, but it is enough to let Yu listen to adjust the state. After adjusting the state, she thought about it deeply, and decided to wait for Tang Shangshi to return and scold him. , How can there be such a person?

It's too much to come and go, what do you think of her?

On the sixth day, after listening to go home, as usual, he prepared to take a shower and change his clothes. As soon as he unscrewed the bedroom door, by the evening light, he saw a tall man lying on her. On the bed, the clothes were not taken off, the two black shirt collar buttons were unbuttoned, and the **** collarbone was opened wide, with one arm resting on his eyes, extremely tired, and a handsome face slightly pale.

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