Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 709: Let’s talk, I won’t forgive him

Gu Youli was discharged from the hospital and went home. It seemed better to recuperate at home than in the hospital.

After a few days, my body almost recovered.

However, her emotions seemed to be not very good all the time, a little depressed, Yu Feibai was also clearly aware of it.

He knew that some words should be clarified and should be made clear, otherwise he would catch a glimpse of illness.

She was in poor health at first, but it would be a curse to catch a glimpse of her illness.

On the dining table, Yu Feibai picked up a chopsticks dish and placed it in a bowl of Gu Youli, "You only eat a little bit of food every day. You see that you have lost so much weight. You will have another bowl later!"

Gu Youli blinked and smiled, "I still want to lose weight."

"No reduction!" Yu Feibai's domineering voice floated in the air like fog.

Gu Youli curled his lips: "Anything can listen to you, this one can't listen to you absolutely, weight loss is a career that women have worked hard for all their lives."

Yu Feibai looked at it, with a strong and domineering expression: "You have a career coming out. Isn't the designer your career?"

And Gu Youli's eyes rolled and then smiled: "Designer, designer, eat and eat, and then serve!"

Yu Feibai almost retracted his gaze with a face, continued to lower his head to eat, and the table fell silent again.

Suddenly, he raised his eyes to look at Gu Yuli, then put down his chopsticks.

He crossed his hands, looked at her and whispered, "You know everything about the child, right?"

Gu Youli paused, then continued to eat: "I'm sorry!"

Fierce and fierce distress, it was about to crush Yu Feibai's heart.

His heart was tumbling, piping hot with some kind of intense soreness, wanting to gush out from his chest.

"why apologize."

"I couldn't keep the child!" The cold light shone on Gu Youli's little face, her thin profile, quiet and sad under the light and shadow, as if she had lost her breath.

Yu Feibai stood up, walked to her side, then hugged her little head with both hands, and then leaned on himself: "Do you want me to die from shame?"

Holding her, it was embedded in her body: "I'm sorry, it's me."

There are too many emotions suppressed in her heart, and it seems that she suddenly found a relief gap.

Feeling the warmth and sudden collapse, she drilled into his arms like a fragile child, trembling like dead leaves trembling in the cold wind.

She tried her best to control her tears, and her grief finally did not hold back.

"It's my fault, everything is my fault. Don't be sad or sad. We will definitely have children in the future. I will make you a happy wife, a happy mother, and then become a loving one. Grandma and grandma..."

The soft voice was soft like a feather, but it fell on Gu Youli's heart, but it gave her the most powerful comfort.

Slowly, Gu Youli stopped crying.

She raised her eyes to Yu Feibai: "I don't want to lie to you, your dad...I hate him!"

A sharp pain flashed in Yu Feibai's eyes, and then nodded: "I know! I won't force you to like him."

Gu Youli shook his head, his eyes flushed: "It's not as simple as hating. Although I will not tie his fault with you, but I will not forgive him. Even if I marry you in the future, I will I won’t call him Dad, and I won’t honor him. I might not even visit him.”

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