Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 185: Blackening, prologue (4)

Gu Huijun was full of anger, "Gu Youli, you are too ruthless, because I am so kind to you!"

Gu Youli looked at her with faint eyes and smiled coolly: "It's good to me? Before Mengshan was beaten by your mother, were you really good to me? How do I think I'm just the sister of your good friend Gu Mengshan What?"

"I..." Gu Huijun lowered his head, a little guilty.

When she had an excellent relationship with Yang Mengshan before, she was quite disdainful of Youli.

The reason why she often plays with Gu Youli is all because of Yang Mengshan. In her mind, Gu Youli has always been the sister of a good friend.

On the contrary, her mother often said that Gu Youli is a good person.

Gu Huijun turned around and sat down on the bench under the tree.

After a long silence, Gu Huijun finally said again, "Then how do you want to deal with Gu Mengshan, I will help you!!!"

"Don't deal with it!!" Gu Youli answered very simply.

Gu Huijun hated iron but not steel, gritted his teeth and said: "What are you talking about? She wants such a poisonous scheme to frame you, you are actually indifferent!!"

"She is my sister!!" Gu Youli answered inexplicably.

Whether she wants to deal with Yang Mengshan, or how she plans to deal with Yang Mengshan, she has any plans in her heart. Of course she will not tell Gu Huijun about everything.

Maybe Gu Huijun hates Yang Mengshan, but she can see that Gu Huijun is also blaming her.

Of course she could tell what idea Gu Huijun had made in her heart.

These words made Gu Huijun like being struck by lightning, and his face was as gray as death, "So, if you are on her side, even if you fight to the death, you will be on one side, and you will even help her deal with me!"

"No!!" Gu Youli vetoed with a smile: "I won't help you deal with her, and I won't help her deal with you in the same way. How you fight is your own business."

Gu Huijun squinted her eyes shrewdly, and she suddenly realized: "It turns out that the smartest one is you. You want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"

Gu Youli didn't deny it, just curled his lips and said, "Then you think Zhao Mingcheng told you this, isn't it just this idea!"

Gu Huijun's face was cold, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I know Zhao Mingcheng's idea is just You Li, even if you think I was not good to you before, but since that day passed, I thought we were friends..."

"From the day of the coffee shop, we can't be friends! We will never be friends!" What Gu Youli actually wanted to say is that from the day you pushed me with Zhao Mingcheng and Yang Mengshan to let me die, I You should be fortunate to be able to do not hate you or deal with you.

Gu Huijun was stunned for a long time before she squeezed a grimace from her mouth, "Is it really that important that day?"

She didn't do anything at the coffee shop that day, just stood on Yang Mengshan's side.

It can really make her bear so much hatred.

Some time ago, she went to Gu's house and invited her to take care of her house. What is this? Use it?

Gu Youli replied firmly and coldly: "Very important!"

A cool breeze blew, blowing Gu Youli's shawl and long hair flying, Gu Huijun fixedly looked at her, and the last ray of orange light in the evening shed on her, rendering her attractive beauty.

Her white little face is full of persistence and seriousness, and she looks cold and noble.

Gu Huijun thought it was so beautiful, she only thought Yang Mengshan was beautiful before.

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