War always has profit as its primary purpose.

"What happened in the core city this time, on the surface, seems to be a riot initiated by the infected. But there is more than just one family behind an integration movement."

The doctor looked at W with meaning.

"You are a mercenary of Sakaz, so why did you come to the Integration Movement? Who asked you to come here? What kind of information does he hide? Have you never thought about these things?"

W looked sullen and said nothing. She was not a fool. But even though she had considered that the regent wanted to take advantage of the integration movement, she never expected that the regent of Kazdel would actually join forces with Ursus to target Great Yan.

"Let's not talk about this. How long will it take for the power furnace to arrive?"

The doctor took the initiative to end the conversation. They didn't have time to talk about other things before stopping the Chernobog core city.

"It's still a while away, but it's close."

W also put away his little thoughts.

Kelsey remained silent. She was observing the doctor beside her.

The Doctor's condition seems to be improving, as is his ability. Even after he lost his memory, it still worked.

That is his essence, his unchangeable essence.

On the other side, under the tower.

The undead and Amiya have arrived under the tower.

Amiya looked up at the tower. She could vaguely feel the strange pressure emanating from the tower. This special feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath, Amiya looked in front of her.

Ace and Rosemary are clearing out the garrison near the tower.

After the death of the Patriot, the Shield Guards withdrew from the battle, leaving only a few members of the Integration Movement. They were still far behind in stopping Rhode Island's elite team of operators.

The undead man did not participate in the battle. Like Amiya, he looked up at the top of the tower.

The last time the undead man sensed the aura of that thing, he had full murderous intention.

This is the second time that an undead man has real and full murderous intent.

The first time was on the Kalan Snow Mountain, when I entered the world of ashes, and saw the Painter polluted by the abyss. Furiously swaying his power against the endless filth.

The second time was in Chernobog.

It's a pity that that time in Qicheng, the other party was like a frightened bird. As soon as he realized the existence of the undead, he ran away immediately.

And this time, although he had not yet felt the restrained power, he understood that the thing was up there.

He restrained his efforts throughout the whole process, and the undead man had no liberating power at all, just to give that guy a killing blow at this moment.

Look how you can run this time!

245. Ascension nine thousand six

No one can change the predetermined outcome, just like the saying goes, overflowing water cannot be recovered.

For Tallulah, she may never have imagined that her birth was a conspiracy.

In other words, everything for her has already been arranged.

Just like a patriot, she walks on the path she thinks is right and does what she thinks is right. But I never expected that what I did seemed to be to resist and find a different way out. In the eyes of others, it is just a ridiculous struggle.

She even said that she established the Integration Movement and turned it from an idle thug organization into the largest infected organization in Terra. It was also a part of the future that others had already planned.

Especially when her consciousness was locked in a cage and she watched her companions who had lived with her in the past to save the infected compatriots being sent out to die under "her" orders, and they were even willing to do so, she I already understood that this was a destined ending.

She didn't understand why she was so focused on resisting everything that person did to her, and she even rejected the path that person had paved for her, and why things would develop like this in the end. Everything you get, friendship, family affection, becomes a tool that can be used by others in the end.

Tallulah never considered herself a kind person. She thought about her ending. She might die on a certain battlefield, or she might die in a certain decapitation blow. But she never thought that she had ruined the integration movement.

"Look at your weak will, what else can you do? Apart from saying nothing here, everything you have has been turned into ruins. Your past is occupied by others, and your hard work is used as a tool .Why continue?”

These are the words that linger in Tallulah's ears, and they are also the sounds that have always sounded in her ears in the past few years.

It was a voice that had been there for as long as she could remember. At first, she thought it was a voice that embodied negative emotions in her ears, just like in those stories, there was always a voice in the protagonist's mind. Angel and a demon.

But later she gradually realized that this was not her problem, but the curse placed on her by the person who took her away from Longmen.

It was a silent erosion, even if Tallulah always knew her way forward. But it is impossible for my mind and mood to think in that direction.

In this tug-of-war that lasted for more than ten years, Tallulah was always able to pull back from the edge of the cliff in time. But she knew that she only had one chance, but the devil could tempt her countless times.

Until a few years ago, Tallulah carried her own ideals, killed the old man who controlled everything about her, and set foot on the snowfield alone, she breathed a sigh of relief. I thought that was the beginning of my new life.

She wants to change the world according to her own wishes, and she wants to make the injustice she sees disappear.

In the beginning, just as Tallulah planned, she successfully changed the minds of some infected people in Ursus, established an army of her own, and began to fight for her compatriots in Ursus.

I also met Patriot and Froststar on the snowfield, as well as their guerrilla and snow monster teams.

Because they share the same ideal, everyone hits it off, they unite, and they rise.

As the integration movement's reputation spread, things seemed to be getting better.

But no one thought that the destruction of Tallulah came not from the enemy, but from their compatriots.

That night, Tallulah lost everything she owned.

Her kindness, her innocence were covered with blood in her hands. Her ideals and will were overshadowed by human malice.

Seeing his best friend lying in a pool of blood, he kept pleading with himself, and finally fell asleep with a helpless smile.

At that moment, her inner wall collapsed completely.

The depth hidden deep in her heart completely occupied all the high ground.

Here, her consciousness lies dormant in her mind.

But the voice that kept ringing in her ears never disappeared.

They are lobbyists from the abyss and demons that tempt people to fall.

"You have seen the ugliness of human nature, and you also know the meaning of awakening."

"The cannibal who has been marching all his life walks on a path where he doesn't know right or wrong, but the darkness is his destination."

"The witch born in the ice and snow offers blood and life as a sacrifice. Her seemingly peaceful sleep is just a prelude to more suffering."

"Avengers addicted to hatred will eventually fall into the arms of the abyss."

"Therefore, you don't need to be afraid of the darkness. The time to feast on food has come."

This voice seemed to be ringing directly in my head. No matter how much Tallulah resisted and covered her ears, she could not weaken the sound even a little bit.

She has forgotten time and the meaning of her existence, and is resisting needlessly in endless sinking.

The undead and Amiya have arrived at the last door of the tower.

Amiya stood at the front. She raised her hand and placed it on the door, hesitating.

"Why don't you push it away."

The Immortal saw Amiya's hesitation and asked aloud.

Amiya turned her head to look at the undead man and asked aloud.

"Mr. Immortal, how are you feeling now?"


The immortal was a little surprised, why would Amiya ask him this question at this time.

Amiya nodded and said.

"Behind this door is the leader of the integration movement, the beginning of this war. But I can't ignore the contribution she made as the leader of the integration movement. Before the Chernobog incident, many infected people thought , the integrated movement is their savior.”

"Mr. Immortal, what do you think of Tallulah?"

Even though Amiya had come this far, she still couldn't figure out why two organizations that fought for the infected would come to opposite sides.

Not to mention the regicide, his bones are broken into pieces. A character who himself has an irreconcilable hatred for ordinary people.

Take Froststar and Patriot, these two are warriors who can see the essence of the incident. Even they had to be hostile to Rhode Island under the influence of the current situation.

Is this really because the integration movement wants to provoke a war between the two countries and find a new way of life in the war?

Amiya couldn't figure out why things ended up like this.

The idea of ​​the immortal is very simple. He is not as complicated as Amiya thought.

"Amiya, who do you think is right and who is wrong in this matter?"

The undead man spoke simply, he said.

"Rhodes Island, or, the Integration Movement?"

"Of course the integration movement should not start by provoking a war between the two countries. The fact that they occupied Chernobog and committed atrocities was a mistake in itself."

Amiya said without hesitation.

The undead man nodded, and he asked immediately.

"Then why are you hesitant?"

"Things are not that complicated. There is a lot behind it that you don't need to think about."

The undead man came to Amiya's side. He lowered his head and looked at the ring in Amiya's hand.

As the doctor said, the ring on Amiya's thumb was already full of cracks.

"If the integrated movement is wrong, then Rhode Island needs to go and correct it. This is what you are doing."

The undead man cut Amiya's complicated thinking into two parts and gave her the simplest explanation.

"You are stopping the atrocities and saving the infected. That's enough."

Amiya was stunned.

Indeed, as the immortals say, keep it simple and things are easier to figure out.

Rhode Island is just a role in bringing order to chaos, and the Integration Movement played the role of the counterinsurgent in this incident.

Since there is no way to gently make the integration movement realize its mistakes, it can only make it pay the price.

"Patriots and Frost Stars all realize that if the integration movement wants to survive, it must cut off the cause of the disease."

The undead man looked at Amiya and said seriously.

"They put their hopes in your hands."

Amiya looked at the undead man, her eyes gradually became determined, the originally frowned brows gradually relaxed, and her upper eyelids sunk slightly, she said.


So, with no more doubts, Amiya firmed up her thoughts and reached out to push open the door in front of her.

In front of me is a dark sky and a broad platform.

And just on the other side of the high platform, there was a temporarily built throne.

On the throne, a silver-haired dragon girl sat on the high throne. She lowered her head and looked down at the opened door.

Like the devil waiting for the arrival of the hero, he was leisurely arranging his nails.

Amiya walked into the top floor calmly, followed by two elite teams from Rhode Island.

Ace is at Amiya's side, ready to resist attacks that may come from anywhere.

On the other side, there was Rosemary who was ready to activate the technique.

The undead man stood at the back of the team.

He pulled up his hood, hiding his aura, and became the most inconspicuous person in the crowd.

"I thought the Patriots would be more capable, but I didn't expect that even you couldn't stop them."

Tallulah looked at her white hands. She was not nervous at all and spoke calmly and leisurely.

"He is still old, so old that he can't tell what he should really be doing."


Amiya took two steps forward. She was not going to argue with the woman in front of her.

"You are at the end of your rope, and the integration movement has come to an end. This is your fault, but your conspiracy will never succeed!"

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