Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1047 Winter Night

In the courtyard.

At this moment, Sakura Wulan seemed to be a different person.

The powerful physical strength enhanced by the Origin Stone skills combined with the superb sword skills is like a hellish Shura.

Facing this "monster", Xiao Yunye was forced to retreat continuously.

The battle supported by the energy of the Origin Stone has an overwhelming advantage, and his physical strength will become worse and worse if it continues.


Seeing the right moment, Xiao Yunye used his sword force to force away Ying Wulan who had been fighting. Then, a light flashed in his eyes.

[The fourth style of Sad Autumn Liyu, Thunder Cloud Slash]

This is an absolute killer move in a one-on-one confrontation after thoroughly understanding Qingyun Sword Technique.

The principle is almost similar to the sword-drawing technique of the Sakura Warrior family, but the difference is that Thunder Cloud Slash does not require a starting position, but is instantaneous!


Surrounded by a thunder explosion, Xiao Yunye turned into an afterimage, instantly forcing himself in front of Ying Wulan who was retreating.

In an instant, the Qingyun Sword in his hand had slashed horizontally on his chest. The power of this sword was enough to split the human body in two from the middle.


The sound of the sword cutting through flesh was heard. The sword did not deflect at all and struck Ying Wulan's chest accurately.

However, what was broken was only the flesh.

Perhaps it was the awakened special Origin Stone skill. At this time, a layer of dark blue crystals suddenly appeared under Ying Wulan's skin. This sword did not break it!

Ying Wulan admitted that he could not avoid this sword with his physical skills, so he chose to resist.

As for the result, it was just as he expected.

Since he is called a "monster" by Xiao Yunye, he has a power that is beyond the ordinary. No matter how superb the swordsmanship of the Yan Kingdom's number one sword master is, he cannot kill him now!

In the flash of lightning, Ying Wulan's face showed a victorious smile.


The blade of the cherry blossom sword in his hand was instantly filled with actual lightning.

The entire blade was surrounded by electric light, and the surging current was daunting.

It can be seen from this that Sakura Wulan, who was infected by the dark blue Origin Stone, awakened at least three different Origin Stone skills.

One is a substantial improvement in physical fitness.

One is a defense similar to hardened skin.

The last one is this terrifying technique of controlling lightning.

This kind of improvement is simply abnormal.

With three different types of Origin Stone skills, coupled with the talent of swordsmanship, if he is a Rhodes Island operator, he is at least a six-star magic guard.

The electric light pulses and the cold light flashes.

Xiao Yunye didn't have time to adjust his posture after he failed with one sword strike.

The next second, the cherry blossom knife mixed with terrifying electric light had already slashed head-on.

Interlaced lightning reflected in the old pupils.


Hot blood filled the night sky.





Xia Feng suddenly woke up from the table. Because he woke up so violently, his body was unbalanced for a moment and he almost fell off the stool.

The turtle who was playing with the windmill next to him was startled.

"Big Windmill, what's wrong with you? You're yelling."

Xia Feng, who came back to his senses, looked a little shocked, touched his forehead and murmured.

"I seemed to have fallen asleep just now."

Turtle pointed at him and smiled heartlessly.

"Hahaha, you can actually fall asleep while sitting on the big windmill. It's so funny, hahahaha~"

At this time, Bagpipe placed a bowl of boiled ginger soup in front of Xia Feng, looked at his pale face, and asked softly.

"What's wrong? Are you having a nightmare?"

Xia Feng rubbed his temples, feeling a little unsure himself.

"I didn't seem to be dreaming. I just shivered suddenly. Hey, maybe I've been thinking about too many things recently."

After saying that, Xia Feng picked up the ginger soup brought by the bagpipe and took a small sip against the edge of the bowl.

It was pitch black outside the window. It was obvious that the night was already deep.

Bagpipe's ginger soup is slightly spicy in the mouth, and sugar is added to it. The sweetness after the spicy taste is refreshing, and it warms the heart and soul in this winter's late night.

While sipping the soup, Xia Feng unconsciously moved his eyes to the calendar.

The Eastern Ghost Festival is getting closer and closer.

He could act nonchalant and eat and drink as much as he could throughout the day. The production of sandworms increased steadily, and a lot of money was transferred into his account.

However, he cannot deceive his own heart.

Faced with the dispute between the Nishinomiya family and the Sakurawu family, even if he did not intend to interfere in any way, he could not calm down in his heart.

At this time, the sound of bagpipes came from the side again.

"Summer breeze."

Xia Feng raised his head while holding the soup bowl.


Different from his usual indifference, Bagpipe's eyes at this moment were mixed with a hint of worry.

Her voice was soft.

"Xia Feng, do you still remember why we chose to settle on this coast in the first place?"

After hearing Bagpipe's words, Xia Feng already knew what she wanted to say.

"I remember."

“Isn’t the life we ​​have now good enough?”

"Very good, as good as a dream."

Bagpipe's eyes are very deep.

"I don't mean the material aspect, I mean that friends get together, there is no dispute, there is no blood, and you can do what you want every day, Xia Feng, isn't this kind of life exactly what you expected."

"Bagpipes, stop talking."

"Xia Feng, I know what you are thinking. Although you didn't say it, I can tell."

Xia Feng placed the half-drunk bowl on the table and closed his eyes.

"I'm just thinking about it, Bagpipe. I understand everything you said."

"Do you really understand?"

"I know."

At this moment, Bagpipe's eyes were full of expectation, and she stared deeply at Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, promise me not to interfere in this dispute in the East Kingdom anymore. If Xichuan can't stay, we can go back to Victoria. As long as our friends are together, we are home. Now we have the opportunity to give up everything and start over. It’s capital, isn’t it?”

Although Bagpipe was born as a soldier, Xia Feng knew that what she hated most was war.

Because war means death, she must have witnessed countless comrades leaving her during her years of serving in the Victoria Northern Military Region.

Back then, on the last day he left Victoria, he went to the Royal Cemetery to visit Mesa, and bagpipes also appeared there that day.

Xia Feng understood that compared to himself, Bagpipe had also lost many important people because of the war.

Opening his eyes, Xia Feng raised his head and showed a bright smile to Bagpipe.

"Okay, I promise you."

After receiving this answer, Bagpipe stared closely at Xia Feng's face, as if trying to determine the authenticity of this answer.

However, Xia Feng's smile was so sincere that it was impeccable.

Finally, she believed it.


Raising the corner of his mouth, Bagpipe also smiled.

She picked up the soup bowl on the table and said with a happy smile.

"There's still a lot of ginger soup. Do you want another bowl?"

"Such a delicious soup, of course I have to have another bowl."

"Okay, I'll help you fill it."

After that, she put on her slippers and returned to the kitchen briskly.

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