Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 136: The first design, to decide the love (2)

She didn't expect Yu Feibai to reply to text messages, but when she put her phone under the pillow, the vibration sounded slightly.

Open it, Yu Feibai came back, two words: Good night!

Gu Youli returned a good night with a smile, then slowly closed his eyes, and soon went to bed with happiness.

However, she had a nightmare.

She dreamed of returning to her previous life, the beautiful, dark guest room she stepped into before she died.

Suddenly her wrist was clamped, and then she was suppressed on the wall next to her. Before she could figure out what was going on, the tall and tall figure pressed down.

That is a man.

The man stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, his eyes were evil, and he bowed his head and kissed it.

In panic and humiliation, she used all her strength to push the man away from her.

The dim and extravagant lights hit the man, adding a bit of mystery to him, and then she saw a face that was extremely beautiful!

That is, Yu Feibai...

"Ah——!" With an exclamation, Gu Youli sat up like a spring.

She was sweating all over, panting heavily, staring straight ahead, as if the soul suddenly flew away from the body.

"You Li, are you okay?" Wen Ting, who was on the bed next to her, asked concerned.

It's dawn, and all the classmates have got up to go to class.

Gu Youli raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then smiled at Wen Ting and shook his head, "I'm fine, you go to class!"

She thought it was probably because she and Yu Feibai were too close recently, so she had such a dream.

But there was another shadow in my heart, suspecting that Yu Feibai was the man!

Gu Youli also got up, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and prepared to go to the cutting room with the glass ball.

But when she opened the cabinet and was about to take out her semi-finished snake necklace, she found that her necklace was missing.

Gu Youli rummaged through the cabinet and searched for a while, but still did not see her snake necklace.

Strange, where will you go?

She clearly remembered how she suddenly disappeared when she put it in the cabinet.

Glancing at Yang Mengshan who was still sleeping, Gu Youli walked over and asked in a cold voice, "Did you take my necklace?"

Yang Mengshan woke up slowly with anxious eyes, she looked at Gu Youli with an unclear face: "What necklace? I don't know what sister you are talking about?"

When Gu Youli saw her unidentified look, a fire burst into her body. She could be 100% sure that Yang Mengshan took her necklace.

"Except you, no one else!" Gu Youli's eyes fixed on her coldly.

Yang Mengshan's eyebrows are crooked, she smiles lightly, but her smile doesn't reach the bottom of her eyes, "Sister, I have been so miserable by you, do you think I dare to make small moves, sister, you are too capable, I am afraid of you, I am now I really want to get along with you!"

Gu Youli gradually tightened his fingers, then tightened again.

Her voice was depressed and cold: "Mengshan, why do you pretend to be with me? Others may not know, but if you frown, I will know what you are thinking? Give me my necklace quickly! "

Yang Mengshan looked at Gu Youli very innocently with a small grievance: "Sister, since I entered the dormitory yesterday afternoon to this morning, I have never left the dormitory. If I really took your necklace, then It must be in the bedroom too, right? To prove my innocence, please search for my sister!"

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