Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 187: Blackening, prologue (6)

When the car door was closed, Gu Youli turned to look at Yu Feibai's profile, "Turn right and turn right, you can't park downstairs!"

Yu Feibai sat in the driver's seat and drove away as Gu Youli said.

But there was a feeling of depression in my heart that I couldn't vent, and I knew everything in my eyes.

No way, who made you agree to love it!

After stopping the car on the side of the road, he turned his head to look at Gu Youli, and under her smiling eyes, he suddenly pressed her lips fiercely.

A fierce kiss rolled away on Gu Youli's soft lips.

Panting and dignified, accompanied by exhaled breath, spread wantonly in the car.

Yu Feibai leaned forward, pressing Gu Youli deeply into the seat in a kissing position.

Gu Youli was dizzy by his sudden passion, and his arms were subconsciously wrapped around the non-white neck.

After being separated for more than a month, she thought about him so much that she didn't know what to do.

Couples in love, once they experience separation, the emotions they want to see again are as hot as fire.

Like Gu Youli, Yu Feibai thought of heart and liver pain.

He kissed eagerly, put his hand into Gu Youli's clothes, got into her bra, and then gently clasped her abundance, possessive, delicately loving.

After a long time, the restless passion calmed down slightly.

The two of them hugged each other tightly, lying in the position of the co-pilot and talking, their hot breaths blending.

Yu Feibai raised his hand and gently rubbed Gu Youli's small face, with thin lips covering her ears and muttered: "Fat?"

He was quite satisfied when she got fat. She was so thin before, and the wind was blowing like a willow.

"Yeah, you will get fat during the New Year!!" Gu Youli shrank into Feibai's arms, wrapped his hands around his waist, "Why are you not fat at all? Unfair!!"

Yu Feibai faintly curled her lips, and the kiss was lightly stamped on Gu Youli's eyebrows.

"Why did you come here today? You sent a text message two days ago and you said that you probably won't have time until the Lantern Festival."

"There is a task, temporarily cancelled!"

Gu Youli blinked his eyes in a puzzled manner, and then licked his lips badly, "Can the task be cancelled temporarily? I feel like you are quite busy during this time. Are you busy with tasks that can be cancelled temporarily? "

Yu Feibai’s deep eyes were shining with gleaming light: "Girl, are you taunting me? Or do you want to be a spy and set me up?"

"Hehe, guess?" Gu Youli smiled.

Yu Feibai thinned his lips and covered Gu Youli's sensitive ears, and said wickedly, "If you call me to guess back and forth, I will just do it for you?"

Gu Youli pretended not to understand, and asked in surprise, "You didn't want to kill me!!"

The gleaming light in Yu Feibai’s eyes flashed, and he sucked on Gu Youli’s earlobe, "I ate you!!!"

Quite calmly dropped a sentence with extremely **** connotations, but said the words very calmly. It's like talking about the weather today.

This is a realm, and most people really can't learn or do it.

Gu Youli's eyes were shining brightly, and he replied earnestly: "I will shout for help, and your image as a soldier will be shattered!"

"Then I'm like this, let me see how you shout!!" Yu Feibai bowed his head and kissed Gu Youli's lips.

Lingering, gentle tossing around, kissed Gu Youli dizzy, as if floating in the clouds.

It wasn't until Gu Youli was hypoxic and almost unable to breathe that she reluctantly let go of her.

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