Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 160: Play, chance encounter (5)

Yu Feibai and Gu Youli left the Fahua Temple and walked slowly for a while before taking a taxi back to the city.

When two men in military uniforms followed, they only saw them getting in a taxi. They were still unable to confirm their identity because they could only see their backs, so a taxi immediately followed up.

Sitting in the car, Yu Feibai looked at Gu Youli in his arms and asked, "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"

Gu Youli raised his eyes and looked at Yu Feibai a little apologetically, "Well, I only told my dad to play for two or three days. I'm going to go back tomorrow. Besides, you are almost ready to leave. It seems that you are going back to the army."

Yu Feibai thought for a while, then nodded.

After getting out of the car outside the complex, the two did not go back to the apartment immediately, but went to the supermarket outside the complex holding hands.

They walked around from the supermarket and picked some things, most of them for food.

When passing through the health area, Yu Feibai pointed to a row of Durex to Gu Youli, "Which flavor do you like?"

Gu Youli glared at him blushingly, pushing the shopping cart to leave the health care area.

Yu Feibai stretched out his hand and forcibly held her in his arms, took a box and threw it into the shopping cart.

Gu Youli looked at Durex in the shopping cart, uncomfortable, and took a pack of snacks and threw it under cover.

This time, I feel much better.

Far behind the shelves, Hu Zhifeng and Lu Hongtao are secretly hiding.

"Target, at nine o'clock, over!" Hu Zhifeng made a laser rangefinder with his hand and said to his companion.

After the observer determined that it was his captain, Lu Hongtao was surprised for a long time before murmured: "That's really our captain, with a smirk, talking to the woman in a low voice, very intimate, sure It should be a couple, over!"

After a pause, he said: "But what are they talking about, it's too far to see the shape of the mouth, should we get closer!"

Hu Zhifeng lowered his hand made into a laser rangefinder and looked at Lu Hongtao and said, "It is speculated that we only need to take two steps forward and we will be discovered!"

Lu Hongtao could not suppress his inner curiosity, "This is very critical intelligence, and we must be 100% sure of the reliability of the intelligence!"

Sure enough, gossip has never been a woman's patent.

Hu Zhifeng said without a doubt: "I have to make sure, that is clearly the captain!"

Lu Hongtao's expression became cold: "Cobra, the mission continues, stay vigilant, it's over!"

At this moment, Gu Youli and Yu Feibai came to the beverage area.

While choosing a drink, Gu Youli suddenly saw a beautiful woman, holding a handsome man, turning around from the other side of the shelf as a loving couple.

When Gu Youli saw this scene in astonishment, there was a bang in his head, almost like a conditioned reflex, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and pushed and was looking at her tenderly at the moment, unknowingly Yu Feibai.

There was a supermarket safe passage on Yu Feibai's side, so he was directly pushed in...

Hu Zhifeng and Lu Hongtao who followed far away, the two comrades stared in astonishment.

Just now, the eyes didn't bloom. Their captain, who was struggling and couldn't be pushed by the five team members, was actually pushed into the air by a charming little woman at this moment?

My God, how strong is this little girl.

Sure enough, it's the captain, he has a heavy taste!

Comrades two and two, you have never heard of one willing to push and one willing, then you should also hear one willing to fight and one willing to suffer!

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