Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1052 Cherry Blossoms in Hometown

A few days later, in a somewhat gloomy mood, Xia Feng finally experienced something worthy of joy.

With the expectations of Guigui and others, Haimen Group's latest cargo ship arrived at the South Coast Terminal, with companions on board from distant Victoria.

The Royal Academy had a holiday, and at his suggestion, both Ansel and Qiancai came to him for a holiday.

In addition, Froststar and the Snow Monster team are also here.

The holidays at the Royal Academy are very long, at least more than 2 months.

Based on the climate of the Eastern Kingdom, it will almost be early spring in more than two months. This is Qiancai's hometown, and Xia Feng wants her to see what the cherry blossoms look like when they are in full bloom.

This was his original plan, but the current situation seems a bit pessimistic.

The disputes in the East Kingdom were more complicated than he expected. He didn't know if he could survive two months. Maybe he could, or maybe changes would come inadvertently.

But he has nothing to worry about when he arrives. The south coast requires ships and planes, and he can still evacuate at any time if he wants.

Coupled with the stationing of Black Steel's elite troops, the warning range can radiate to hundreds of kilometers in radius.


Xia Feng led everyone to guard the dock early. Under the expectant eyes, the huge cargo ship finally stopped.

"Brother Xia Feng!"

Qiancai, who was still far away, was the first to come down and ran towards him. When she got closer, the girl actually gave him a big hug.

Qiancai wore a thick cotton coat and had the same horn on her head as her brother. Of course, her appearance was not as rugged as A Guang's, and her facial features were very pretty and cute.

Judging from her mental state, there is no trace of gloom on Qiancai's face. This has a lot to do with the meticulous care Nancy and her colleagues at the barbecue restaurant have given her over the past year.

Qiancai is a smart girl. She knows that all this is Xia Feng's wish. After her brother left, she did not feel lonely at all, but was held in the palm of everyone's hands.

In her heart, she already regarded Xia Feng as her biological brother.

After hugging Qiancai, Xia Feng looked at her lovingly.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel uncomfortable after being on the boat for so long?"

Qiancai shook her head cheerfully.

"No, Dr. Kane helped me prepare seasickness medicine before I left. I'm fine at all, hehe."

"that's fine."

After Qiancai, Shuangxing also walked out surrounded by the snow monster team.

We haven't seen each other for nearly a year, and these people have become much more mature. Even though they were far away, Sun Fugui waved at him fiercely.

"Hi, Brother Feng, we are here!"

Wendigo No. 1 is carrying a long knife, Sanwa is carrying a sniper rifle, and Wendigo No. 4 has a frying pan stuck to his waist. He said that he is used to using this pot, and the cooking is particularly fragrant.

The frost star walking in the middle still has such an otherworldly temperament. With her white boots and gray-white coat, she looks like a queen walking out of the ice and snow.

Walking up to Xia Feng, she glanced at the scarf around Xia Feng's neck. It still had the little rabbit on it that she had embroidered by herself.

A smile melts the ice.

"Xia Feng, long time no see."

Looking at Shuangxing's face, Xia Feng's mind seemed to reappear in the scene when he was in Longmen Prison, and the taste of the spicy candy seemed to still be lingering in his mouth.

This little white rabbit was the person he went to Ursus to save with his own hands, and it was also a choice he had no regrets in his life.

Showing a sincere smile, Xia Feng opened his arms.

"Frost Star, long time no see."


Reunion is always a joy, and everyone is happy to be together on the coast and in another country.

The enthusiastic Turtle hugged everyone, and then took Ansel and Qiancai to visit Sandworm Island.

It was obvious that Guigui had just left Victoria not long ago, but seeing her happy look was like seeing a long-lost relative.

Of course Xia Feng was very happy to see so many companions.

However, there was a hidden sense of depression in his smile, which seemed to match the gloomy sky above his head.

On the way back to the cherry blossom forest, Sun Fugui said frankly and without restraint.

"Brother Feng, I haven't seen you for a year. You seem to be more mature than before."

Xia Feng turned his head sideways.

"Is it."

"Well, you now give people a serious feeling and a sense of distance. Maybe this is the sign of a strong person."

The snow monster No. 1 next to him kicked Sun Fugui, glared at him, and made a lip gesture of "Don't talk nonsense".

Obviously, except for the heartless Sun Fugui, everyone saw that something was wrong with Xia Feng's mood. If you had to describe it, it seemed a bit familiar.

It was similar to the expression he showed when he gathered the infected people in Saint Dee City at the end of the Victorian Dark Age and prepared to take everyone into the abyss.

The only difference was that Xia Feng's eyes were firm then, but now, there was a trace of confusion.

Shuangxing, who was walking side by side, turned his face sideways.

"Xia Feng, what's wrong with you? Are you in any trouble?"

Realizing that his condition caused worries to his companions, Xia Feng shook his head in embarrassment.

"No, it's nothing. Hehe, it's just that things are not peaceful in the East Kingdom recently. But don't worry, there is no threat to us. You can just enjoy your vacation peacefully."

"Is it."

"Well, it's really okay."

Even in an unfamiliar environment, the people are still familiar.

As Bagpipe said, as long as friends are together, home is everywhere.

Arriving at the house in Sakura Forest, Shuangxing, Qiancai and others quickly adapted to the life here. Snow Monster No. 4 volunteered to take over Bagpipe's job and became everyone's professional chef.

In the next few days, life in the cherry blossom forest was warm and beautiful, almost like a dream.

This kind of daily life full of laughter and laughter actually gave Xia Feng a dreamlike feeling.

Once upon a time, wasn't this the dream he expected.

Victoria's dark age is over, and there is no need to worry about life. As long as he wants to, no one in the world seems to be able to threaten his safety.

However, all he can protect is "his home".

One evening, Xia Feng was sitting at the table again, lost in thought, his eyes subconsciously staring at the calendar on the table.

The days of the Eastern Ghost Festival have long passed, and the measurement of dates has lost its meaning.


Raising his hand, he directly pressed down the calendar on the table, then took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Xia Feng sat alone in the living room, while Bagpipe led Qiancai, who had just had dinner, to the bathroom door.

"Qiancai, the water has been boiled. Do you want to take a shower first?"

"Ah, Sister Bagpipe, I'm not in a hurry. You can just let everyone wash it first."

Although the weather outside is very cold, the heating system in this room is still very powerful. This is all due to Mel's previous help in remodeling it, including the modern bathroom on the first floor.

Qiancai is cute, humble and polite. She obviously likes Bagpipe very much and even treats her like her own sister.

"Qiancai, how about we wash it together? I can help you wipe your back."

"Ah, wow, wow."

"Well, let's wash together, let's go in."


As the bathroom door closed, the laughter of girls taking off their clothes soon came from inside.

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