243.Spiritual link

After the flames burned out, the undead took the sword blade off the deceased's body, and then reached out to catch the body that had been burned into an empty shell.

In the Patriot's body, the body tissues related to the Origin Stone were burned clean by the undead.

The weight of the remaining body, plus the damaged armor that had not yet been removed, was half lighter than expected.

The undead man gently put down the patriot's broken body, and then hung the sword behind him.

The fighting around them ended after the undead killed the patriots.

The shield guards stopped, and the Rhode Island operators also stopped their attacks.

The undead man said nothing. He turned around and returned to Rhode Island.

Kelsey stared at the patriot who had become a thing of the past, and she sighed softly.

"It's a pity that a hero died like this under Tallulah's conspiracy."

"But before he died, he got what he wanted."

The doctor and Amiya's ideas are not completely unified.

Amiya is still a child, although she is certainly growing. But she still thought too much about many things.

For her, no sacrifice is the best ending.

Yes, it is indeed the case. If one can achieve one's goal without anyone's sacrifice, and the infected can live in harmony with ordinary people, then everyone will pursue such an ideal.

But the problem is, this is impossible.

There is already a huge gap between the infected and ordinary people. People with lofty ideals, such as Froststar and Patriots, as well as some members of the integration movement, really hope that things will develop in a good direction. But the basis of their ideas is hugely different from Rhodes Island.

Not to mention that the matter itself is very complicated, and the infected people themselves have long been labeled with various malignant labels amid the years of social unrest.

How easy is it to change people's inherent concepts?

Not to mention that they were fighting against the machine of a country. Amiya didn't understand that the size of Rhode Island was not enough to change the vast majority of people by herself.

They still need time.

In this operation, the patriot paved the way for Rhode Island with his own life. He used everything he had left to bet on the most elusive future.

Amiya is still immersed in the death of the patriot and the many emotions that the patriot conveyed to her before his death.

Her brain and spirit were unable to bear the pain and struggle of the past two hundred years, and she was now in a trance.

In fact, the spirit of the patriot could have directly resisted Amiya's spiritual link.

He is a powerful and tenacious warrior, possessing a body rarely seen in the world, and also possessing the mental power to suppress the evil fragments. If Patriot is willing to resist, Amiya will not affect Patriot no matter what.

But Patriot still let go of his mind and allowed Amiya to enter his spiritual world.

Tower of Babel... No, the leader of Rhodes Island should not be such an innocent child.

When you cannot find a way to make everyone happy, you have to know the meaning of sacrifice.

The choice you make is very important, and when this choice is a major bifurcation that you have to face, you must not be influenced by others, and you must stick to your heart.

Because such a choice, regardless of success or failure, the consequences must be borne by yourself.

It is obvious that Amiya does not have the ability to make a choice.

She still has the innocence of a child and cannot tell the difference between dreams and ideals.

The patriot wants Amiya, the successor designated by His Highness, to understand his pain and why he is fighting.

A patriot wants this child to see with his own eyes what he has experienced. He wants to use the simplest and purest way to let this child understand that the world has never been a supporter of idealists.

The true idealist is to bear all the pain he has experienced and find an optimal solution in the face of seemingly impossible difficulties.

"are you OK?"

Kelsey came to Amiya's side, she squatted down and gently stroked Amiya's head.

She roughly guessed what the Patriots had done. Otherwise Amiya would not have become so depressed and silent.

At that moment, two hundred years of regret and obsession shook Amiya's mind to the point of collapse.

"Dr. Kelsey...I..."

Tears slipped out of the corners of Amiya's eyes for some unknown reason and fell down her cheeks.

She was speechless. After she slowly digested everything that the Patriot wanted to convey to her, she began to understand how much she wanted to let the Patriot die peacefully in the illusion during the battle. childish.

The patriot is not such a fragile person, for him, a false future. Even though that was what he most wanted to see, it wasn't what he wanted.

All he wants is to burn up on the path he has chosen. Even though that ending was disappointing, for him, it was the best consolation.

Because before closing his eyes, he could still see the things he cherished most.

The light of hope was still shining before his eyes.

Only then did Amiya understand why Kelsey accepted the Patriots' declaration of war without saying a word.

Why would the undead stand up at this time and have a vigorous duel with the patriots?

Because that's what the Patriots want.

He did everything he could. After two hundred years of struggle, death was the most perfect relief for him.

Kelsey accepted the declaration of war on behalf of Rhode Island and gave the patriots a glimmer of light in the darkness. After him, there were still people who took up his ideals and moved on.

The undead held a grand farewell ceremony for the patriots, which was the funeral that the soldiers longed for most. Although the fire of his life is gone, his soul lives forever on the battlefield that belongs to him.

Amiya gritted her teeth as she slowly digested this great gift given to her by the patriots, and the fists she gathered suppressed the endless anger downwards.

Tallulah, why on earth would she treat the Integration Movement as a consumable. And let those true idealists die on the wrong path?

Unconsciously, a ring on Amiya's right thumb made a crisp sound.

Kelsey grabbed the palm of Amiya's right hand, her brows furrowed.

The ring was already crumbling, almost falling apart and scattering into dust.

"Amiya, calm down, now is not the time to be angry."

Kelsey reached out and tapped Amiya twice on the forehead.

"Useless anger will only waste your emotions and forget yourself."

When Amiya heard this, her eyes widened slightly and she took a deep breath to calm her mind.

But her cheeks were still a little red because of the rising blood.

"Dr. Kelsey, I...I understand."

After calming down, Amiya continued to take a deep breath and stood up from the ground. Although I have suffered a lot of mental shock, I am still a little unstable.

The undead man came to Amiya and Kelsey who had relaxed, and took out the key that the Patriot had given him.

"This is the key."

The undead man handed the key to Kelsey.

"He gave it to me."

Kelsey looked back at the patriot's body, which was only an empty shell. She nodded and took the key from the undead man's hand.

Kelsey took the key and looked at the undead man.

"The next thing may be up to you. The doctor and I will go find the power furnace, and you and Amiya will take Ace and Rosemary to capture Tallulah."

she added.

"According to the previous contract, after returning this time, I will add another gift."

The immortal man shook his head.

Kelsey looked at the undead man with some surprise, waiting for the undead man to respond to her.

"I won't, catch her."

The undead man lowered his head and looked at his right hand. On his right hand, a ball of flame was burning quietly.

"She's going to die, right here."

Kelsey was silent for a while, obviously a little shocked.

Logically speaking, there is no hatred between the undead and Tallulah.

The doctor heard the undead's words, and he probably knew why. Last time he saw the thunder gun thrown by the undead outside the city of Chernobog.

"Tallulah is no longer who she is, so there is no need to think about retaining the name of the Integrated Movement."

The doctor grabbed Kelsey, he knew better.

"What's more, there's Frost Star here."

Kelsey could only nod.

Originally, in her expectation, Tallulah would be more useful alive than dead, but if the undead spoke...

Things must have reached a point where they cannot be alleviated.

"I understand, just go ahead and do it."

Kelsey had to give up the idea of ​​holding Tallulah hostage, and she gave the choice to the undead.

"However, I hope you can let Amiya..."

Kelsey looked down and was still a little dazed. But Amiya, who had recovered a lot, continued.

"Let her have a sense of participation. Patriot affairs must have a result. She has endured so many emotions from the patriots. If she cannot participate personally, it will affect her mental state."

With that said, Kelsi took out a ring from her body and handed it to the undead man.

"If the ring on Amiya's hand breaks, put it on her hand as soon as she falls into coma. It must be put on her hand!"

The undead man took the ring. He could clearly feel the energy flowing in the ring, but he couldn't tell what it was used for.

It can only be said that there are so many different Origin Stone techniques, and there is really no way to understand them all.

"I see."

The immortal nodded and put away the ring.

When the Rhode Island team regrouped, the shield guards led by the Patriots did not make any moves.

Among the shield guards, two people with the right to speak came to Rhode Island alone to talk with the Rhode Island troops.

"The captain told us before the war. If he dies, we will do what we want."

One of the shield guards said this to Kelsey

"Captain has long expected this outcome. It would be better to say that you can defeat him. He is really happy."

These shield guards have followed the patriots in the snowy fields for many years, and they understand the patriots' temperament to some extent.

And this is the best ending that the Patriots have prepared for themselves.

"In the conversation I just heard between you, the leader of Frost Star is still alive, right?"

Another shield guard asked Kelsey.

"May I ask where she is now?"

"Frost Star is currently recuperating in Rhode Island. Her previous battle at Longmen left her in a coma. According to our doctor's judgment, she will be in coma for at least a week to adjust her physical condition."

Kelsey learned from Ace and others that these shield guards participated in the humanitarian rescue of Chernobog, so they had no hostility towards them.

"Do you want that?"

The two shield guards looked at each other and said.

"Lord Patriot is gone, but the integration movement cannot just disappear. If you can really kill Tallulah... we want to follow the leader of Frost Star."

"If you can't kill Tallulah, then we still belong to the Integration Movement. The Integration Movement still belongs to Tallulah, and nothing will change about this."

The Shield Guards will not join Rhode Island. In this war, they are still on the opposite side.

"We will not attack you now, but equally, we will not stand on your side."

Kelsey understood the shield guard's position.

These soldiers who live with the patriots day and night, after all, have inherited some of the patriots' will.

For them, only those who truly help the infected are generals worth following.

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