Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 138: The first design, to decide the love (4)

Gu Youli remained silent and looked at Yang Mengshan silently.

After a long silence, Gu Youli suddenly smiled, thinking: Are you tired? Looks like I'm tired, thinking about how to prevent you from harming me every day.

This laugh made Yang Mengshan misunderstood, and she thought Gu Youli had accepted her.

She flattened her mouth aggrievedly, shook Gu Youli's arm, and grotesquely said: "Sister, do you remember before? Although we have our own bedrooms, we always like to sleep together. You used to turn off the lights. Run to my bed and chat with me. We were really close at that time, sister, can we go back to the past, right?"

I have to say that Yang Mengshan's words made Gu Youli's memories rewind and return to that good time.

It is a pity that "beautiful" is just an illusion.

Yang Mengshan has always been false to her.

Gu Youli curled her lips with a smile, and then showed the same expression on her face as Yang Mengshan, and said softly, "Of course you can go back to the past, as long as you return my design to me, I will treat it as before. you."

Yang Mengshan's eyes were red, and she looked at Gu Youli with tears in grief and said sadly, "Sister, you still don't believe me, you think I took your design, I'm so wronged!"

Gu Youli chuckled lightly, her eyes cold and gloomy.

She coldly pulled Yang Mengshan's hand away, and her voice didn't have any warmth, "Mengshan, if you want people to know it, you can't do it yourself. I have some accounts in my heart and will slowly calculate it after autumn."

At this moment, Gu Youli was full of fierceness, like a banshee from the Shura realm, and the smile on his lips was extremely cold.

Yang Mengshan was deeply shocked, the hatred in Gu Youli's eyes was not obvious, but it was like a sharp sword.

It seems that as long as she swings a sword, Yang Mengshan can cut her off at any time.

This feeling was very frightening, and Yang Mengshan's legs instantly softened.

Gu Youli didn't look at Yang Mengshan again, turned and left the dormitory, went directly to the material room, and wanted to make another one, but the 925 silver provided by the school was out of stock.

And the 925 silver she had left in her hand couldn't even make a bracelet, let alone make a necklace.

After greeting the teacher in the cutting room, Gu Youli went to the hospital to see Chu Qing again.

Chu Qing asked Gu Youli again what happened in the morning.

Gu Youli said it was all right, and then smiled to make Chu Qing happy. It was useless to tell Chu Qing about it. It was impossible for the stolen design to come back.

The only thing she can do now is to find a way to make the same design with the materials she has.

After leaving the hospital, Gu Youli did not want to go back to school.

She took a bus to the vicinity of Yu Feibai's apartment, got off the bus, and walked for ten minutes to Yu Feibai's apartment.

Yu Feibai is not at home, the apartment is quiet.

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Youli suddenly felt a little cold, her nose was sore, and her eyes were red. She hugged her knees and buried her head between her arms.

She wants to cry. People say that after crying, the whole person will be more relaxed.

But she had no tears. Her eyes seemed to be broken after rebirth. No matter how she wanted to cry, she just didn't have a tear.

She sat quietly on the sofa for a long time, until her body was a little numb, then she got up and walked to the bathroom to wash her face.

Gu Youli bit her lip and looked at herself in the bath mirror. It's just a design that must not be difficult for her. To be a man, she must have the idea of ​​being invincible.

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