Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1264: Outside, the so-called sleep with

Yu Ting listened to his eyelids beating, his heart was suddenly picked up, and he blurted out subconsciously: "Who?"

The hand resting on the eye left without speaking, but it was enough to let Yu Listening know who the person was.

It’s not that I will be back on the sixth day in a week.

It was really scary to just lie on the bed in her bedroom without making a phone call.

Yu heard a surge of anger for no reason, she slammed on the light, and was about to go crazy, but under the light, she saw that his face was pale as snow and looked like a gossamer.

The anger disappeared immediately, and Yu Listening's voice went dumb. She bit her lower lip and stared at Tang Shang's knife-like handsome face for a while, and then called him slightly and softly: Brother Shi, have you had dinner?"

Tang Shangshi slowly opened his eyes, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, as if he hadn't slept for days and nights, his low voice was also dull and soft like never before: "No, but I don't want to eat. "

Yu Tingting was unblinked by his unblinking gaze, and he was uncomfortable to see. He pursed his lips and sat down next to him: "When did you come back, how come you have my house key?"

"Unhappy, not welcome?" He raised his hand and hooked her neck, pulling her to his chest.

Yu Tingting put his hand on his chest and gently moved the distance between the two of them, "I'm just unhappy, but I'm not welcome. My house is not a hotel. Come and leave when you come!"

Tang Shangshi didn't get angry but smiled, and put his head into her neck, "Listen, be good today, don't torture me anymore, I'm very tired, stay with me to sleep for a while..."

"Huh?" Because of this explosive sentence, Yu Hearing stiffened all over his body and exclaimed for a while.

Seeing her reaction, Tang Shang knew that she wanted to be awkward, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "I was really defeated by you, why don't you understand what I mean?"

"Ming, what do you understand?" Yu Listening was overwhelmed with shock, and asked quietly.

Tang Shangshi raised his eyebrows, "Of course I slept with me!"

Yu Tingting's little face immediately blushed like blood, "When Tang Shang, you are really bad, I will ignore you!"

She said she wanted to stand up, but she was held tightly by Tang Shangshi, sighed helplessly, and bit her lip, "What do you want? How can you be such a woman in the world, I said I was tired and I just wanted to sleep for a while. You can also want to be crooked. I asked you if you wanted to sleep with me very early."

Yu Listening blushed like blood, sullen and stared, completely unbelievable, "I,, you deliberately misled me."

When Tang Shangshi Shen Shen laughed, "You said, where did I mislead you?"

Yu Tingting's face flushed red, "I, I, if you ask me again, I will ignore you and have to drive out of my house..."

"Oh, so fierce! Annoyed into anger!" Tang Shangshi teased her, and asked with an evil smile, "Then I don't say this, then I will ask if I like it very much, and I want to lie down on my bed every day. ."

"Tang Shangshi!" Yu heard the warning yelling out, his face flushed like Caixia, and then raised his hand to beat him, all kinds of shame.

Tang Shangshi pretended to eat pain and said, "Hi, goodbye, don't toss me today. I am really tired today, I am really weak, and my whole body is sore. I won't ask you anymore, I know you like me very much."

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