Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 188: Back to Beijing, warm time (1)

Gu Youli panted again and again, and a layer of flushing appeared on his face due to lack of oxygen.

She has a pair of eyes that are like water, and the frame is fixed on the non-white face: "You are the best as a gangster!"

Yu Feibai's cold eyes were dyed with the light of evil charm.

He leaned down to face her innocent little face, curled his lips and said: "This can't really eat you, so I'm scolding the gangster!"

"Don't eat, I don't taste good. Although I am a little fatter, I still have more bones and less meat. More importantly, I haven't had a bath for half a year. It's very dirty. Don't you dislike it?" Gu Youli He blinked mischievously.

"If I remember correctly, more than a month ago, I still remember that I took a bath for someone, but now I want to see how dirty it is if I haven't washed it in the past six months..." Then, Yu Feibai stretched out his hand and probed. Into her delicate waist, and then ready to scratch her itching.

Gu Youli was the most ticklish. Before his hand touched her, he already yelled, "Ah!", screaming, he wanted to avoid it, but the position was so big that he could hide there. Ah, so Yu Feibai immediately made a smile.

It was so itchy, she smiled and laughed with tears, curled up and avoided her body and begged for mercy: "Fei Bai, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Yu Feibai finally stopped, and the two of them faced each other at a very close distance, their noses facing the noses, only each other in their pupils.

Suddenly, emotions surged.

Gu Youli gasped violently, Shui's eyes fixedly looked at Yu Feibai, and subconsciously reached out to touch his chest.

Yu Feibai's long arms tightened her waist, lowered her head to hold her seductive lips, and sucked carefully, with craziness and hunger in her tenderness.

The hand placed on her waist gradually slid, causing Gu Youli to shiver slightly.

The temperature rises rapidly, and the heat in the compartment is surging.

Yu Feibai kissed her lips happily, pinched her hands comfortably, the little woman in her arms had blurred eyes and floured lips. Seeing his heart surge, his primitive desires rose, and he wanted to throw her down!

And he did so.

With his fingers flexibly, he untied the shackles of her lower body————————

Gu Youli sucked, his face flushed, "Don't...ah..."

As soon as his voice sounded, Yu Feibai had already begun to attack the city——————

Suddenly, for a long time, Gu Youli couldn't care about anything except raising his head and panting.

"It's not white, you will be seen in the car, I don't want to." Gu Youli gasped, begging for mercy.

Her bewildered expression is like a reminder to Feibai-love medicine.

How could he let her go.

"Um... Feibai..." Gu Youli was painful and numb, and was so soft and soft as a pool of spring water by Yu Feibai————

Although he knew this car window, people inside could see the outside, but people outside could not see inside, but Gu Youli still felt ashamed.

But even so, Gu Youli still felt very uncomfortable, "Fei Bai, don't be like this~~"

"No?" Yu Feibai asked her in Meixie's voice, "You... don't you like it?"

Gu Youli blushed, "It's not... I don't like it, it's just that it's not safe here and people will see it."

Before she finished her words, Yu Feibai kissed her lips again, preventing her from protesting.

nice! You love it! ! ! ! ! !

The mouth was blocked again, and Gu Youli was dizzy with the kiss.

The bodies of the two people are close to each other.

Gu Youli trembled all over, as if she was struck by an electric shock, she felt a strange numbness all over her body, and her body couldn't help but sink down into the soft seat of the car——————————

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