Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1028 Everyone’s Hometown

After fully understanding what Nancy had conveyed to Wei Na, Xia Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"okay, I get it."

Feeling the change in Xia Feng's mood, Nancy asked with a smile.

"Boss, do you still need that sword?"

This time, Xia Feng did not hesitate, but replied calmly.

"You don't need it at the moment. If you need it, I will tell you as soon as possible and help me bring the sword."

"Hey, okay."

Although there was no substantive decision-making, Xia Feng felt very relaxed in his heart now. This was a feeling of being invincible.

For example, you know that there is a despicable person who wants to poison you in every possible way. Although you are careful enough in your daily life, you still can't help but be worried.

At this time, suddenly your friend gives you a bottle of universal antidote, which can cure any poison.

In this way, even if you don't want to settle the score with the poisoner, you can finally sleep peacefully.

After feeling comfortable, Xia Feng chatted with Nancy about the daily life of the barbecue restaurant and the interesting things that Guigui and the others had here.

In the process, he recalled what Nancy had just mentioned about the upcoming winter vacation at the Royal Academy, and he asked inadvertently.

"By the way, Nancy, is Aguang's sister okay?"

Aguang's sister is called Qiancai. He, Guigui and the others have met many times before when they were studying at the Royal Academy. One of the foreign aid quotas for the swordsmanship competition was provided by Qiancai.

After Aguang's accident, Qiancai was very sad, but people cannot be resurrected after death. All everyone in Black Feather can do is to take good care of Qiancai's sister.

When Xia Feng asked, Nancy immediately replied.

"Sister Qiancai is very good. I visit her often. She will graduate from the Royal Academy this year. Then I plan to let her come to the Chamber of Commerce to help."

Xia Feng's voice rarely showed tension.

"Um, does Qiancai hold a grudge against me? After all, I was the one who didn't take good care of her brother."

Regarding Xia Feng's self-fantasy, Nancy immediately denied it.

"Boss, you are overthinking. Qiancai is a sensible girl. She could understand the chaotic situation at that time. Now that she has come out of the shadow of losing her brother, she will not be alone. We are all her relatives."

Xia Feng was very pleased to hear Nancy's words.

"That's good."

"Well, last time I went to see her, she asked you very concernedly. She said she missed the days when you were studying at the Royal Academy. She said she always felt at ease when you were around."

For Xia Feng, the short period of study at the Royal Academy was indeed a nostalgic time.

In that world-famous university, many things that could be called turning points in my life happened.

The biggest turning point was that he and Silver Gray became allies, won the swordsmanship competition, and then became a noble.

Moreover, he also successfully established a relationship with the police officer Chen who detained him in Longmen, and successfully established a relationship with his senior schoolmate.

All this happened just over a year ago, and now that I think about it, it seems like yesterday.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Feng said casually.

"Nancy, when Qiancai comes back from winter vacation, you can ask her if she wants to come to my place to play. After all, this is Dongguo, her hometown."

Nancy's tone was astonished.

"Yes, sister Qiancai is from the ghost tribe, and Aguang is also from the ghost tribe, huh? Why haven't I heard them mention the East Kingdom before?"

"Oh, it's nothing strange. Everyone has something they don't want to mention. Just like me, I've never mentioned my hometown, right?"

Nancy seemed to have a blind spot, and her tone was even more enlightened.

"Wow, that's right, boss, I just realized now, why have you never mentioned your hometown? You are not from Victoria!"

Xia Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, before I came to Victoria, I was in Colombia."

"Are you Colombian?"

"No, I was in Chernobog in Ursus before going to Colombia."

"Huh? You are from Ursus, no, you don't have bear ears."

"Of course I'm not an Ursus."

"Then where are you from?"

Xia Feng's voice was very calm.

"Before Chernobog, I came from another world."

Hearing this statement, Nancy burst into laughter.

"Haha, you really know how to joke. Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I'm paying attention to my health now and it's time to go to bed."

I don’t know why, but since I met Nancy, this girl has paid great attention to health.

She was clearly in her early twenties after just graduating, but she always drank health-preserving tea, and the entire Black Feather Barbecue Restaurant was engaged in health-preserving tea with her.

But this is not a bad thing. In terms of health care, the more the better. Perhaps this is the strategic vision of a smart woman.

On the phone, Xia Feng finally said.

"Okay, when Qiancai comes back from winter vacation, you can ask her. If she wants to come and play, she can come over at any time. The place where we live now is a cherry blossom forest. When the spring blooms, the cherry blossoms will definitely be beautiful."

"Okay, I'll ask when the time comes."

"Well, that's it, goodbye."

This phone call solved most of Xia Feng's worries.

With the previous promise from Boss Yin and the domineering attitude of Wei Na from Victoria's side, his situation in Dongguo can be said to be rock solid.

With two mountains at his back, no one can shake him even if he does nothing.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Feng was in a good mood. He picked up the Shenyue Sword and ran to the yard to perform a swordsmanship taught to him by Master Xiao.

Seeing Xia Feng acting like a monkey, Hong Dao secretly made up his mind.

"Even Xia Feng works so hard and practices swordsmanship late at night. It seems I have to work harder."

Two days later.

The sky was a little gloomy, but the wind was not strong, a cold wave passed, and the temperature became slightly warmer.

"Chug, tug, tug, tug, tug!"

Bagpipe drove the tractor and couldn't bear the loneliness and plowed a piece of land outside the yard. Turtle also sat on the tractor, shaking his head happily.

"Sister Bagpipe, this thing is so fun, hahaha!"

Xia Feng stood at the gate and shouted with curled lips.

"Bagpipe, we can't sow seeds in this winter, so why are you plowing the land?"

Bagpipe drove the tractor with a cheerful expression on his face and said leisurely.

"I'm just farming for fun, can't I?"

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up expressionlessly.

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

In the yard, Lapland shrugged his ears and slumped in the rocking chair without any image.

"The tractor is too noisy, take care of your woman, I'm going to be noisy to death."

Xia Feng turned around and rolled his eyes at her.

"What are you talking about? Don't make such jokes."

"It's too noisy anyway, I can't even sleep."

Looking at Lapland's appearance, Xia Feng said helplessly.

"Lagouzi, can you not sleep in the middle of the day? Can't you practice swordsmanship like Hong Dao, or go out for a walk? What does it look like for a girl to stay at home every day?"

Lapland raised his eyelids listlessly.

"I want to go to Longmen, but you won't let me."

Xia Feng crossed his arms.

"Who asked you to go to such a far place? I mean go out of the house and go around the neighborhood."

"Tch, is there anything nearby to turn to?"

"You can go patrolling the surrounding areas, or go to Sandworm Island to see sandworms. If that doesn't work, you can go out to sea with the fishing boats and enjoy the sea breeze."

Yawning, Lapland reluctantly stood up from the rocking chair.

"Okay, okay, I'll go to the beach to catch crabs. Oh, it's really boring."

After that, she walked out of the yard with her chin hanging down.

Walking out of the yard, there was another big bus next to Lapland. Unlike her, this one was swinging and flying.

Lapland glanced sideways at Feng Bao who was following her.

"Silly dog, why do you always follow me?"


"Let me tell you beforehand, I'm not your kind, I'm a Luper."

"Woof woof!"

"What? Are you a wolf too? I don't believe it. How can a wolf be as stupid as you?"

"Woof woof, woof woof, shasshaha!"


Looking at the backs of one person and one dog walking away, Xia Feng sighed sincerely.

"Tsk, tsk, even Feng Bao can guess what he wants to express, and he said they are not the same kind. Hey, it is not certain who is the stupid dog."

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