Obviously, Froststar, the adopted daughter of the Patriot, is a good choice.

But Tallulah was an insurmountable wall. Before she loses her right to speak, everything in the integration movement still belongs to her.

"I understand. You guys need to rest for a while. We'll go to the tower right now."

After ending the conversation with the shield guard, Kelsey and the doctor reorganized their team and split into two paths.

The undead and Amiya, together with Ace and Rosemary's team, continue to the tower.

The doctor and Kelsey took the key to the power furnace and headed to the power furnace under the guidance of W.

Just as the immortal was about to leave, the doctor grabbed the immortal again.

Under the doubtful eyes of the undead, the doctor and the undead walked away from the team and chatted alone in the distance.

"Lord Ashes, I have a request."

The doctor whispered, as if he didn't want anyone to hear what he said.

Even Kelsey, he didn't tell.

"you say."

The undead man motioned to the doctor.

The doctor glanced at Amiya, who was adjusting her condition, and said.

"Amiya's ability is somewhat special. She can sense other people's emotions and read some emotion-related memories."

The undead man nodded, Kelsey had told him about this.

The doctor continued.

"So, I hope you can promise not to accept Amiya's spiritual link under any circumstances. Under extreme emotions, she will unconsciously accept the emotional signals of people around her. Even so, you Don’t let Amiya successfully connect to you.”

The immortal knew why the doctor made such a request to him.

"I know."

The doctor nodded, he was also thinking about Amiya.

The Patriots did not resist Amiya's spiritual link. He even took the initiative to let Amiya accept everything from him.

In this way, Amiya's spirit became extremely disordered, and she almost went berserk.

How could a child like her accept the emotions and memories of an immortal?

Even though Amiya is very mature compared to children of the same age.

But she still wasn't qualified.

Even if she completely digested the gift given by the patriot, Amiya still didn't deserve it.

Watch the undead leave and head to the tower with Amiya.

The doctor looked at the backs of the two men and thought for a moment.

"It's time for us to set off."

Kelsey patted the doctor on the shoulder.

The doctor came to his senses, nodded, and followed W, who was walking in the other direction.

Right in front of the undead and Amiya.

A huge tower stands there, which is the center of the core city of Chernobog.

This is also the goal of their trip.

The leader of the Integration Movement, Tallulah, was waiting for them.

Take a day off and take a rest



In Tallulah's plan, there is absolutely no way the patriot is the only obstacle.

Both Kelsey and the doctor realized that although the integration movement itself was not powerful, there was definitely a back-up to capture Chernobog.

Let’s first talk about the mercenaries of Kazdaele represented by W. This is a very difficult question to explain.

Mercenaries themselves fight for money. If the integration movement wants to spend money to hire Sakaz mercenaries on such a large scale, it must prove that it has sufficient financial reserves behind it.

If the Sarkaz mercenaries are now under the command of the regent of Kazdel, then why can the integration movement be looked upon by that regent and even be willing to lend all the Sarkaz mercenaries to Tallulah?

No matter which possibility it is, the explanation behind it is enough to make people think for a long time.

What's more, Tallulah's recent arrangements were to first let Shuangxing and others die at Longmen, and then arrange for the Patriots to intercept Rhode Island at the gate of the core city.

This is clearly Tallulah's intention to weaken the high-level combat power of the integration movement. Such a result can only lead to one thing, which is that Tallulah's personal voice will be infinitely expanded, and it can influence the nature of this war to a certain extent. .

If the patriot hadn't fought with his life and exchanged his own life for Rhode Island's name to be justified, and if he himself wanted to die, then there would still be unknowns in this war.

The Patriots can easily pile up the lives of other integration movements, but they don't care about the orderly soldiers or anything else. As long as they can block Rhode Island's large army and defend the tower, the mission will be considered a success.

But he still chose the path of a head-on battle to test Rhode Island's combat prowess and character.

Tallulah may have thought that the patriots would oppose her. But I never expected that the Patriots would use such a straightforward method to speed up Rhode Island's defeat to a certain extent.

But since Tallulah had made the decision to let all members of the Integration Movement die, it was impossible not to have extra back-ups.

The Emperor's inner guard that the undead found inside Chernobog is a good explanation.

This battle definitely involved the participation of some people within Ursus, not necessarily the emperor. But he must be a high-ranking executive, otherwise he would not be able to penetrate into the internal defense level.

I just don’t know if the emperor of Ursus really acquiesced in this behavior to a certain extent.

If it is true, then the essence of this war may be even more terrifying.

It is possible that Emperor Ursus used countless lives to test Longmen's reaction to Ursus, and was also testing Dayan's attitude from the side.

Kelsey did not tell Amiya about this possibility, and the doctor had already thought of this level of relationship. The two of them maintained a very strange tacit understanding, and neither discussed this aspect with Amiya.

Therefore, capturing Tallulah is not actually the important purpose of the Doctor and Kelsey. Their purpose is just to stop this war and stop the power furnace.

On the contrary, there must be other dangers lurking throughout the core city, which is what the doctor and Kelsey need to deal with.

Just as Amiya and the Undead were on their way to the tower, several other teams that did not participate in the Patriots' frontal combat were clearing other areas of the core city.

The joint team of other forces led by Lin Guang included operators such as Jiao Feng from Kalan Trading, as well as Xing Xiong and others from Longmen.

They, Scout and others are cleaning up along the safe position of the core city.

The team led by Scout was also very careful not to leave behind a single building.

Scout always had a hunch that things wouldn't be that simple this time. If we just integrated the movement, things would be much easier to handle.

"Mr. Scout, Mr. Scout, are you there?"

The sound of light appeared in Scout's earphones, and Scout reached out and pressed his right earphone.

He squatted on the top floor of the house, looked at the infected people wandering down the block who didn't know what they were doing, and said in a low voice.

"I can hear it, Operator Linguang, what's the matter?"

"We found two blasted entrances and exits outside the core city, which can lead directly to the Ursus border. Are these the same entrances and exits that our Rhode Islanders blew up when we landed in the core city?"

Linguang was on the ground attracting the attention of the Integrated Movement Reconnaissance Force and did not participate in the landing operations, so it is normal for her not to know the details.

But when Scout heard this, he immediately realized something was wrong.

"We landed from the right side of the Longmen direction. The entrance and exit on your side..."

"The traces of the explosion are very new. Even the explosion surface is not covered with much dust. The sharp parts still have spikes caused by the twisting of steel. Logically speaking, if you are exposed to a wind field in the wilderness for a long time, the wind and sand will smooth out the edges. .”

As Linguang's voice spoke, there were footsteps coming from her side. It must be that Linguang was pacing around and observing.

"Well, there are still some footprints. Although they have been processed, some sand and soil left behind are in the gaps on the left and right sides."

When Scout was about to respond to Linguang, his team members suddenly spoke in the team channel.

Probably found some clue.

"Captain, I found a basement in the building in front. There are some wooden crates inside. There...are the markings of the Ursus military unit on them, and they have been opened."

It was Mullam. Mullam found some arms boxes in the basement and found obvious signs of being opened.

"The wood and grass paved inside are very new, and there are no signs of decay. It seems that they were put in in the past few days."

Considering that Chernobog originally belonged to Ursus, it is normal that there are arms boxes left behind. But if even the wood and grass inside are brand new, then it is definitely not a relic of the Chernobog garrison from the past.

Scout, who realized that the core city had definitely entered a third-party force, immediately spoke out.

"Everyone gather together! Don't spread out anymore. With me as the center, move closer to the Linguang team."

"Operator Linguang, we found the Ursus military's armament box here. It is empty and the traces left are very new. Let's gather and prepare immediately, don't disperse anymore!"

Linguang over there also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Copy that! I'll get closer to you right away."

After finishing the communication with Linguang, Scout adjusted the communication channel and linked to the doctor and Kelsey.

"Doctor, we found traces of the Ursus military in the core city. We initially suspect that a small army belonging to Ursus has entered the core city of Chernobog. Is there anything happening on your side?"


On the other side, under the guidance of W, a small team composed of Doctor and Kelsey, who had arrived near the power furnace, received Scout's communication.

The doctor said as he held down his earphones.

"Nothing has happened yet. Scout immediately gathered with the Linguang troops and moved closer to us after gathering. At the same time, arrange for your team members to conduct reconnaissance along the road. Once there are traces of a large-scale integration movement, report to us immediately."

The doctor seemed to have realized early on that Ursus' military troops would intervene in this war, and he was not surprised.

"This is to be expected. Remember, our goal is only to prevent the Integrated Movement from driving the Chernobog core city into the gantry. As long as we stop the power furnace once, the rest is not our concern Yes. Put your own safety first in everything, do you hear me?"


After ending the communication with Scout and others, the doctor lowered his right hand.

In this team, there are doctors and Kelsey leading the team of Huang and Logos, as well as W.

When W heard the doctor's words, she sneered, obviously planning to get angry at the doctor's decision.

"It's just to prevent the integration movement from hitting the gantry. What do you mean? If after stopping the core city once, someone else comes to open the power furnace, will they ignore your business?"

Obviously, W got the point.


The doctor nodded, he said matter-of-factly.

"We cannot let war happen between two countries that are unwilling to start a war. But if Ursus insists on going his own way, even Rhode Island will be nothing more than a small boat, and it can only do its best to protect itself."

This is a very real problem, and Kelsey also realized this, so she didn't say anything.

Instead, it was W. She frowned and continued to ask Dr. Xiang

"You mean that the Ursus army that sneaked into the core city will ensure that the core city can hit the dragon gate?"

"Why not? Then why did these troops come to the core city? Is it to stop the integration movement?"

The doctor looked at W.

"So far, Longmen has only received a private response from the Ursus embassy. They said that Chernobog is no longer under the control of the Ursus army, and we will not interfere with anything you Longmen does. Do you think this is a one-time Are you taking a stand?"

The doctor chuckled, his laughter full of sarcasm.

"If this can be regarded as a statement, what does the attitude of not caring about the matter mean? Ursus can just say directly that we do not have the ability to solve the Chernobog matter. What if next? If a conflict does occur, it is only a conflict between Longmen and the Integration Movement, not a conflict between Ursus. But they did not."

"They only said that they were not under their control, but they had no intention of dealing with it. Even if this was not the original intention of Emperor Ursus, I am afraid that the emperor on the throne also wanted to take this opportunity to make money from Dayan. Some benefits. Of course, if we can really cause chaos in Longmen, then it’s not like we can’t send troops.”

The doctor's voice became colder and colder as he said.

"If I were the emperor, I would do the same. Use an organization that has nothing to do with me and even rebels against me to explore the bottom line of neighboring countries. Even if I use my own mobile city. But as long as I understand On the surface, we have lost contact with the integration movement and thrown all the blame to the infected. The possible follow-up harvest is an economic hub well-known on Terra."

"Even if it fails, there will be no loss. It can even intensify the conflict between the people of Ursus and the infected. Not only will it help capture the infected, it will also further shift the class conflict. This will not happen at all. Why do you think the emperor of a country would not do something about losing money? Has he really never thought about this? "

W's scalp couldn't help but tingle when she heard it. She really hadn't thought about this level of relationship.

The doctor at this time gave her a very familiar feeling. It was the impression that left on her when they first met, the kind of person who is always outside the chessboard, but controls countless chess pieces.

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