Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1048 The ultimate escape

The calmer life is, the faster it feels like time passes.

A few days later, the day of the Eastern Ghost Festival arrived.

These days, Xia Feng didn't just eat and sleep like a fool. Although he didn't seem nervous, he had secretly planned a "retreat".

He didn't know whether Nishimiya Ling had agreed to the "unequal treaties" from the major consortiums in Longmen at this point in time. The only thing he was sure of was that if Nishikawa fell, the Sakura Warriors' samurai would soon attack here.

Once the Nishimiya family loses, then his stay or stay will depend on the attitude of the Sakurawu family.

Logically speaking, even if the Sakura Takeshi family succeeded in conquering the entire Nishikawa, there would be no reason for him to be expelled, because on this coast, he was considered a foreign businessman.

To put it bluntly, as long as the head of the Yingwu family is not squeezed by the door, then he will definitely be very friendly to him and strive for a win-win situation instead of facing each other with swords.

After all, we can make money together.

Without him, Sandworm Island would be an ordinary island. Only through his operation can sandworms be turned into money.

Of course, this is the result of normal logic. He believes that the head of the Sakurawu family, Yamashio Sakurawu, is also a normal person.

However, there is an existence in the Sakurawu family that cannot be judged by common sense, and that is Sakurawulan.

It was precisely because of Sakura Wulan's existence that he needed to think of a way out for himself and the worst possibility he would face after the fall of Nishikawa.

Amidst the anxiety in my heart, the day of the Eastern Ghost Festival has arrived.

According to Nishinomiya Ling's previous predictions, this day is most likely the day when the Yingwu family launches a general attack on Nishikawa.

Although Xia Feng had no intention of interfering, he still needed to keep abreast of the situation on the front line as much as possible. According to his instructions, Black Steel's scouts stationed here were also collecting intelligence on the border war.

However, what surprised him was that until the sun set on Ghost Festival, the soldiers gathered by the Sakura Takeshi family at the border did not move.

Apparently, there was no plan to launch a general offensive on this day.

Weird, this is weird.

Xia Feng was not the only one who found it strange.

In the Nishinomiya family's mansion, a room full of retainers and military generals all felt strange.

As the head of the family, Nishimiya Ling was already ready to burn the boat, but who knew that there was no movement from the Yingwu family.

With the military level of Dongzhou, it is impossible to achieve the rigor of the intelligence. Soon, the Nishimiya family's informants in Dongzhou returned accurate intelligence.

According to intelligence, five days ago, a family banquet was held at the Sakura Takeshi family's residence, which was also the last strategic meeting before the war. All the big business owners in the Eastern Kingdom were invited.

In the middle of the banquet, the heavily guarded family residence was attacked by assassins.

According to intelligence, the attack caused the entire banquet hall to collapse into rubble, and the guests fled in all directions. The samurai guarding the hospital suffered heavy casualties, and even the head of the family, Sakura Takeyama Yuu, was injured.

Because of this, the generals gathered on the front line by the Sakura Takeshi family did not hastily order a general attack.

The family's mansion was attacked in the rear, and they did not dare to act rashly at this time.

Upon hearing the news, Nishimiya Ling was stunned and Nishimiya Yanshi was dumbfounded.

Even General Long Ping, who rushed back from the front line overnight because he knew about the treaty, was shocked.

Nishimiya Ryuhei is nearly 70 years old. Although he was brave and good at fighting in his youth, time has not spared anyone. Now he is just a symbol of the soul of the soldiers in the army.

On the front line, Nishimiya Ryuhei knew about the meeting a few days ago and that Nishimiya Ling planned to sign an "unequal treaty" in order to resolve the family crisis, so he rushed back from the front line overnight.

Because for him, who also has the surname Nishimiya, this is extremely humiliating.

Although Nishimiya Ling is the current head of the family, he is still too young and does not think carefully about some things. As an elder, Nishimiya Ryuhei is very worried that his nephew will make wrong decisions if he is irrational.

In fact, Nishimiya Ryuhei came back this time to discuss another plan with his family.

That is to shrink the defense and give up the sixteen large cities on the periphery in order to satisfy the appetite of the Sakurawu family.

Although this seems more humiliating, if you take a long-term view, you will know that this is actually better than letting foreign businessmen from Longmen enter Xichuan and continue to exploit this land.

For this reason, Nishimiya Ryuhei is back.

As long as Nishimiya Ling agrees, he will immediately order the front line to shrink the defense line and give up the city before the Sakura Takejia's general attack.

However, before the outcome of the matter was discussed, the melon from the Yingwu family took the lead.

At such a critical moment, the Sakurawu family's main residence was actually attacked by assassins, which was outrageous.

If at this time a reporter took a microphone and randomly interviewed anyone in any city in the East Kingdom, and asked them, "Who do you think sent the assassin to attack the Sakura Takeshi family?"

Then probably 99 out of 100 people will definitely answer "Nishimiya family".

As for the only person whose answer is different from the mainstream crowd, he won't say much.

This person would only reply in a hurry, "I'm not from Dongguo. I don't know what's going on here. By the way, may I ask, do you know how to get to the south coast of Xichuan?"

On the south coast of Nishikawa, inside the pavilion in the cherry blossom forest.

After getting the news, Xia Feng had the same thoughts as the 99 people. They all believed that the Nishimiya family had sent assassins and were preparing to launch an ultimate bypass to try to buy time.

Of course, he didn't know whether this was good news for him.

According to the intelligence, although the mansion was in a state of embarrassment, the head of the family, Yamashio Sakurawu, was not dead. As for the samurai who were killed, they could only be regarded as a drop in the bucket of the Sakurawu family's strength.

The reason why the generals on the front line were worried was because they did not understand the situation.

If the attack is just this one wave, it won't be long before the Sakurawu family's general attack will be launched.

The temperature dropped sharply at night, and the cold wind outside could freeze people's noses with snot bubbles. Everyone, including Lapland, stayed indoors to keep warm.

While Xia Feng was thinking hard about this information, Hong Dao, who was sitting at the door with his eyes closed and silent, suddenly opened his eyes.

The next second, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

Faced with this sudden knock on the door, Xia Feng was stunned for a moment.

Including Xiao Hui and others, no one would knock on the door when they came to the house. He was not a very particular person, and he always pushed the door open when he came in and out.

However, if the visitor is an outsider, the Heigang brothers who are responsible for guarding the outside did not report it, and even Feng Bao in the yard did not give an early warning. This is really strange.

Obviously, this person is not an "acquaintance" living here, and at the same time he can hide from all warnings, and can even hide his aura from Feng Bao.

"Dong dong dong!"

The knocking on the door continued.


Hong Dao, who was closest to the door, held his hand on the handle and pulled out a section of the blade. It was obvious that Hong Dao had the same idea as Xia Feng.

Following the knock on the door, Lapland, who was breathing hard, pricked up his ears, the bagpipe that was sweeping the floor stopped, Ifrit raised his eyebrows, and even Turtle pursed his lips and did not say anything. sound.

Seeing the wink Hong Dao gave him, Xia Feng stood up from the stool and held the Shenyue Dao on the table.

In the somewhat solemn atmosphere in the room, he moved lightly to the door and asked aloud through the door.


An old and familiar voice came faintly from the other side of the door.

"Xia Feng, it's me."

Hearing this voice, everyone in the room was stunned at the same time, and the next second, their expressions of joy showed.

Obviously, everyone knows who this voice is!


Xia Feng opened the door without hesitation.

For him, there is no need to be wary of this voice, because the owner of this voice represents absolute security.

The door was opened, and standing at the door was an old man in plain clothes who looked a little tired.

Seeing this friend whom he had not seen for nearly a year, Xia Feng shouted happily.

"Master Xiao!"

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