Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 156: Play, chance encounter (1)

"You know!"

"You should know that you can't take that kind of medicine. It will have a lot of side effects and is bad for your health. Good, sit down and eat noodles, we won't be so lucky!"

Gu Youli's lips were faintly pursed, and a hint of crimson crimson climbed on her eyes, "What if? I'm just a freshman. My dad doesn't object to me being a boyfriend, but he will definitely not allow me to get pregnant. If he is I know, it will definitely break my leg!"

Yu Feibai took her hand and sat on her lap, with her thin lips close to her hair: "Sorry, you are waiting at home, I will buy it for me!"

After a pause, he said again: "I the future, this kind of thing will not happen, and I will take measures."

Gu Youli felt sore in his heart, and raised his soft arms, clinging to Fei Bai's neck obediently.

After eating, Yu Feibai went to the supermarket downstairs to buy medicine.

Gu Youli walked into Yu Feibai's study room and was going to use his computer to go online.

Gu Youli was indeed surprised when he entered the non-white study for the first time.

Gu Youli was dumbfounded for a while, because in Yu Feibai's study, three full wall bookcases were filled with books.

She took out a few books at random and read them. The contents and languages ​​in them were all different. Some were Chinese, some were English, some were French, and some were German.

There are others that Gu Youli doesn't know at all, and they don't know which language they are.

Gu Youli admired Yu Feibai too much. How could she understand the languages ​​of so many countries? For this reason, she was sad for a while. After all, she was only good at Chinese, and the only one who knew English was still in the examination...

After sitting down in the comfortable soft chair, Gu Youli turned on Yu Feibai's computer and logged in to his QQ. Two dialog boxes popped up immediately.

Huacheng Old Dream: "Li Li, was it fun to have fun with fragrance last night? Was there a 300 round of battle?"

I alone dominate: "Lili, Yu is in a very good figure, is there any **** sent over to let me YY!"

The old dream of Huacheng is Hua Miao Miao, and I only respect Chu Qing!

Seeing the messages sent by these two people, Gu Youli almost choked on her saliva.

The three of them have a discussion group. At this moment, Hua Miaomiao and Chu Qing are chatting happily, and they are arguing again!

Gu Youli weakly sent two full stops "..." to the past.

The two immediately stopped arguing, and asked Gu Youli together how they were playing with Chief Yu.

Huacheng’s old dream: "Lili, why are you so slow to return, do you do too much, your whole body aches, and you don’t even want to move!"

Gu Youli blinked, what did he do too much? What body aches? Do not want to move anything? She repeatedly pondered the meaning of these words, and then her face blushed like blood.

This smelly flower Miaomiao, knowing that he has nothing to say, is so blatant!

I alone dominate: "Well~~ I think it may be dissatisfaction with desires and unhappy mood!"

Chu Qing posted it again, and Gu Youli was ashamed in the endless teasing!

"I have logged in beforehand. Go back and chat with you on my mobile QQ!" She went offline immediately after she returned.

My god, these two damaging friends!

She decided to find them on QQ after ten days and a half!

After logging off QQ, when Gu Youli was about to turn off the computer and return to the living room, he glanced at a file on the desktop with the name photo.

With curiosity, Gu Youli clicked and opened the document with joy.

It seems to be all photos of Yu Feibai, including life photos and military uniform photos.

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