Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 159: Play, chance encounter (4)

"Be careful—" Yu Feibai quickly reached out to support her, and then naturally embraced her shoulders.

Gu Youli raised his hand and gently patted his chest. It was dangerous.

She raised her eyes to look at Yu Feibai, some blame: "It's not you who scared me!"

Yu Feibai raised his eyebrows, his cold expression gleaming with evil charm: "Guilty? Because of a long time, eh, is it saying that I and you are a long time?"

Gu Youli's face turned red, clear and bright, shy that she had already concealed: "Smelly, who said that I have been with you for a long time?"

"Then you are honestly speaking, who has been with whom for a long time?" Yu Feibai bullied her, and the breath of her body enveloped her in an instant, faint, but very special, deeply rooted in her like poisonous smoke In the bone marrow.

Gu Youli blushed and turned his eyes: "I won't tell! I won't tell you!"

Yu Feibai bends the corners of her mouth faintly, and raises her hand to stroke the broken hair from her temples behind her ears, acting gentle like water.

There were two people far away, two men in green military uniforms.

One of the men in the green uniform was looking ahead blankly.

Another man in green uniform raised his eyebrows and followed his companion's sight. He saw a man who couldn't see her appearance, but was tall and tall. He hugged a girl who could not see her appearance. He turned and walked towards the outside of Fahua Temple.

"Cobra, Cobra..." shouted two or three times, and the man in uniform did not respond.

Another man in military uniform raised his voice instantly and said loudly, "Hu Zhifeng, what are you looking at?"

Always staring at the man in uniform in front of him, named Hu Zhifeng, codenamed Cobra.

He retracted his gaze, still in surprise, "Piranha...Did you see that man and woman just now?"

The man in military uniform called a piranha, his black eyes sank, and curiously asked: "I saw it, what's wrong?"

Piranha is his code name, his real name is Lu Hongtao.

Hu Zhifeng frowned and looked at him, somewhat puzzled, "Then you are not surprised?!"

Lu Hongtao patted Hu Zhifeng on the shoulder and curled his lips disapprovingly, "Uh, it's not just a couple. What's so surprising. We saw more couples along the way."

Hu Zhifeng swallowed, "But that man is our captain!"

Lu Hongtao raised his eyebrows: "Which captain?"

Hu Zhifeng gave him an unbearable look. It turned out that he hadn't seen: "Which captain can be, of course, is the captain of our special brigade. He was holding a charming little beauty just now. The two said I walked out from Fahua Temple with a smile!"

Lu Hongtao was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "What international jokes are you making, our captain, who are you bluffing? I don't know that our captain has always been alone, cold and arrogant, with a black tongue and a young appearance. , Old Antique's heart, how could he come to Fahua Temple with his arms around the charming little beauty!"

In short, it was a face of disbelief.

Hu Zhifeng raised the middle three fingers of his right hand and swears to the sky: "I swear that I really saw the captain just now. Don't forget, I am a cobra and I haven't seen the one who walked by."

"Isn't it?" Lu Hongtao opened his eyes wide, looking at the place where the man and the woman had turned and left just now.

Immediately, he "screamed" and followed quickly like a gust of wind.

Hu Zhifeng slightly followed up as he shouted, "Wait for me..."

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