Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 137: The first design, the love object (3)

Since that incident, everyone has regarded Yang Mengshan as nonexistent.

Now, if Gu Youli hadn't run over to ask Yang Mengshan suddenly, I guess everyone had forgotten that there was still one in the bedroom.

Gu Youli's face was very serious, and he said coldly, "I won't search for your things, please take out the necklace."

Zhang Xiaowen is also in the bedroom at the moment. She stepped forward and looked at Yang Mengshan and said, "Mengshan, if you take your sister's design, you should pay it back to your sister soon. She has to hand in homework!"

Yang Mengshan paled, looking at Zhang Xiaowen's eyes, a layer of mist suddenly appeared.

She laughed softly at herself, her weak voice tremblingly sounded: "Xiaowen, don't you even believe me? I really didn't take it! Sister, isn't your design locked in a cabinet? Without the key to your cabinet, how could I take your design? If I remember correctly, it seems that your spare key was given to Chu Qing. Or ask Chu Qing to see if she has it. Go yours."

Gu Youli stared at her, his eyes getting colder, "Don't bring the topic to Chu Qing, she will tell me if she takes it."

Yang Mengshan took away her design and wanted to provoke her relationship with Chu Qing.

Wen Ting took Gu Youli's hand and said anxiously: "Just ask, it's always good, just in case, I'll call you!"

Gu Youli slapped Wen Ting's hand, stopped her movement, and smiled faintly: "Thank you, Wen Ting, I will call myself."

After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and called Chu Qing.

It was still early, and Chu Qing was still sleeping late. She probably answered the phone with her eyes closed. She said "Which one" in a daze, and then lost her voice.

Gu Youli did not ask Chu Qing if she had taken her design, but asked her, "Where did you put the spare key I gave you?"

"Put it with my key, why? You lost your key?" Chu Qing reached out and took the small bag she had placed next to the bed, and then took out a bunch of keys from it.

She glanced in a daze, and suddenly woke up: "Oh, inside, your key is missing."

As expected, Gu Youli was not surprised or anxious: "Okay, I see!"

On the contrary, Chu Qing became anxious, and her sleep disappeared instantly: "What happened? Did you lose your key?"

"No, nothing, you have a good rest!" Gu Youli smiled and hung up the phone.

She coolly thought: Yang Mengshan must have taken the key to Chu Qing, and the design must have been taken by Yang Mengshan. Now that Yang Mengshan is so calm and colorless that she dares to ask her to search, she is absolutely sure that she cannot search. When it arrives, there is no need to search again, and it is useless to search.

Seeing Gu Youli's cold face, Yang Mengshan's lips bloomed with a triumphant but malicious smile.


She came to Gu Youli and pretended to ask anxiously: "Sister, what did Chu Qing say, did she take your design? I'm innocent, right?"

Gu Youli tilted his eyes and tilted his head at Yang Mengshan, her eyes dark and gloomy.

Yang Mengshan's eyes were a little vacant as she watched. She clasped Gu Youli's arm pitifully, "Sister, I used to be bad, I know I was wrong, and I will correct it. Let's go back to the past, OK? I'm arguing with you like this now, I feel so tired, really tired!"

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