Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 189: Back to Beijing, warm time (2)

In the chaotic world, there are no more day and night.

In all things in the universe, there are no more flowers, plants or trees.

For them, everything is only each other, and only each other can be seen.

For people who love each other, if time can stay at this moment, it will be the most beautiful thing in the world.

I don’t know how long it took, after Yu Feibai slammed into it with a powerful force, he released all his passion...

Something sprang up from the lower abdomen, all hitting the top of the head, and then suddenly exploded, making Gu Youli dizzy and staring.

A strong, lingering taste permeated the cabin.

In the quiet carriage, only the light or heavy breathing of two people can be heard.

A joy|love made Gu Yuli sweat and exhausted. He didn't even want to open his eyelids, and his consciousness wandered between intoxication and collapse.

Yu Feibai's heavy body was pressed against her, and he was breathing violently.

The two sweated and blended together.

After a long time, he slightly propped up his body, picked up Gu Youli's tired and weak body, and helped her organize her clothes first.

Gu Youli was a little embarrassed. She had already relieved her strength, stretched out her hand to push Yu Feibai away, and then tidy up by herself.

Yu Feibai knew she was shy, and followed her.

When he arranged his clothes, he looked down and saw Gu Youli hung a jade pendant on his chest.

The jade pendant is engraved with the word "true". The jade's wall is crystal clear. Through the light, you can see the green color inside, exuding a warm light color.

With just a glance, Yu Feibai could see that this jade pendant was very valuable.

Yu Feibai didn't take care of Gu Youli before, so Yu Feibai narrowed his eyes calmly, and tentatively asked: "Jade, just bought it?"

In fact, there is a silent warning: It is best not to be given by a man!

Gu Youli first slightly, looked down at the jade on his chest, picked it up and asked, "Is this?"

Her expression suddenly became very soft, and her voice was like water: "This jade pendant is my mother's relic! The only thing she left to me, I generally don't want to wear it. Only during the Chinese New Year will I wear it. a bit……"

When she was speaking, she rubbed the jade pendant with her fingertips, soft as water.

Yu Feibai did not continue this topic, stretched out his hand and brushed the hair on Gu Youli's forehead, "Hurry up and put on your coat, don't catch a cold!!"

"There is heating, it's okay!"

After chatting in the car for a while, Gu Youli's belly suddenly groaned. She was called out by Gu Huijun, and she had not eaten dinner yet.

Yu Feibai turned the corner of her mouth and drove her to dinner.

After the meal, Yu Fei reluctantly sent her home. As for him, of course he would not go to the family, because she did not want her sister or other people to know his existence.

He didn't care, anyway, her father Gu Liangwei knew it.

After Gu Youli returned to the small building where he was staying, he returned to the door to watch Yu Feibai's car. He refused to leave for a long time.

My heart is full of love!

Is this happiness? Is it sweet?

Gu Youli couldn't believe it, and felt a little untrue.

But she doesn't want to care about it now, and she doesn't want to care about it. She didn't have a long-term mentality. Let's take one step and count as one step. Just be happy now.

Have fun every day, study happily, become a designer before graduation, have enough strength and appeal, and the future Yang Mengshan will have a grandmother with strong financial resources.

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