Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 676: Next, you will...

Early the next morning, Gu Youli and Yu Feibai got up early in the morning to visit Father Yu.

When they arrived, the three daughters-in-law of Yu's family, Zhou Minhua, Wang Jiahui and Yang Lili, and Yu Lijia's daughter, were all there.

Standing outside the ward, before entering, I heard an angry voice from the old man from the door: "What's serious, I said I can be discharged, then I can be discharged."

"Is there anything serious? Can it be sent to the hospital if it is not serious? Can I stay in the operating room for more than ten hours?" Yu Lijia said gruffly, "Don't look at you still hanging water, just If you want to be discharged from the hospital, you deliberately make us worry about you every day!"

Old man Yu snorted coldly: "Who wants you to worry about? I don't want you to worry about it. My old man is in good health. What should you do? Don't be all around in my ward, so I can't breathe. Get angry."

"Dad!" Yu Lijia was angry, almost vomiting blood.

But again, there is nothing I can do.

Sitting on the side of Wang Jiahui who was cutting fruit, she raised her eyes and said calmly: "Okay, Li Jia, if dad wants to be discharged, let him be discharged. We ask the family doctor to go back and take good care of it."

He said, winking her.

The old man's stubborn character has always been what it is, then it must be what it is, unwilling is unwilling.

Just a few words, maybe there is still room for change.

Yu Lijia reluctantly put aside his eyes, and now he has just finished the operation. After a few days of staying for a checkup, he is fine. Of course, he can go home for the family doctor to look after.

But now, of course it is better to be hospitalized.

At this moment, Yu Feibai pulled Gu Youli, opened the door of the ward and walked in, saying hello: "Grandpa."

"Grandpa," Gu Youli smiled faintly and greeted Grandpa Yu.

Seeing someone coming, Wang Jiahui hurriedly changed the subject, lest the father would be upset and the two father and daughter would stay here again.

She smiled gracefully: "Fei Bai, You Li, you are here, come and chat with your grandfather, he has been thinking of you for a long time to us."

Seeing Yu Feibai and Gu Youli coming in, the original heavy expression of the old man Yu was slightly relieved.

A kind smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Lili is here today too, come closer and chat with Grandpa!"

Having said that, he waved at Gu Youli.

The corners of Gu Youli's mouth raised slightly, her eyes flashed with tenderness, and she broke away from Feibai's hand, and sat down by the bed: "Grandpa, are you better? Yesterday I was so embarrassed that I couldn't come to you. Look."

Grandpa Yu smiled faintly: "It's okay. Grandpa knows you are tired. I heard that you were helping in the earthquake area, but you saved a lot of people."

Gu Youli was embarrassed, stretched out his hand and scratched his head: "No, I'm just helping to bandage the wound. It is the doctors who really rescued the wounded."

"It is also very important to bandage the wounds. No one helps them bandage the wounds. These doctors can come here in a hurry, right?" Grandpa Yu said proudly, with a supremely glorious expression.

Yu Feibai walked over, put his hand around Gu Youli's shoulder, and smiled lightly: "What do you say, grandpa?"

Father Yu looked at them for a while, then looked at Gu Youli and asked, "Are you injured? I heard that the aftershocks over there are serious."

Gu Youli shook his head: "I am not injured, but you are grandpa. Why don't you see you for more than ten days, you are sick."

Father Yu raised his voice, expressing his confidence: "Who said I was ill, I will tell you that I am in good health, and I am not sick at all."

Gu Youli said disapprovingly: "Grandpa, you have it, you have high blood pressure. You can't afford to be fooled by this. Really, why didn't you tell me? You even ate the last time you ate..."

Father Yu suddenly interrupted Gu Youli's words, and said in a dangerous voice: "Girl, do you miss me and oppose you being with Feibai!"

Gu Youli looked at the old man pitifully, like a bullied child: "Too much, grandpa you actually threatened me, you are as naive as Zhou Botong!"

Father Yu said displeased: "What, I'm like the old naughty boy Zhou Botong, have you made a mistake!"

"No, you are inferior to Zhou Botong. People are not obsessed with trivialities, they are not ashamed to ask, and they worship Xiaolongnv as a teacher. How respectable, like you, grandpa, you are not willing to accept reality at all."

Everyone was secretly surprised when they heard this, cold sweat was already coming out of their foreheads.

Did she make a mistake, she really didn't want to be with Feibai when she talked to the old man like this.

You know that at home, the old man is the imperial edict.

Yu Feibai was still indifferent on the surface, but was a little uneasy in his heart. No matter how old Yu likes Gu Youli, he has never been happy to challenge his majesty.

But they knew from there that the first day Old Man Yu and Gu Youli got along, it was this kind of mode of saying what to say.

"Why don't I accept reality anymore." Mr. Yu hasn't changed from beginning to end.

The expression was so calm, like the silent sea in the middle of the night, which was incomprehensible.

But because of this, it is even more frightening.

Yu Feibai saw the call-out hall, because he knew Gu Youli too well and knew that she had always understood how to measure.

It is impossible for no reason, so to provoke the old man.

But the other four couldn't help but wiped a cold sweat on Gu Youli, their minds were swiftly moving, thinking about ways to deal with the aftermath.

Gu Youli's eyes widened in astonishment, and he asked the old man Yu: "When I am sick, I am afraid that people will know that you are weak. I just woke up and clamored that I am going to be discharged from the hospital. Is this the reality of love?"

Old man Yu cursed: "Stupid girl with a bad head, who said I'm going to be discharged from the hospital, don't I live well?"

When the old man said this, he shocked everyone in his family, and everyone looked at Gu Youli's gaze with incredible disbelief.

Everyone persuaded him for so long that the old man had to be discharged from the hospital, but she actually used this method to keep the old man from the hospital.

You bull!

When the old man blurted out his words, he was also slightly startled.

Immediately, he scolded Gu Youli: "Okay, you stupid girl, you dare to get me off."

Gu Youli seemed as if he hadn't seen his anger, and looked calm and composed: "I dare to set off grandpa, and grandpa said it himself. Don't worry, grandpa, I will visit you every day during your hospital stay. ."

Everyone couldn't help but smile when they heard Gu Youli's placement. They really didn't expect that the old man would also be trapped.

"I don't want you to come to see me every day, so as not to **** me off," Mr. Yu said angrily, and drank coldly: "I'm thirsty, pour water."

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