The looming sound of bagpipes and Qiancai continued to be heard in the bathroom, but when this imaginative sound reached Xia Feng's ears in the living room, it didn't seem to cause any disturbance in her heart.

His whole face was expressionless, like a sage.

Because in his heart at the moment, he was thinking about something much heavier than this kind of laughter.


At this moment, the communicator on the table rang. This was an internal communicator and could only be used by yourself.

"Hi, I'm Xia Feng."

On the other side of the communicator, the serious and capable voice of Captain Rota of the Black Steel Troops came.

"Xia Feng, the troops assembled by the Yingwu family at the border have made new movements. It seems that they are planning to launch a general attack."

After hearing this information, Xia Feng's eyes twitched, but his voice was calm, as if he was trying his best to suppress his emotions and deliberately acted indifferent.

"Yeah, I know."

"Xia Feng, what else do you need us to do? Continue to collect the latest developments of the Yingwu family and report to you?"

"No need, let the investigating brothers withdraw."


"It's okay. I've figured it out. This matter has nothing to do with us. We just need to ensure our own safety."

"okay, I get it."

After turning off the communicator, Xia Feng turned pale. Obviously, this natural decision was not as easy as it sounds for him.

After all, the Sakurawu family was ready to take action, and he finally chose to protect himself.

He could even imagine how desperate Nishimiya Ling, Nishimiya Yanshi and others in the Nishimiya family's residence would be when they learned about this information about the enemy's movements.

As the rulers of Xichuan, their land was about to be invaded. The soldiers gathered in a short period of time were all people of Xichuan. They rushed to the battlefield and died tragically.

On one side are the invaders who are assisted by the so-called sword gods of the Eastern Kingdom, and on the other side are the ugly Longmen Consortium. For the Nishimiya family, both sides are cliffs.

Yes, this is the inevitable development of the times. It can also be called God's will. There is no excuse for the weak.

However, as a witness to all of this, Xia Feng, with his character, is enduring suffering that others cannot understand.

He clearly had no position and no reason, but he felt extremely depressed.

Perhaps, even though he does not claim to be a good person, there is still a trace of ridiculous kindness in his heart.

He reached out to the water glass on the table in a daze, and lifted the glass to his mouth stupidly.

However, there is no water in the cup.


The sound of breaking came, and the cup had been pinched into cracks without Xia Feng's consciousness.

The broken cup brought Xia Feng's thoughts back to reality. He lowered his head blankly and looked at the cup in his hand. However, the first thing he saw was the paper pinwheel on the table that he had not thrown away.

Starting from tomorrow, perhaps the entire Xichuan will be like this windmill, tattered and torn apart by external forces.

Including the person who gave him the windmill.

The living room was very quiet. Xia Feng was the only one holding the cup and staring blankly at the rough paper pinwheel.

At this time, the sound of bagpipes and Qiancai in the bathroom faintly reached Xia Feng's ears.

"Sister Qiancai, your skin is so good, white and tender."

"Hehe, it's okay."

"I am so envious."

"Sister Bagpipe, you also have a good figure. I hope I can become someone like you in the future."

"Haha, sister Qiancai is really good at talking. What is this? This pendant is so exquisite. Did you buy it in Victoria?"

"No, I have worn this since I was a child."

"Is it a family heirloom?"

"Well, I don't know. I guess so. My brother also had the same one, but he lost it later in a fight."

"Wow, it's really exquisite and beautiful. This shape is rare in Victoria. The green one is probably a clover."

Xia Feng's expression was very dull, but when he vaguely heard the conversation coming from the bathroom, something strange gradually appeared in his absent-minded pupils.

Pendant? Clover?


Xia Feng slammed the cup in his hand onto the table. Because it had been pinched and cracked, the cup immediately broke into several pieces.

However, he ignored the cup and stood up immediately.

He took a step forward and headed straight to the bathroom.

"Dong dong dong!"

Standing outside the bathroom door, Xia Feng started knocking on the door with a solemn expression and shouted seriously at the same time.

"Qiancai, what pendant were you talking about just now!"

Hearing Xia Feng's voice, the bagpipe inside immediately responded with dissatisfaction.

"What are you doing? We are getting ready to take a bath. Go away."

Xia Feng's volume continued to increase.

"Stop washing yet, put on your clothes and open the door!"

"What are you doing? Why are you so crazy? Don't bother us."

"Get dressed and open the door! Now, now, or I'm going in!"

Bagpipe inside was obviously frightened. This was the first time she heard Xia Feng talk to her with such an attitude.

Of course, it wasn't a tantrum, but a sense of unspeakable anxiety.

"Okay, I understand, let's get dressed right away."

2 minutes later.

As the bathroom door lock made a crisp sound, Xia Feng anxiously opened the door.

Staring at Qiancai, whose hair was still wet, he immediately stretched out his palm.

"Where's the pendant you just mentioned? Show it to me."

Qiancai was a little frightened, and helplessly took the pendant off her neck and handed it to Xia Feng.

"Brother Xia Feng, here it is."

Xia Feng's brain was in chaos and he couldn't care about other people's feelings. He took the pendant and stared at its shape blankly.

This pendant is indeed as exquisite as the bagpiper said.

The pendant is about the size of a thumb and is carved entirely from emerald green jade. This craftsmanship with Eastern characteristics is very similar to the cherry blossom pendant of the Sakurabu family.

But the difference is that the green ones are not cherry blossoms, but clovers.

The leaves of the clover are in the shape of a regular triangle, stretching in three different directions. Staring at the pendant, the scenery in his eyes gradually coincides with the pattern in his memory.



"Have you worn this pendant since you were a child? Are you sure you didn't get it from someone else?"

Qiancai nodded seriously.

"It belongs only to me and has been there since I can remember."

"You just said that Aguang had the same pendant on his body?"

"Yes, my brother also had it, but he lost it later."

Xia Feng's pupils flickered, his whole face showed an incredible trance, and even his voice became hoarse.

"Qiancai, do you know the meaning of this pendant?"

"I don't know, I've been in Victoria for as long as I can remember and no one has ever told me about it."

In the silence, Xia Feng's brain was desperately trying to find a logical relationship in the chaotic thoughts.

There was civil strife in the Nishimiya family.

20 years ago.

Ryuhei Nishimiya.

A 2-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son.

After regaining consciousness in an instant, Xia Feng reached out, grabbed Qiancai's arm, and brought her to the living room.

"Come, tell me something about how you and Guang lived in Victoria before you met me."

"Brother Xia Feng"

Xia Feng looked at Qiancai very seriously.

"Qiancai, I know it may be painful for you to recall this, but now I have to know this. This is very important to me, please."

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