Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 710: Talk to Yu Feibai's past

Yu Feibai didn't speak, and sat down beside Gu Youli in frustration, as if losing all his strength.

He himself is unwilling to forgive Yu Zhihe, so how could he ask Gu Youli to forgive him?

Gu Youli bit her lower lip shaking and clearly felt the flesh and blood, the pain being torn by herself: "I'm sorry, if you find it difficult to do it, or if you think I'm not sensible, and you can't accept it, you can choose to break up with me. of!"

Yu Fei's handsome face changed instantly, and he said coldly: "What? Didn't I tell you? Don't say these two words casually."

The water was filled with warm liquid again. Gu Youli smiled, suppressed forcibly, and put his hand in his warm palm: "But I make this decision embarrassing you, no matter what, he is your dad, but I really can’t do anything. Nothing has happened. I have a heavy grievance in my heart now. I blame him, I even hate him.”

Yu Feibai hugged her tightly: "Me too, I can't forgive him, do you understand?"

With his arms tight, Gu Yuri almost suffocated.

Gu Youli also hugged him, wrapped his soft arms around his neck, "No, you don't want to be because of me..."

Yu Feibai interrupted her: "It's not just because of you, because of many, many..."

Indeed, Yu Feibai’s non-forgiveness of Zhihe is not the only point, only this incident is the breaking point.

That night, Yu Feibai and Gu Youli talked a lot.

Yu Feibai has lived in an old house since he was a child, and it can be said that he was brought up by Father Yu.

So his character, to a large extent, is somewhat similar to the old man.

Although he was so handsome and his eyebrows were indistinguishable from male and female, his eyes were firm and his personality was open and honest.

The reason why Yu Feibai didn't like to talk since he was a child is not only because he is a red child and has a prominent identity, but also because he is very good. He is less than eight years old, and he is already young and mature, and there is no topic to talk with children of the same age.

Yu Haoyu and Yu Feibai are cousins, and the age difference is less than two to three months.

Although they are both children of the Yu family, they are one in the sky and the other underground, and their status is completely different.

Metaphorically speaking, Yu Haoyu needs to pursue Qian Lijing, but Qian Lijing runs behind Yu Feibai all day. This is the gap.

It's not because they were born first and born later, but more importantly, the character itself.

Since childhood, the broken children of the four families have played together. Whether it is a fight or a quarrel, they will basically find Yu Feibai to solve it, and Yu Feibai is strictly their leader.

Although Yu Feibai did not live with Yu Zhihe for a long time, he admired his father, like all boys.

It has always been natural for children to worship their father.

When Yu Feibai was about to go to junior high school, she suddenly wanted to see her father, and took a ride to H City, where Yu Zhihe was.

He didn't tell anything in advance, but wanted to surprise him.

After he went where, Yu Zhihe was about to leave, so he asked the taxi driver to follow.

After half an hour, Yu Zhihe's car stopped at a villa in the suburbs, then took out the key from his pocket, opened the door and went in.

Yu Feibai followed, but instead of walking through the main entrance, he climbed the window.

He was very young and grew up under special training from the old man. The driver who circumvents is very simple, and he is very skilled, climbing the window into the villa just like playing.

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