Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 771: Help inside, not outside

Yu Zhihe stood up quickly, a terrifying chill radiating from all over his body.

The incomparable anger, like fire, will burn everything.

Gu Youli saw Yu Zhihe's hand hanging to his side, clumped into a fist, with blue veins bulging on it, as if he wanted to throw a punch casually.

As for Yu Zhihe's identity, this beating is not a good thing.

If the room needs to be monitored and photographed, it would be more terrifying than a scandal.

"Dad!" Gu Youli walked out quickly.

She stood beside Yu Zhihe, and then reached out and held Yu Zhihe's elbow as a gesture.

Then, using a very small voice that was only heard by her and Yu Zhihe, he gently reminded Yu Zhihe: "He is irritating you, calm down!"

Yu Zhihe couldn't help but glanced at Gu Youli. Although he still looked very angry, he was obviously more calm than before.

Yin Li looked at Gu Youli and frowned slightly.

He didn't know Gu Youli's identity, and followed Yu Zhihe. He thought it was Yu Zhihe's secret assistant before.

This "dad" made Yin Li look at Gu Youli.

He narrowed his gaze, and at a glance he knew that he was guessing Gu Youli's identity.

With Gu Youli's beautiful face and her age now, Yin Li quickly made a decision: "Are you his daughter?"

Yin Li misunderstood, thinking that Gu Youli was Yu Zhihe's child who was outside with that woman.

Gu Youli frowned, "President Yin, what do you want to say to me?"

She did not admit or deny, but just wanted to know what Yin Li was going to say.

Although she doesn't like Yu Zhihe, she doesn't like Yin Li very much either. Compared to a person who is separated from Feibai's family and another father who is Yu Feibai, Gu Youli is definitely helping Yu Feibai's father. of.

Besides, she is going to marry Yu Feibai, even if she hates and blames it, she will always belong to the family.

In front of outsiders, it must be unanimous.

Yin Lidan sneered coldly: "I didn't want to say anything, it's just that your mother is not worth it. I want to come to you just now. I must have listened to our conversation. Don't you have any opinions on such a father?"

Gu Youli took a deep breath calmly, and the corners of Ying Hong’s lips bend: "Oh, it’s the first time I have seen people. I feel honored to be a junior. It’s the first time I have seen destroying someone’s family. The destruction is so justified!"

"You, I really don't know what to do!" Yin Li shook his head, raising his eyebrows and smiling.

It seems to be saying, if you want to talk about the junior, your mother is the junior!

Gu Youli's eyes flashed, and he looked straight at him: "Aren't you, you don't know how to promote, and you behave arbitrarily."

Yin Li said coldly: "You were wrong, what I did was just to **** my own things back."

Gu Youli met Yin Li's sharp gaze straightly, shrugged, and said sarcastically: "I remember that you said just now that people are not things, so why are my mother the things you want to take back now? Up!"

"Your mother..." Yin Li was stunned as if struck by lightning.

At this moment Gu Youli no longer looked at him, but looked towards Yu Zhihe: "Dad, let's go back, Mom and Feibai are waiting for us at home."

Yin Li's face changed, and his eyes widened sharply: "Are you a fiancée?"

How could it be Yu Feibai's woman? It's not that she and Yu Zhihe are at odds with each other, how could she follow Yu Zhihe to see him.

This is so wrong!

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