Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1027 Miss Lion King

He doesn't need the Red Demon Sword now, he really doesn't.

This may seem timid, but it is based on absolutely rational judgment.

There is no reason. Even if you are a world boxing champion, you cannot refuse anyone who comes to challenge you. Whether it is eating, sleeping, or going to the toilet, as long as someone comes up, you must challenge him.

Besides, he is not a boxing champion, nor is he a famous martial arts master. He is just a businessman who wants to raise sandworms in peace and make money.

However, perhaps even he didn't notice that his voice hesitated when he said "I don't need it now."

Subconsciously, he added "now" in front of the three words he didn't need.

And this "now" gives the future uncertainty.

Nancy is a perceptive woman, and she heard strange emotions in Xia Feng's voice on the phone.

"Boss, I heard some news. Dongguo seems to be uneasy recently."

Xia Feng pretended to have a relaxed tone.

"Oh, don't worry, it's no big deal. No matter how violent the trouble is, it has nothing to do with me."

"Does it really have nothing to do with you?"

"Of course it's true, I just paid some military expenses."

The disputes in the East Kingdom were not a major event that caused a stir in the world. If it weren't for him being in the East Kingdom, Nancy would never have known about the so-called "unpeace".

Obviously, Nancy didn't just hear about it randomly, but specifically investigated it.

It would be better to say that it was not Nancy who was investigating, but someone else, who told Nancy about the situation in Dongguo.

Who is this guy?

The answer is obvious.

On the phone, Nancy's voice was very soft, as if she was trying to say something.

"Boss, Wei Na already knows about your stay in Dongguo."

Hearing Wei Na's name, Xia Feng suddenly became a little at a loss.

Thinking about it carefully, he has not taken the initiative to contact Wei Na for such a long time.

It's not that he doesn't have time, or that he doesn't have contact information, it's just that he doesn't know what attitude to use to face Wei Na.

He left in a cool manner, without even saying hello, and left Wei Na on the podium at the founding ceremony. Although he had his reasons, objectively speaking, he was still very ruthless.

At this point, should he pretend to be indifferent and say, "Hey, long time no see" to Wei Na with a smile?

Of course, he can do this, even to everyone in Kuroba when they reunite.

But as the saying goes, the more you care, the more sensitive you become. To be honest, he didn't want Wei Na to think that he only regarded her as an ordinary friend.

Now he was very sure that he liked Wei Na.

He admitted that he liked Vina, otherwise, in the dream wedding whose memory was read by the nightmare of the deep sea, the bride would not be Vina.

Yes, he helped Wei Na protect her hometown.

Perhaps to outsiders, this is an earth-shattering achievement, but in his heart, this is not such a great thing, because this was something he decided a long time ago.

It was decided when Vina chose to give up the inhibitor to him in Mandel City.

It was decided when he left Rhine Life and came to Victoria.

Now he just fulfilled his original agreement, and in his own opinion, what he did was not good.

I protected my hometown, but also lost many people.

General Grissom, Mesha, Aguang, countless brave soldiers of the Southern Military Region, and the vast number of infected people who have never seen the light of day again.

Huo Yu Xia Feng did not protect everything important, so in his values, the final victory was nothing to show off.

He believed that Wei Na also understood this.

In his absence, Nancy's calls continued to come on the phone.

"Boss, boss? Are you still listening?"


After coming back to his senses, Xia Feng replied in a daze.


After brewing her emotions for a while, Nancy's voice became very gentle.

"Well, boss, I don't know the exact situation of the situation in Dongguo, and I'm just a woman, and I don't understand those wars and the like. But I want to tell you that you have been away from Victoria for a year. Victoria doesn’t understand either.”

"I don't understand Victoria? What do you mean?"

"Just last week, I went to Londinium. I went to see Vina in the palace."

"Oh, really."

"Well, she said something to me. Although she didn't say it explicitly, I know that these words are actually what she wanted me to convey to you."

Xia Feng was stunned as he held the phone.

"Vina. What did she say?"

Nancy's voice had a rare solemnity.

"Vina said that those who seek light for the weak should not bury their fame due to current events, and those who are desperate to save others should not be left alone in the dusk. Otherwise, there will be no more heroes in the world."

The moment he heard these words, Xia Feng was stunned.

In my mind, Weena's appearance when she said these words even appeared in her mind.

Representing the entire Victoria Empire, she must persist until no rebuttal can be tolerated.

Nancy's voice continued to come through the phone.

"Vina said that the current Victoria Empire will not compromise to any political factors. If anyone dares to question it, let him shut up. Shut up forever. Victoria now has the willful capital."

Finally, Nancy added.

"Weina said that that person said that doing whatever you want to do is the meaning of life."

Yes, he no longer understands Victoria.

He had no idea how strong Victoria's national power had become after the baptism of the Dark Ages.

International trade developed monopolistically, and the four major military regions nearly doubled their military strength. All neighboring countries were dominated by the newly born Victoria.

The rose and lion flag represents the irresistible majesty of eastern Terra.

Everyone knows that Victoria's Lion King is peace-loving, and no one dares to doubt that a lion will always be a lion.

When a lion is angry, he will not let go of anyone who provokes him.

Under the sharp claws and claws, if the country is peaceful and the people are safe, it will be regarded as prey like a scale.

In other words, the current lion king is desperately looking for prey, but cannot find it simply because the creatures within sight are too well-behaved.

After listening to Nancy's words, Xia Feng fell silent.

Once upon a time, he voluntarily quit the battlefield, but he was not forgotten.

There is no doubt that Wei Na understood his original choice, and at the same time, she also insisted on her own principles.

[Those who are willing to die to save others should not leave them alone in the dusk]

Thinking back on these words, Xia Feng showed a knowing smile.


This was Vina, the Vina he knew.

She is the leader of the Glasgow Gang, how could she choose to compromise under pressure? If there is pressure, she will be strong enough to crush all sources of pressure.

Miss Lion King, who was born in a gangster, used practical actions to tell Linguo, who was eyeing Victoria in the early days of the dark age.

【No one can teach me how to do things. 】

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