Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 157: Play, chance encounter (2)

Regardless of life photos or military uniform photos, Zhang Zhang Jun is beautiful and sassy, ​​and he feels like a cold jade gentleman, as if from outside the world.

Gu Youli once again sighed: Yu Feibai is so good, his facial features can hardly pick out the slightest shortcomings, tall and long legs, heroic appearance, rich and powerful.

This kind of person is simply the VIP of Gao Fu Shuai, the fighter of Shuai II!

But this man actually fell in love with him, and Gu Youli felt infinitely unreality.

With a feeling of anxiety and excitement, Gu Youli continued to watch one by one. Suddenly she saw her own photos, and the next photos were all hers. One after another, she was in military training. Secretly photographed at the time.

Gu Youli was surprised and couldn't help reaching out his hand to cover his mouth.

At this moment, Yu Feibai had already bought medicine and returned. No one was seen in the living room. He stepped into the study and asked softly: "What are you looking at!"

After Gu Youli was surprised, he laughed strangely, Yu Feibai ignored her strange smile, and sat down beside her with a faint smile.

The soft chair is large enough to fit two people.

Gu Youli raised his lips and looked at Yu Feibai, his small face was instantly bright as a flower, "Quickly say, did you fall in love with me at first sight!"

He leaned back in the chair lazily, with a slightly puzzled expression, "Huh? What did you say?"

"I found the evidence, you still don't admit it!" Gu Youli raised his finger and pointed to his photo on the computer.

Yu Feibai's eyes were deep, and he licked his lips playfully: "This can also be called evidence. Why do I feel that you fell in love with me at first sight? When I saw me, my heart was very happy!"

"How can it be!" Gu Youli denied immediately!

Yu Feibai didn't let her go: "Just admit it. Before I knew you, did you have a crush on me!"

Gu Youli pouted, "You are so stinky!!"

Suddenly, she thought of Yu Feibai who suddenly appeared in front of her at the last glance in her previous life, and coupled with her recent relationship with Yu Feibai, she was really afraid that Yu Feibai would be the man who strengthened her.

If so, then it was the bureau set up by Yang Mengshan. What position does Yu Feibai take?

Gu Youli's complexion suddenly became serious, and he looked at Yu Feibai seriously and said: "Yu Feibai, I want to tell you one thing. The most annoying person in my life is the one who doesn’t know if it’s really my sister. Yang Mengshan, you must never fight me with her in the future!"

"Girl, what silly thing are you talking about!" Yu Feibai's eyes were cold and cold, and there was a burst of light that wanted to knock her head off!

Gu Youli stared at Yu Feibai's eyes, his eyes flashed with apologetic light, and he lowered his eyes, and his deflated mouth made no sound.

It’s not good for her to say that, but she is afraid. The previous life was a nightmare. She already liked Yu Feibai. Even if Yu Feibai was the man who strengthened her in her previous life, then she should not get involved with Feibai and Yang Mengshan in this life. Any relationship.

"I just want to be good to you, and only those who are good to you can get respect from me!" Yu Feibai said every word, weighing too much weight.

Waves of emotion are coming, and suffocation generally drowns Gu Youli.

She laughed and joked: "I'm pretty bad! People who are not good to me are good people!"

Yu Feibai lifted his fingers and scratched the tip of her upright little nose: "Poor mouth, it seems that this medicine is gone?"




"Are you sure you want?"


"Should I be fed?"




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