Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 186: Blackening, prologue (5)

But at this moment, she discovered that Gu Youli was more attractive than Yang Mengshan, which was a rare charm.

Gu Huijun remained silent for a long time, and Gu Youli was also silent.

The two sat under the tree, quietly blowing the cool breeze.

As the night darkened, the cold wind hit, and the temperature got colder and colder, the lightly breath condensed into mist and rose slowly. Fortunately, both of them were wearing down jackets.

Until Gu Youli's cell phone rang.

Taking out a phone call and looking at the name displayed on it, Gu Youli's eyes brightened suddenly, and the expression on his face softened.

She answered the phone, put the earpiece on the other ear, as far away as possible from Gu Huijun.

"I'm downstairs in your house!!" A dark, low voice rang on the other side of the phone.

Gu Youli was very surprised, and also very pleasantly surprised, full of excitement exploded in his chest.

"Wait a minute!" She hung up the phone with bright eyes and looked at Gu Huijun: "I have something to do, let's go first!!"

Gu Huijun had been staring at Gu Youli just now, and she did not miss any small movements on Gu Youli's face.

She was a little surprised and asked subconsciously: "Your boyfriend?"

Gu Youli paused slightly, and subconsciously lifted his hand to straighten the broken hair on his forehead, and smiled extremely shallowly: "It's just an ordinary friend!"

After speaking, she stood up.

Before taking a step to leave, she said deeply and deeply, "Hui Jun, in your mother's affection, I remind you, stay away from Yang Mengshan!"

Gu Huijun frowned, stood up suddenly, a little angrily said: "Impossible, I won't count on this!!!"

"That way, you might be even more unlucky. Don't you already have a boyfriend? If you still want to spend time with your boyfriend, don't provoke Yang Mengshan!" With all that said, Gu Youli turned and left.

Gu Youli quickly returned to where she lived by running.

In the night, a streamlined black car parked downstairs in her house, shining brightly under the dark night, an extraordinary figure leaning against the car door, raised his eyes to look at the lights upstairs, and then raised his hand. Watch on the wrist.

Gu Huijun didn't believe it at all. The people Gu Youli said were just ordinary friends.

She is just a little curious, plus she can indeed, take a taxi back from here.

Yu, she turned around and came to the downstairs of Gu Youli's house.

There are no people here during the day, and there are no pedestrians downstairs at night.

When she glanced over, she just saw Gu Youli flying towards the man standing across the street, standing downstairs from her house, like a butterfly, suddenly plunged into the man's arms!

When he hugged, the man pushed Gu Youli away. It seemed that he was aware of the wind that Gu Youli had been blowing for a long time. At this moment, he was very cold and ice. The man untied the scarf on his neck, and then gently and slowly surrounded him. Ring after ring on Gu Youli's neck...

The street lamp was lit lonely, sprinkling light on the two of them, pulling down long shadows, which looked particularly warm and warm.

This picture is really beautiful. The man is tall and handsome, and the woman is petite and exquisite. They look at each other affectionately. Flowers and trees make green for them, and all things in the world are the shadows for them.

Gu Huijun was deeply shocked. The beautiful picture made it difficult for her to look away. For a long time, she thought what she saw was a dream.

It wasn't until Gu Youli and the man both got in the car, and the car went away again, in a daze, this woke up like a dream...

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