Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 770: Threat, it depends on which one you choose

Yin Li was taken aback for a moment, his pupils darkened.

Looking at Yu Zhihe, he smiled softly and elegantly: "How do I remember, Mayor Yu, you have a very loving woman and a wonderful family outside. Don't you think you are selfish when you make this decision? "

Yu Zhihe curled his lips, with a faint mockery in his eyes.

He looked at Yin Li and retorted: "How do I remember, Mr. Yin, you have a girlfriend who has been with you for more than ten years. For so many years, Mr. Yin has been keeping her with her. Then I believe Mr. Yin should She loves her very much, so Mr. Yin should also give her a name, and don't let others wait any longer."

Yin Li leaned back on the chair and placed his hands crossed on his chest: "Thirty years ago, I said that the position of my wife is that only one woman can sit in this life. That is the woman I love, and who is it? , I believe Mayor Yu doesn’t need me to say it.”

"You are not called love, you are called possession, what you have been waiting for is not the woman you love, what you are waiting for is your personal face, I think I have already told you my attitude before, and I will never because For any reason, if I hand over my wife to other men, and no matter what the other side uses, she will never divorce her. In this life, whether she is alive or dead, I will be a woman to make peace."

Yu Zhihe's face was calm and his voice was very serious.

Yin Li looked at Yu Zhihe provocatively, "You are not worthy of Jiahui at all. A man like you doesn't know what love is. The reason why you don't want to divorce is because of your possessiveness, Jia Hui is a human being, with flesh and blood and emotions. Have you considered her feelings before you say this? You said that she is a woman whose life and death are yours. Have you consulted her? She is not a thing. It’s not if you say yes, it’s not if you say no!"

As he talked, his expression became particularly cold, and his tone became sharp: "Yu Zhihe, don't try your best. For thirty years, it is already the limit I have waited for. Maybe I used to You can’t do anything about it, but it’s different now. You can decide the future of the campaign or women."

Yu Zhihe's face suddenly became gloomy.

He stared at Yin Li with a strong murderous and anger: "Yin Li, you are threatening me!"

Yin Li shrugged, a little disapproving: "If Mayor Yu really wants to think so, then I won't say anything. Right now is the cusp of the election campaign, and some unnecessary scandals are really going to happen. No matter how hard it is, then there will be nothing to do."

Yu Zhihe stared at him profitably, "It seems that someone behind is different! It's just Yin Li, even if I can't run for the time being, can that person protect you for the rest of your life? Just as you said, Yu Jia Don’t pave the way for people as pawns and have nothing at the end."

"It's not for the Mayor to worry about me. Mayor Yu still think about whether or not to accept my suggestion." Yin Li's upturned mouth was filled with a cold and smug smile.

Yu Zhihe looked fierce, his eyes seemed to spit out fire.

"It's really troublesome to deal with things like scandals. I think Mayor Yu should accept it!" Yin Li continued, his mouth hooked, infinitely ironic.

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